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For Authors: August 24, 2016 Issue [#7823]

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For Authors

 This week: Being an Author is HARD WORK!
  Edited by: fyn
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

To write what is worth publishing, to find honest people to publish it, and get sensible people to read it, are the three great difficulties in being an author.~~Charles Caleb Colton

Publishing your work is important. Even if you are giving a piece to some smaller publication for free, you will learn something about your writing. The editor will say something, friends will mention it. You will learn.~~Tim Cahill

I was 40 years old before I became an overnight success, and I'd been publishing for 20 years.~~Mary Karr

There's a lot more to publishing a book than writing it and slapping a cover on it~~Vince Flynn

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Letter from the editor

Besides being a full-time publisher, I also consider myself a full-time writer. (Sleep is vastly over-rated!) I know several authors for whom writing is their day job. When folks intimate that writing is not 'work,' I do not hesitate to enlighten them!

That magic moment when you first hold your published book in your hand is a heady space of time. You are on top of the world and all is right within it. It matters not if it is snowing, if hurricanes are blowing or if it is 110 degrees in the shade. Why? Because you have done it! Your book is officially published! ALL that work. All the writing, all the agonizing over hitting the delete key and wiping out that three paragraphs it took you hours to write, all the stress you felt editing/revising, all the angst when you asked folks to read it, the decisions which way to go to publish it, the editors and their theoretical (anymore) red pens, the eye-numbing reading of the book proof to catch that last (hopefully) stray mistake is over and done with! "Look! See! My book's on Amazon!"

That's when I remind authors that it is NOW that the hardest work begins. One cannot just sit back and think the masses are going to swamp Amazon and buy a gazillion copies of their book! This is the marketing phase. MORE HARD WORK because now the author needs to merchandise and sell their book. Word of mouth, social media, (everything from Facebook to writing.com) press releases, local bookstores, local anywhere that might give them space for their book, researching and setting up events, talking about their book until they are blue in the face and a slew of other possibilities and places where they may be able to sell their book. More, it is about getting the word out there to the public! Getting the book in libraries, checking out appropriate venues from (depending upon the book's subject) hospital gift shops to baseball enthusiast sites to stores carrying baby stuff. It is time for the creative juices to flow beyond the characters and into real life possibilities.

Little things like always having a box of books in the trunk of your car. When someone asks if you possibly have one with you, you can say 'yes' and sell a book! Bookmarks, posters featuring your book's cover, business cards, t-shirts: the possibilities are endless!

Networking comes into play and this is the time to exploit any and all opportunities!

Word of mouth, getting folks who read your book to review it, teasers on FB, advertising: all of these are important! Make a plan, plan the work and then work the plan! YOU are your own best source for success, or, unfortunately, your own worst enemy. No one can better get the word out than the author using any and all means that are feasible. Doing so will make a big difference in sales! But hard work does pay off!!!

Editor's Picks

The Guardians  (13+)
Their duty is the guard the gateway. Or is it?
#2091842 by Kit

Going Back  (13+)
A shaft of April sunlight broke through the clouds, bathing his head in sudden warmth.
#2090755 by deemac

A Change of Plans  (E)
Not everything is as it seems. (Short Shots entry / GoT credit)
#2091366 by Cub-bee

 Deletion  (13+)
The dilemmas of editing as you write.
#2091876 by fyn

Old Glory  (13+)
A Marine returned home doesn't view independence in the same light.
#1585835 by Mara ♣ McBain

 Invalid Item 
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#1971412 by Not Available.

Storms Make Oaks Root  (13+)
After reading that letter I knew what I wanted to do with the rest of my working life.
#1930989 by Bikerider

Prime time of youth is abruptly lost when facing harsh realities of coming conflicts
#2002299 by DRSmith

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Ask & Answer

Anthology announcements coming in a week! You guys made it exceptionally difficult to make choices this year! SO many stellar entries!!! We may have to make this year's anthology a tad thicker than we had anticipated!!!

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