Horror/Scary: August 08, 2012 Issue [#5199]
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 This week: Quick! Hide the Evidence
  Edited by: Legerdemain
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

The purpose of this newsletter is to help the Writing.com author hone their craft and improve their skills. Along with that I would like to inform, advocate, and create new, fresh ideas for the author. Write to me if you have an idea you would like presented.

This week's Horror / Scary Editor

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Letter from the editor

Quick! Hide the Evidence!

The knife...the drugs...the bloody glove, where do you hide them? Under the sofa? Behind the bookshelf? Down the toilet!

Why do we always flush the evidence? Okay, not always, but it's definitely a "go to" disposal site. Burial is probably the most popular way of disposing of "things", but sometimes there isn't enough time. I read a few articles about the things sewer workers find in the sewers. Thomas Crapper, the inventor of indoor plumbing would be amazed. There are tossed things that I personally find understandable...like an iron, or a school bell, even a golf bag. My favorite was a traffic cone. I'm sure it was washed down in a storm, but I could imagine road rage taking part in a disposal like that. Valuable stuff has been found down there - a watch, diamond ring, even false teeth. I'm not sure one would want them back in your mouth without a very thorough disinfecting. Phones are popular sewer detritus, either lost in the stormwater drain or tossed there by an angry dining companion. It probably went down to join the sewer gators and goldfish that had a burial before they were actually dead.

Then there are toys...my son, when he was young, went through a period of wanting to flush things. He wasn't flushing them to try to clog the toilet; he just wanted to see what happened to them. One of the more interesting calls from my house to the maintenance department was for the removal of a rubber duck. While the rubber duck looks all cute and innocent, I swear he was in on the deal. The telltale sign that my morning was going sideways was the sound of a flush, and then my son bolting from the bathroom. I investigated and there was a rubber duck, smiling up at me from the bowl. So I reached in to pull the offender from the trap and pulled and pulled. The duck stretched and stuck. The suction of the drain had pulled that little demon tight and would not let go.

So I called and told rental office of my apartment I had a duck stuck in my toilet. After a bit of hilarity, they sent their man over. My usual maintenance hero shows up and steps into the bathroom thinking this was an easy fix. He asked if I tried to get it out. Of course I did. So he reaches down and tugs on the duck. Then he yanks on the duck. Then he straddles the bowl and does a two-handed dead lift on the duck in the toilet. The duck just smiled back at us. I swear it was mocking me.

He stares at the duck and says to me, I'll have to cut it apart. Did you think I wanted it back??? I told him to do what he needed to do. So he took a box cutter and slashed the duck to release the suction. He dropped it into the bucket with the drain snake he'd brought. I swear the piece with the beak was still smiling. I know the maintenance guy was. My son and I had a serious discussion about flushing things. No more flushing. And to be truthful, only one more thing went down. It was a little toy fire truck with a siren. He wanted to hear the siren as it went down. It did sound kind of cool.

So before you flush the hand grenade, the lighter or your football, give it a second thought, it's been done. The evidence is there in the sewer. Now what would you do with it?

This month's question: Where would you get rid of your incriminating evidence?
Send in your reply below! *Down* Editors love feedback!

Editor's Picks

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#1501519 by Not Available.

Excerpt: Keith sat at his desk and gazed unseeingly at the papers scattered around him; photographs, letters, her accounts, a manilla envelope, the official document blaring the words at him, - all his memories of Colleen.

Sins of the daughter  (18+)
See no evil, make no evil [8-5-12 Daily Slice entry]
#1883676 by Writer_Mike

Excerpt: "I used to wish for eyes, but I don't anymore."

The Universe is a Rubik's Cube  (13+)
I just wanted the girl I lost back.
#1583306 by Kotaro

Excerpt: Tonight, the Mama-san had answered, "Don't play around anywhere else.", which had given him hope. Sometimes, she gave another reply which meant he had made some crucial mistake. Once, she had said, "It's raining. Do you want to borrow an umbrella?", and things had turned out terribly. Tonight, she gave her usual which was a good omen.

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#1883803 by Not Available.

Excerpt: Sebastian climbed through the window and slid it shut behind him. He stepped lightly across the plush carpet of the darkened room to an antique mahogany desk surrounded by towering bookshelves. The subroutine he'd confused the alarm system with would only last so long, he would have to be precise and efficient.

From Ashes ~ Family Revelations  (18+)
What happens to the ashes and bits of bone in a crematory ~ possibly this
#1076746 by Kate - Writing & Reading

Excerpt: "Did you make your peace?" David asked.

"Yes, I did."

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#1877264 by Not Available.

Excerpt: From inside her crib my daughter stares at me with a grim face, reaching with long skinny arms. I have no idea what she wants, just like in April when she tried to kill me.

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

This month's question: Where would you get rid of your incriminating evidence?
Send in your reply below! *Down* Editors love feedback!

I'm a guest editor for the Horror / Scary newsletter so I'll just post some current "Writing Contests @ Writing.Com, instead of prior feedback.

The Creative Detailing Contest   (13+)
A contest to hone your detailing skills.October 2012 Round is on..
#1665098 by Prof Moriarty

Excerpt: 'Attention to Detail' is the theme of this contest. Two individuals, when asked to describe a scene they just viewed, will respond with starkly varying levels of detailing. Some people have the innate ability to see much more than others. While it could be a natural gift for a fortunate few, I am certain that with practice everyone can develop it. This contest is an opportunity to hone this skill. Current prompt: You're in London for the Olympics. You may be an athlete, a spectator, a journalist or anything else that your imagination wishes you to be. The first part is to describe what you are and what you're doing there. The second part is to describe something interesting that happens to you while you're there. I would like to see lots of detailing and also tension and fun.

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#1801607 by Not Available.

Prompt: Tell me a scary story about what happens when you win a competition.

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#1790591 by Not Available.

Prompt: This round, I am looking for stories about survival in such circumstances. ...to create a story in which your protagonist must find a way to survive the elements--or something else..

The Little Bite  (18+)
Weekly, short piece contest.
#1874993 by Witchjy

Pormpt: In honour of the Olympics and the rover landing on Mars, I have given you these prompts: Olympic glory or pain. Space.

What a Character! : Official WDC Contest  (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support

Prompt: Your character has committed a crime and a family member finds out and confronts him. Tell the story of what the crime is and how the character reacts to being caught and confronted. Remember that the focus of the story is the introduction of the character.

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