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Drama: January 08, 2013 Issue [#5448]

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 This week: The Importance of the Inner Journey
  Edited by: Joy
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Make sure you aren't so dazzled by the climax and the conclusion of [your] plot that you abandon the conclusion of your character's long internal struggle.
Elizabeth Lyon

"A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it."
Jean de La Fontaine

"Plot is no more than footprints left in the snow after your characters have run by on their way to incredible destinations."
Ray Bradbury

A perfect character is not engaging. Character transformation can be one of the most powerful effects in any story.
Donald Maass

Hello, I am Joy , this week's drama editor. Our discussion in this issue is about the inner journey the characters take. .
Note: In the editorial, I refer to third person singular as he, to also mean the female gender, because I don't like to use they or he/she.

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

A gift to me

Welcome to the Drama newsletter

          Sometimes, readers are left only half-satisfied by stories such as an action-packed thriller or a literary novel with psychiatric questioning and introspection. What is usually missing is the inner journey, or in other words, the emotional transformation of the characters, especially the main character. This is because, as humans, our deepest search is meaning, and the author's most important task is to send his characters on that search.

          A character, especially if he's the protagonist, has to travel both outwardly and inwardly to complete the effect of the story. The best fiction happens when a character changes in some significant way inside himself.

          As writers, we know we need to put the character through a wringer and give him a hard time. We must also be able to break through his outer shell. When we do that, what we usually find underneath the shell is fear. Even a source of strength conceals a weakness; thus, what matters most for the character will have to be tested. Anything important and dear to him can be his Achilles' heel.

          Planning an inner journey begins with discovering where the character needs to go. True, the character may have a goal in the beginning of a story. This is where he consciously wants to go, but what about where he needs to go?

          An inner journey is not a lone trek. The character's struggles are shared with others around him. Surely, there will be inner moments when the character will face himself, but for an inner moment to work fully, an observable action should be introduced as well. For example, in the Crucible by Arthur Miller, Reverend Hale is convinced that Satan is in Salem, and he entices the people there get him out. Later, he faces the fact that there is no Satan in the village, and that the death warrants he has signed are unjust ones. This weighs heavily on his conscience and he tries to save John Proctor's life.

          To achieve a probable inner journey, here are some suggestions for the writer to ask and answer.

          *Bullet* What does this character fear the most inwardly, whether he is aware of his fear or not?

          *Bullet* How does his world work in the beginning of the story and what suddenly makes sense (to him) about the way it will be working at (or toward) the end?

          *Bullet* Has someone earned his revengefulness, love, hate, or any other emotion, and why?

          *Bullet* What is the most dramatic thing this character can do to reflect his intentions or his fears?

          *Bullet* What is too painful for him to admit?

          *Bullet* What the hardest truth or the most fearful idea or experience for him to accept?

          *Bullet* When his belief system or any other thing let him down, what does he hold on to? From where or whom does he get his strength? Which of his existing principles is solid enough so he can face the storm?

          *Bullet* How does the purpose of his story life become clear to him at the end?

          *Bullet* To reach the end of his inner journey, what do I need to make my character do? What don't I want my character do?

          For most of us, reading fiction can serve as a life experience. Readers can lose themselves inside the world of fictional characters and may end up changing or facing their own behaviors, thoughts, or beliefs. This is an incentive for us, as writers, to put in that meaning in our fiction.

          Wishing you all a happy, productive, and successful 2013...

          Until next time. *Smile*

Editor's Picks

          *Gold*   Enjoy!   *Gold*

*Reading**BalloonR**Music1**Music1**Music1* *Clock**BalloonR**Heart**Reading**BalloonR**Clock**Heart**BalloonR**Reading**BalloonR**Heart**Clock**BalloonR**Reading**BalloonR**Clock**Heart**Music1**Music1**Music1* *BalloonR**Reading*

Flight Home  (E)
A sestina about growing up
#1631294 by fyn

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1904607 by Not Available.

A Slip In Time  (13+)
Ariadne's Quest
#1902384 by Hatsuda

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1911056 by Not Available.

The Wayward Cataphiles  (13+)
Journey Through Genres Contest Entry (November 2012). Fantasy Genre.
#1905911 by Jeff

 On the Outside  (13+)
Years ago I met a man I knew had once been homeless. This is his story.
#1910916 by D. Thorsson

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1904221 by Not Available.

His Guardian Fairy  (13+)
They ran out of angels.
#1904520 by Legerdemain

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1906195 by Not Available.

*Music1**Music1**Heart*A Few Contests for Sharpening Your Pen*Heart**Music1**Music1*

Project Write World  [13+]
A celebration of writers and their distinct cultures to bring us all together.
by iKïyå§ama

30 Day Image Prompt Contest - CLOSED  [13+]
30 days, 60 image prompts and hopefully hundreds of pieces created!
by Cinn

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

The Writer's Cramp  [13+]
Write the best story or poem in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPs!
by Sophy

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer


Your Drama Newsletter Editors: NickiD89 kittiara Joy
Thank you for reading our newsletters and for supplying the editors with feedback and encouragement.

*Bullet* This Issue's Tip:
End each scene or action of dramatic narrative with a question or a statement that serves as a bridge for tying it to the next section.


*Bullet* *Reading* Reading Recommendation: A book with drama *Reading*

If you have a recommendation, a few words on a book or a product review, send it to me or to this newsletter. I'll highlight it here. *Smile*

11/22/63   (Rated: )
ASIN: 1451660804
ID #111322
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: Angus
Review Rated:
  Story Plot:
  Length of :
  Overall Quality:
Amazon's Price: $ 43.46


Feedback for "He Did What? But Why?


ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams

You're welcome, and thanks for calling the newsletter awesome. *Smile*


Your beginning "for the want of a nail" I one of the most oft told tales of cause and effect. I think everyone should copy it and keep it handy! SHE was an inspirational writer and YOU have a thought provoking newsletter! I am keeping this one handy as I do my NaNo Revising next month. I love reading your posts.

Exactly! And thank you for the compliment. *Smile*


Re: "[The] writer can write a character who isn't like himself at all." I submit that no such person actually exists: no matter how where they stand, I could get there from here.

My emerging ethic requires me to at least face this truth, if not actually explore it, with every character I write.

Thank you for the input. *Smile*


BIG BAD WOLF Happy July 4th!
Submitted item: "Redwall Interactive
Sometimes the mystery is in the details.

Yes, the details can be important. *Smile*


*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
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