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Spiritual: April 20, 2016 Issue [#7599]

Newsletter Header

 This week: Writing in the Spiritual Genre
  Edited by: Kit
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

The Spiritual genre can appear to be a tricky genre to write in. But is it really?

This week's Spiritual Newsletter is all about not being shy, and not letting anything stop you from sharing your spiritual items.


Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Sometimes we feel inspired to write an item in the Spiritual genre. I say “we”, because I'm guessing that if you're reading this newsletter, there is a likelihood that you have written an item of this kind before, or would like to do so in the future. We may have had a spiritual experience that moved us, we may wish to share our views or beliefs, or we may have doubts, and writing about those doubts might help us see things more clearly.

Whatever the case, writing in the spiritual genre can be daunting. How do you get your thoughts and feelings across, exactly? If you're going to share the item, you may worry that your readers will question your beliefs. You may belong to a faith that is in a minority here on Writing.Com, where most of the members who have a faith are Christians. You may have belonged to a religion and lost your faith. You might be worried that what you write will cause offense. You might just be really happy and want to share that joy, but feel a bit shy doing so.

Faith is personal. Even within a religion, everyone will experience their faith differently. That's a part of it – it may be a cliché to talk about spiritual journeys but it's true, it is a journey and each and every person has to travel it alone. Yes, we can encourage the other, and support the other, but ultimately we have to figure it out for ourselves. That means that your spiritual item will be unique, flowing from your heart and soul, and there is no right way or wrong way to go about it.

Don't be shy. If you feel like rejoicing, rejoice! Don't hold back. If you have doubts, let them out. If your faith isn't represented on the site, or is part of a minority, dive right in! This is your community, too, and it is always interesting to learn about different faiths. If you lost your faith, and want to write about it, do. Your portfolio is like your home on here, and you should always feel free to express yourself. There will no doubt be others who have lost their faith, who will be able to relate.

As online places go, Writing.Com is a safe website to share your beliefs. There are many other websites out there where the mere mention of faith attracts comments about “sky fairies”, where you're asked if you believe in unicorns, too, and so on. Or where, if you have doubts or lost your faith, you get attacked for that. Here on Writing.Com I have read items about many different faiths over the years, and I have become friends with people with a wide variety of faiths. If, then, you feel inspired to write in the Spiritual genre, you are not alone.

I have been on this site for nearly 12 years, and I have never had to report anyone for abusive reviews of my Spiritual items, nor have I heard of anyone needing to do so. If you were to receive an abusive review, however, please do report it and it will be dealt with. Only once over the years has anyone mentioned sky fairies to me, and unicorns, and I actually ended up having an interesting debate with that person and reached a place of mutual respect.

A couple of times I've been asked questions about my beliefs and that is fine, too. And when I had established a friendly connection with an author of a different faith and felt that it was acceptable to do so, I have asked them some questions about their beliefs, out of an interest in differences and similarities.

The vast majority of the time, however, I receive reviews from people who found my items interesting and enjoyable enough to leave their thoughts. It happens in the same way as with any item in any genre – those who don't like my work will peek and move on, whilst those who do read on may drop me a review.

There is no need, then, to worry or be overly cautious. Write what you feel, question what you want. That is what being a writer is all about.


Editor's Picks

Here are some of the latest additions to the Spiritual genre:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2081465 by Not Available.

Light  (E)
Being alone is a state of mind. A poem.
#2081265 by Bryce Kenn

 What is Time?  (E)
Another poem, just something I thought of. Abstract concepts are easy to write about.
#2081255 by 10¥

 Enlightening Strides  (E)
Free verse inspired by personal experience
#2081237 by AnnaLinda

 Oceana  (E)
Aside from my more morbid poems, this is a calming little trip to the ocean.
#2081030 by 10¥

Some contests that might inspire you:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1948893 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1706238 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2064748 by Not Available.

Lexi's Poetry Challenge  (13+)
LPC Round 54 open. Pick a title, create a poem.
#701412 by Lexi

The Dialogue 500  (18+)
Dialogues of 500 words or less.
#941862 by W.D.Wilcox

Read an item and loved it? Do something nice for the author - it's free and only takes a moment!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2074994 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

The Spiritual Newsletter Team welcomes any and all questions, suggestions, thoughts and feedback, so please don't hesitate to write in! *Smile*

Wishing you a week filled with inspiration,

The Spiritual Newsletter Team

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/7599-Writing-in-the-Spiritual-Genre.html