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Horror/Scary: September 28, 2016 Issue [#7882]

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 This week: Plotting With Monsters
  Edited by: Gaby ~ Finding my way back
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
~ Edgar Allan Poe

Horror stories give us a way of exhausting our emotions around social issues, like a woman's right to an abortion, which I always thought was the core of 'Rosemary's Baby,' or the backlash against feminism which I always thought was the core to 'Stepford Wives.'
~ Chuck Palahniuk

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Letter from the editor

Few days ago someone posted a question on the newsfeed, asking how to plot out a horror novel. Other than suggesting a few things as to where to look, I couldn't give a proper answer, which leads to this newsletter.

As a horror lover, I've been mesmerized with stories that haunt the human mind long after the book is closed. It isn't the same as writing a romance story, or any other genre. You get to invent and use your imagination, yes, but you have to dig much deeper into the psyche of the human mind, the dark crevices of the soul, in order to create that ultimate evil. It's more than just a visual concept.

Since I don't write horror - I would freak myself out! - I've been searching for the right answer for this one particular question. You sit down and write... Yet how do you get to that frightening stage? How do you instill fear into a reader when those words are read? So, I began thinking like a psychopath. *Bigsmile* It's not easy to do, contrary to popular WdC belief that I'm a bit on the crazy side. It didn't get me far. My brain isn't wired to spook people.

Then, I went to visit some of my old friends and I remembered why I hated my old boss and why the girls who work for him lose their sanity. He's a sociopath with psychopathic tendencies.

Sociopath definition - a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

Psychopath definition - a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.

They are very similar, but hard to distinguish until a certain amount of time goes by. Now, when you say your boss is a psycho, you probably don't mean in the literal sense. What if you did? Which parts of that insanity would you convert into your own writing? I'd recommend all of it.

The behavior of such a person is disturbing on many levels! They are out there, visible, interacting with others, but remain loners, friendless. They don't choose it. It's an automatic rejection by others who can sense the smallest of changes in behavior when getting into deeper conversations with such a person. Hiding their true feelings, which are very impulsive, is hard for them. Anyone not agreeing with them is ultimately on the list of people who they'd like to hate, hurt, shame, or anything else pain related.

Starting out your writing with such a person should give you plenty of material to work with. Anything you think isn't natural or humane, they are more likely thinking it. If you can stomach such behavior and thoughts, you can start your horror adventure without any qualms.

I mean, how many people out there can tell you they can dispose of a body without leaving any evidence behind and mean it? *Wink*

'Til next time!
~ Gaby *WitchHat*

Editor's Picks

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#2096760 by Not Available.

I Didn't Do It  (18+)
Jason knows he could never do something so horrible.
#2096691 by Starr Phenix

Psychosomatic Adrenaline Shock Treatment  (18+)
A patient suffering chronic paranoia receives a dose of shock therapy.
#2094195 by Dalimer Corwyn

 Skin  (13+)
"So, why are you here, Mr. Simmons?" Well, to begin with, I am perfectly sane.
#2023404 by Renee Trenton

The Clutching Hands of Death  (18+)
Sure it was risky, but Nicole needed to find the psycho who got Marty. Weird Tales May '16
#2085290 by Indelible Ink

The Closeness of Psychic and Psychotic  (18+)
A man comes between codependent spinster sisters.
#2082434 by Cinn

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#1962247 by Not Available.

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

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They're always looking for a new subject to write about as well as feedback in general.

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