Mystery: January 08, 2013 Issue [#5454]
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 This week: Where's the Crime?
  Edited by: Kate - Writing & Reading
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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All that I see or seem is but a dream within a dream.
Edgar Alan Poe.

         Welcome to this week's edition of the WDC Mystery Newsletter, where we explore how clues and mis-clues fit together to solve a puzzle, answering questions such as why and why not.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

         Greetings! Welcome to this week's Mystery Newsletter. Okay, what makes a story or poem a 'mystery' and not a romance, for example, or an essay on criminology? What does the 'mystery' have that sets it apart, in its myriad forms and sub-genres today, from the historical novel, or science fiction, assuming the same research and knowledge by the writer of each?

         My reason for this query is posed by comments from several of our members, who have asked if there must be a crime to open the mystery, or is the threat of a crime, or an underlying sense of criminal intent, sufficient to make the story a 'mystery' for the reader?

         Mysteries prosaic and poetic pose and answer several questions for the reader - 'Who-Done-It? How? Why?' - with varying degree of emphasis on the questions and the varying emphasis placed on answering each of the questions. For example, in a police procedural, the first question would drive the reader to solve a puzzle, with clues, along with the protagonist. But, in a mystery that focuses on suspense, the third question would drive the story; perhaps the crime itself not uncovered until late in the story, once the reader is immersed in the mystery of 'why' the events did or would unfold to lead to the necessity of committing the crime.

         Suspense stories are those which are often written in multiple voices, including that of the apparent antagonist (note I say 'apparent' as sometimes in a suspense story, one is not quite certain who the 'good guys' are - another 'mystery' to solve

         Two main types of suspense mysteries, where 'why' drives the story rather than 'how or whodoneit' are 'psychological suspense' and 'romantic suspense,' each of which probes with more depth the character of the protagonist, possible antagonist, and their interaction with ancillary characters. They each feel at home with a 'cozy' type theme, with amateur sleuths joining to answer questions, solve a clue, as they get to know each other and become more involved in each other's lives. The crime or event itself may not be revealed until the characters reveal it either through intent (committing a crime) or happenstance (stumbling across or compelled to commit a crime).

         In a psychological suspense mystery, the character's motivations and background are integral to the unfolding story. In a romantic suspense mystery, a relationship develops along with the mystery, interwoven with the story and, at times, more vital to development of the story, with the characters finding clues to each other's motivations (and their own) as they work to solve an impending or existing mystery crime or plot. From the beginning of the story, the reader is drawn into the lives of the protagonists who may already know 'whodoneit' and have to prove it to others, or follow relevant leads so that a crime is not repeated (or, perhaps, prevent the criminal from committing the really dastardly crime - if the initial discovery is a red herring, perhaps?)

         So, in response to the question, it's a mystery if any of the three questions remain to be answered - 'whodoneit' 'why' or 'how' - and the writer provides clues and leads for the reader to solve along with the characters in his/her literary 'otherworld.'

Write On!!
Kate - Writing & Reading

Editor's Picks

Try some of the suspenseful sleuthing devised by some of our members, and let the writers know if they've kept you on the edge of your seat, perchance with a review ~ then why not take up the challenge and puzzle a mystery of your own *Smile*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1912435 by Not Available.

 Sherlock Holmes and the Dead Beatle  (13+)
Sherlock Holmes faces his most baffling case.
#1909441 by William Hrdina

 Good Night, Sleep Tight  (18+)
What happens when a television screen becomes a window into someone else's life?
#1900737 by poojapillai

 Hidden Within The Words  (13+)
What happens when the subliminal message is the future.
#1911229 by Vincent Price

 Gun Hands  (18+)
Miss Marple she ain't. P.I. Nita O'Day is way more a lady of action.
#1906190 by TomVee

 Reaper's Kryptonite  (13+)
Mysterious fatal disease appears, surprising the world and taken the lives of millions.
#1905881 by Lost In Wonderland

Many fruitcakes, or nut-cases, in our office may be living in LA-LA LAND!
#1490910 by Oldwarrior

 Luck of the Draw - Chapter 1  (GC)
Light-hearted crime fiction set in contemporary Melbourne (Australia). Female hero.
#1903448 by Emma Franz

Twisted Tales Contest  (13+)
A monthly contest for stories with a twist. Get 500 GPs for entering! June round open!
#1269187 by Arakun the Twisted Raccoon

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Is it a mystery if one knows 'who done it' and must prove the postulate by uncovering clues as well as solving them?

Share what you uncover in verse or prose during the coming month *Smile*

Write On!!

Kate - Writing & Reading

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
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