Mystery: April 26, 2017 Issue [#8258]
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 This week: Make It Personal
  Edited by: Gaby ~ Finding my way back
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
~ Norman Cousins

The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
~ Mark Twain

The death of a beautiful woman, is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world.
~ Edgar Allan Poe

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Death itself can be poetic. Words weaved together to create a tantalizing song of mystery and love, shadowed in grief, loss, blood. A bittersweet melody indeed.

Murder of any kind is gruesome no matter how you look at it. Yet not all care for the good guy, not all care for the mystery to be solved by flipping the page and reaching the end. Intrigue is what pulls the reader into the story. What if that curiosity is about the killer and their unfathomable love for murder and death? The need to understand and see things from the murderer's POV? What if the reader didn't care for them to be caught? A twisted mind perhaps, but curiosity is part of our own imagination.

The long forgotten show Dexter did exactly that, with a bit of a twist. They turned him into a likeable guy who killed those who killed others. He punished others for their crimes, a vigilante, a good guy with a bad side, or was he a bad guy with a good side? He'll be whatever you believe he is. A character like that sparked a lot of interest. Not many have tempered with the dark side in such ways.

Everyone has a secret dark side. It may not be pitch black, but it's present. Fifty shades of grey, to use the cliche. *Wink* Think about it. None of us are transparent. We choose to share what we want and keep the rest to ourselves. It's part of us.

To me, a mystery has to be more than just catching the killer or finding out why they committed the murder. It could have been their former lover, a family member, a random murder for a random thing. The good guy wins at the end and there you have it. Done deal, decent book. I yearn for more. A deeper truth. The hidden door which, once unlocked, leads down a strange path of the killer's psyche. A twisted mind can be so much fun to explore. A killer doesn't kill just to commit the crime, they do it because in their mind it's a need, an unending thirst they need to quench but never quite succeed. They may love their prey until death does them part. The only way to break the bond, just to yearn for another because once again they are empty inside.

There are many reasons why people do strange things and commit random acts of violence, brutal and heartless, but the reasons are there. Mental illness is an explanation, an excuse for it, but it does not justify the murder. Your mind has to be twisted in order to do something like that. There's always more to it. Can you show me? *Bigsmile*

'Til next time!
~ Gaby *Witchhat*

Editor's Picks

The Fontaine  (18+)
A mystery about a Seattle chef and her inheritance
#2119529 by Espero

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#2119662 by Not Available.

 The Antigone  (13+)
This is a space opera short story I wrote with intentions to grow it into a book.
#2119396 by Diana Dark

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#2118496 by Not Available.

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#2118329 by Not Available.

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#1973201 by Not Available.

The Mystery of Bo's Obsession  (E)
Bo dug up a gun, a metal box with cash. Where will he dig next?
#2095506 by Jeannie

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#2113221 by Not Available.

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