Short Stories: December 25, 2013 Issue [#6067]
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Short Stories

 This week: Short Story Development
  Edited by: Lonewolf
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

A short story is work of fiction or imagination that is usually written in easily understandable grammatical structure with a natural flow of speech. A Short story is meant to be read at single sitting and therefore it should be as direct and brief as possible.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

We all have a moment of clarity when we come up with a new idea that just sends us off into a while different world. Yet, while we have that sudden moment we often don’t have any idea how the character/characters we create will develop. We don’t think about the little details that make those characters memorable. Surely, not everyone does this, but I know I do at times when I’m taken with a new character. The stories that we create need a type of structure to hold our readers attention.

Our characters can be a living person, a dead person, a ghost, an imaginary character, a robot, a dog, a toy… the list goes on and on. A character that is most related to all actions depicted in the story is called protagonist or lead role. Other characters that closely participate in the main action of the story and/or more intense are main characters. Main characters are used to create conflict and resolve it.

Few characters that may stay very short in story are called supporting or side characters. These characters are primarily used for developing main characters, creating animated setting or heightening conflict. When writing your character try animating the character with perfect adjectives and examples are a must for connecting readers with the character; however, typically while writing short stories, do not fall in love with your character and overdo the characterization.

Time frame and place constitute setting of short stories. The setting is often decorated with descriptions of scenes such as super market, bedroom, crowded metro train, or drizzling evening… again unlimited list. These descriptions are very important to make reader immerse in the plot.

Plot is the flesh and muscles of short stories. It comprises events and characters’ actions. The more creatively you describe and logically connect the events and actions, the stronger the plot would be; and stronger the plot you create, the better interest it would generate amongst readers. A plot has a start, body and end that are linked sequentially by events and character actions.

This is most important tip for becoming a successful short story writer is to write for yourself. There is no absolute path for any writer, and if you really want to write something, write it. Don't allow any set of rules hold you back from writing, it takes nothing to just write. You can always go back over it once you're done to see if it works. If it does congratulations, but if you find that it doesn't, that is what editing is for.

Merry Christmas to all!

Write On!

Editor's Picks

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#585268 by Not Available.

 My Dream of Skulls  (ASR)
This is a dream I had 23 May 2002; it was memorable enough to write down.
#540780 by Greywolf

 Tark's First Hunt  (E)
I have reworked this story with a few different ideas. Let me know if it works.
#863829 by stormdrac

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#908630 by Not Available.

 The Words  (13+)
I'm writing a book...
#953565 by Wenston

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Word from Writing.Com

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