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Poetry: January 11, 2012 Issue [#4822]

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 This week: Believe It to See It
  Edited by: Quizmo LaGrande
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt

Greetings and Happy 2012!
Poetry has been a long-time passion of mine, as has being a participating member in the WCD community for past ten years. Now that I'm retired from the teaching world, it is high time I finally get my fabulous flying fingers in the newsletter pot and share my view of the poetry world with all you poetry loving readers and writers.

These past two years I've been living my dream traveling around the country in a '70 vdub camper along with my trusty sidekick, a white German Shepard named Ado Annie. My little poet psyche has been doing a lot of observing and absorbing. It's quite a fascinating place, this world of ours, diverse in the wonders of nature alone. Of course, I've run into more than a few hardships along the trail, but happiness always prevails and ultimately, it's been one heck of a wild ride. I have to smile as I move on from place to place wondering, "What will happen in the next exciting episode in the Adventures of Quizmo LaGrande?" But I know it will all be "Right-e-o!"

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Letter from the editor

Well, it's almost two weeks into the new year and how safe is it for me to say, "Congratulations!" for keeping up with all those noble resolutions so far? I'm guessing most of them are still going strong. Bravo... hooray.. umm... well, let me know how it's going next month.

Now I don't mean to start off this wonderful, auspicious year of 2012, as well as my premiere issue as your newest WDC Poetry editor, as a doubting Thomas, but... well, let's face it, New Year's resolutions, more often than not, simply fade away in a month or two only to reappear back on the list next January when once again those pesky last ten pounds are finally going to be shed.

But perhaps, just perhaps, this year is different. Not only will you shed those last few pounds, get in the best physical shape ever, write that novel, pour your heart and soul out in poetry (and get published!), conquer the evil nicotine or alcohol monster, quit procrastinating, get your dream job, or whatever greatness you pursue, but I predict, you will do it with far little effort than you thought.

Why do I say that? Because, hey, it's 2012, and in case you didn't know, it's the year that life ends as we know it.

Oh, don't believe all that doomsday media hype that the planet's going to be obliterated and we're all going to die at the end of the year (in that case, what difference does it make... go ahead, GAIN ten extra pounds, eat, drink, die happy). No, it means the veils of unconsciousness are being lifted and the earth-civilization-is finally beginning to see the light and be NICE to one another. I mean, corruption, violence, greed, genocide... all that nasty stuff we've suffered with throughout the ages, will diminish, dissolve and *poof* disappear. Imagine that! (John Lennon did.) No violence, no wars, but a real cohesive world that works together in harmony with each other and the earth just as nature intended. Of course it's not going to happen overnight... it'll take a few years , maybe a decade or three. You may think I'm a dreamer, but the times they are a changing.

So, what does this have to do with poetry? Well, good friends, I say poets have had first crack at delivering this good news for ages. (Look at the modern day bards like Lennon and Dylan) For not only does a poet sing songs of the past, lamenting and reminiscing glories and horrors, telling stories for all time with words written and spoken in verse, allegory and passion. The poet is the bearer of love, romance and heartache no bouquet of roses can ever heal, yet a poet leaves the thorn wedged in your heart though you sleep on a pillow of scented petals. Poets are the seers of all that is and all that is possible. Poets are able to describe with conviction the depth and emptiness of the black hole of despair, the rainbow of hope, and the qualifying source of beauty in both.

The poet is the sayer, the namer, and represents beauty. He is a sovereign, and stands on the centre. For the world is not painted, or adorned, but is from the beginning beautiful; and God has not made some beautiful things, but Beauty is the creator of the universe. Therefore the poet is not any permissive potentate, but is emperor in his own right. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays - The Poet

So, with the birthing of 2012, and the whole world molting off humanities indignities, let's sing a song of revelation - resolution! Write out your hopes and dreams. Sing their praises in the verse. Romance yourself with a resounding chorus of all you want and want to be. Sing yourself perfect till you feel every fiber of what it feels like, then paint it in poetry, in words so eloquent, the world will surely honor your New Life's Resolution.

Believe it and you will see it. And just to prove it, I'll post your fabulous New Life's Resolution poems in next month's edition.

Cheers! And a Happy New You!

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined." - Henry David Thoreau

Editor's Picks

A few resolutionary thoughts from years past..

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#1197799 by Not Available.

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#1043353 by Not Available.

 New Year  (E)
Looking with hope at a new year
#748009 by Candlemaker

My response to New Year wishes.
#1366212 by Dr M C Gupta

 New Year,New Life  (E)
New Year = A hopefully new better life.
#921892 by Angela

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Have a comment or question, or a New Life Resolution you'd like to share?

Pop me an email Quizmo LaGrande or submit through the feedback box below. I'd love to hear from you. Remember as an editor, I'm the new kid on the block, so be nice. *Delight*

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