Horror/Scary: February 29, 2012 Issue [#4908]
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 This week: Somebody's Watching Me.
  Edited by: darkin
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Fear, that edge of your seat excitement that brings all lovers of horror to their knees. That's what horror writing is all about.

My name is darkin and I'll be your editor for this addition of The Horror/Scary Newsletter.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Somebody's Watching Me

The unknown stalker. Someone who feels the need to be in control of another. I can't think of anything more terrifying, other than clowns or zombies. A stranger, who's sole purpose in life is to keep an eye on an unsuspecting person. There are many reasons for a person to stalk another; power, control, need, insanity. But the main reason is usually an obsessive compulsion to keep the person of their interest under their power.

As a horror character, a stalker can bring suspense, and fear, to a story. They are the reality a good horror story needs to keep the reader nervous...and always looking over their shoulder while reading.

There are many types of stalkers, but these three appear to be the most common ones.

Simple Obsessional: This stalker knows their victim. They were in a past relationship with the victim, a neighbor, customer, or acquaintance. Usually, the victim has done something the stalker feels 'wronged' them, and now the stalker needs to correct this wrong.

Erotomania: This stalker is almost always delusional. They believe the victim is in love with them, but is being kept from them by family, friends, or just doesn't realize what the stalker means to the victim. The victim rarely knows the stalker, or if they do, it is minor contact.

Love Obsessional: This stalker usually is in love with a famous person. They send letters, flowers, and follow the famous person around. Always convinced that the victim would fall into their arms if the stalker were given a chance.

Stalkers use all sorts of tricks to keep an eye on their victims.

Letters: Writing letters is a way to keep their victim on edge. Many stalkers send long, rambling messages about how much the victim means to them, and how terrible the victim 'treated' them.

Telephone calls: Calling at all hours of the day and night, even if the stalker never says a word, can be emotional draining. And makes the victim feel less in control of their own lives.

Surveillance: Many stalkers will follow the object of their obsession around, just to know who they know, and where they go. They take pictures, steal property and usually keep a detailed record of their obsession's day.

Any, or all, of these can build suspense in a horror story. Bringing a stalker into the picture can build real life horror, and give your reader something to wonder about.

Thank you for taking the time to read.


Editor's Picks

Don't look now, but someone's watching you....

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#1847247 by Not Available.

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#1849210 by Not Available.

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#1841001 by Not Available.

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#1757090 by Not Available.

 Copyright Infrigement  (13+)
George was a famous author, but his new books have a problem, someone is writing them too.
#1714791 by Pedro Cabrita

Mistaken Identity  (13+)
A good Samaritan mistakes one kind of evil for another. Winner Absolute Horror FF Contest
#1398669 by Nomar Knight

 Terror from the Past  (ASR)
One phone call will bring Jess's past into her present; it could turn out deadly for her.
#1505360 by A-shleigh Ride in the Snow

 Valentine's Day  (13+)
69-word story
#1215416 by ⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites

 Where Angels Belong  (18+)
A short short to give you the creeps. Step inside a twisted mind.
#973907 by TBird_critterkeeper

 The Stalker  (E)
Written for the 55 word story contest. The monster's chase.
#883300 by Mitch

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#1004090 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this newsletter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Until next time, watch out behind you!!!!



Thank you all for the wonderful feedback. Here are some of the responses I received after the last newsletter!



Wow! That is scary! Call Of Duty Zombies are the scariest! Zombies are awesome!

PS:Add chapters to my Black Ops Zombies interactive story! NOBODY has added chapters to it! Please!

-Chris. (the boy from Maria The Hedgehog)

Yes, my boys love that part of the game. I've tried to take the zombies on, but alas, I stink at video games. *Frown*



Zombies! Eeek!
Next time, I have the cold or flu symptoms, I'll be so scared.
Thanks for the fun. *Smile*

Don't worry, Joy, I'll protect you when the zombie apocalypse comes!! *Bigsmile*



i like zombies

Yep, Me too Shadow41!!


BIG BAD WOLF Happy July 4th!
Item: "Killing Time at the Mall

Here is a list of items for dealing with zombies:
1. Sidewalk Ice Scrapper- capable of splitting skulls.
2. Crowbar- bashes skulls and opens supply crates.
3. Machete- cuts off heads and cuts down trees for fires.
4. E-tool- splits skulls and digs pits.
5. Ice pick/screwdriver- stab them through the ear.
6. 12 Gauge Pump-action shotgun- with slugs- good for 100 feet. Birdshot- 30 feet. Easy to use.
7. 30-06 bolt-action rifle- 100+ feet, accurate, easy to use.
8. Handgun- just in case.

LOL, we recently purchased a shotgun, and my husband joked that now we are ready for the zombies to attack. Probably why I married him. *Wink*


LJPC - the tortoise

Hi Darkin! The scariest movie I ever went to as a teen was Dawn of the Dead. I wanted to leave the theater but was too afraid to walk down the dark aisle! *Shock* With the plethora of bad movies I've seen (and books I've read) zombies, vamps, and werewolves now amuse rather than horrify me -- but writing a zombie story is a lot of fun. Thanks for highlighting mine. *Bigsmile*
~ Laura

I love writing zombie stories. I've been working on one for a while now, but it's turning into a book. Just keeps getting longer and longer...*Laugh*


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