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Fantasy: June 18, 2014 Issue [#6383]

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 This week: Should I attend a writers' convention?
  Edited by: Prosperous Snow celebrating
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”
Ernest Hemingway

"Read a ton. Take a workshop course so you learn to give and get criticism."
Jodi Picoult

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

I reviewed four articles in may by an author who attended the Balticon (Baltimore Science Fiction Convention), which got me to thinking about writing conferences, conventions, and workshops. As I read those articles, I realized that I have been missing educational and networking opportunities by not attending any of these conventions. When I encountered these opportunities, I had, or thought I had, good reasons for not attending. Looking back at the reason I did not attend, I realize that all I had to do was make a little more effort and make a few sacrifices. I am placing one of those articles in the Editor's Pick section. I encourage any who has not attend a conference go to the author's portfolio and read all four of those articles.

Reasons to attend end a writer's convention or conference?

1. It is an educational experience because you receive information about plotting, characters, description, etc.
2. Network with editors, publishers, and other authors.
3. You have a chance to interact with other authors through question and answer sessions.
4. You grow as a writer.

If you are looking for a writer's conference in your area, but you do not belong to a writer's group then do an Internet search for "Writers Conference your city". This should give you the information you want. You can also search Facebook or Twitter for a writers conference. If anyone has information about this subject that you would like to share, please submit it to this newsletter.

Editor's Picks

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#1986701 by Not Available.

Excerpt: It was a cold tonight with the air of summer giving place to autumn’s cooling hand. The sky was clear, and the stars were shining brightly without the moon. A gently breeze walked through the tree tops: the leaves all danced at its coming. In a large clearing the night’s black blanket was being held back by a circle of fires. About fifty men sat in the clearing around those fires. The light danced as sticks were added to the fire sending sparks of red into the sky. The older men were telling stories of a strange world to their eager audience.

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#1992762 by Not Available.

Excerpt: He stopped amongst the thickest brush, listening intently. Not far off, perhaps as close as the tree line, they were coming in after him. A dozen troopers, maybe more, and they were headed in his direction.

 Author Seeking Growth at a Con - Day 1  (13+)
Author at a sci-fi con (Balticon) over 4 days, learning, growing, networking...
#1993159 by Highmage - D.H. Aire

Excerpt: The following is the first of four articles of my experiences at Balticon (Baltimore Science Fiction Convention) over Memorial Day Weekend, 2014. Welcome to my world as an author trying to, well, grow up...

Weather Story

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#1993835 by Not Available.

Excerpt: The old man sat at his table going through the castle scrolls feverishly. There was only several hours left until the impending doom for the kingdom of Wrethmore. He searched for anything that would stop the prophecy from coming to pass; the appointed time when the wrath of heaven would be revealed. Then he heard footsteps coming down the stone staircase to the kingdom library in the chamber beneath the main hall. A man with a royal robe and a crown of silver came into view as the sage rummaged through the various manuscripts.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Reader feedback from "Fantasy Newsletter (May 21, 2014)

Quick-Quill writes: Who hasn't watched Twister, Dantes' Peak, Poseiden and Titanic. Its the one constant we all have to deal with, weather. We've all experiences some form of it and have seen the devastation. The stories we can make up involving weather are limitless.

BIG BAD WOLF Happy July 4th! writes: Sometimes the weather can change the course of history.
 Zena's Christmas  (ASR)
The wolfess wakes from a dream, to a plesant surprise
#1734193 by BIG BAD WOLF Happy July 4th!

Dan Hiestand writes: Ciridian is a modern perspective on high epic fantasy. Start following the adventure NOW!
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#1991317 by Not Available.

brom21 writer: The stress on weather piqued my interest. I love the natural beauty and awe of things like storms with dark rumbling thunder and lightning or perhaps a peaceful serenade on a snowy day. I will try to hash out a story like you requested. Thanks for the newsletter and may your days be bright and sunny day or dark and rainy if you are like me. Kudos!

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