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For Authors: July 26, 2017 Issue [#8411]

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For Authors

 This week: Hoarder Brain
  Edited by: fyn
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

There are only 7 days in the week & “someday” is not one of them. ~~Rita Chand

Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the impossible.~~Miguel de Unamuno

When we clear the physical clutter from our lives, we literally make way for inspiration and 'good, orderly direction' to enter. ~~Julia Cameron

In the scope of a happy life, a messy desk or an overstuffed coat closet is a trivial thing, yet I find - and I hear from other people that they agree - that getting rid of clutter gives a disproportionate boost to happiness. ~~Gretchen Rubin

Every mind is a clutter of memories, images, inventions and age-old repetitions. It can be a ghetto, too, if a ghetto is a sealed-off, confined place. Or a sanctuary, where one is free to dream and think whatever one wants. For most of us it's both - and a lot more complicated.~~ Margo Jefferson

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Letter from the editor

We are having a 3-season room built. Still. Feels like it has been forever since it started. It's been since June, thus, in my world, it has been! Eight weeks of extra people around, two months of hammering, thumping, stomping, stapling noises ricocheting off my skull, fifty-some-odd days of acquiring 'stuff' for the new room that I have nowhere to put.

Makes sense to get stuff on sale. For example the wicker furniture (two love seats and two chairs) that were on clearance because, hey, the stores need room for Christmas stuff in July! And the coffee table. And the really cool four-foot-tall vase to hold the eight-foot-tall bamboo that I got ridiculously cheap to go in it. The cushions and pillows for said chairs and love seats. Not to mention the really big palm tree, bamboo wind chimes and the wooden drum table. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera!

The frame is up. Hubby put in all the electrical this weekend so the room looks like a spaghetti factory exploded or an octopus convention because he can't actually hook up all the boxes until the insulation goes in (supposedly today, but it is 11:40 on Monday and no one has shown up yet!) and so there are wires meandering everywhere! Then we can get the drywall guy here to cover up all that insulation. Thus all the above mentioned stuff is now piled in my dining room along with all the other stuff (candles, what-nots, assorted whales, placemats, etc.) that will be going in there when all is said and done. Not to mention the fact that we are also in the process of flipping the office and the master bedroom so there's more stuff piled haphazardly out of place. My dining room and office look like the aftermath of a tornado or hurricane. It is a full-fledged disaster area.

I used have a semi-organized series of spaces. No more. I used to have a couple of oasis-type spaces. Gone. I used to be able to think! Yeah, so NOT happening! Now, I am not the most organized person on the planet and we do have a serious case of 'flat-surface-itus' here. BUT I am one shy, unraveling thread away from going the last few steps to nuts!

Add in running a business from home, my daughter's upcoming wedding, dealing with other people's schedules not falling in neatly with mine, a rough patch with a very ill pooch that scared the heck out of us, but who (after two emergency vet visits and the outlay of many hundreds of dollars) is doing much better, thank you and a fantastic husband who, none-the-less, treats a summer cold like it's the bubonic plague and he's dying and the thread loses another few sanity strands!

When all is said and done, the room will be utterly amazing. I will have a work space that actually works, a writing space to die for (and I may yet!) as well as a master bedroom that serves the purpose of sleeping and not being a place to stuff everything else we don't have room for!

I have been trying to write the third book in my Jukai series for a while now. It is all there. In my head. Spinning out of control in 'Write me already!' mode. The research is all done. Entire conversations, chapters and a particularly nasty hot air balloon crash and subsequent fire spiral around waiting for my fingers to spit it all out on the page. But my life and my brain are as overwhelmingly cluttered as my dining room.

Somehow, all my work stuff gets accomplished. I read manuscripts, meet with potential authors, give my writers feedback, go over edits, arrange book signings, do layouts and get covers designed. I delegate the 'delegatable.' (no, it isn't a word, but it should be!) Then I spazz, have imaginary conniption fits and shoot bolts of purple lightning out of my ears! I have an amazingly understanding friend who is my sounding board, giggle-giver and loose-thread strengthener! If it weren't for her, I'd --well, not sure, really what I'd do, but I guarantee it would not be pretty!

In life, homes, minds or writing, too many things circling round are not conducive to accomplishing much of anything! It is next to impossible to be creative when your mind and/or environment is a disaster zone! After a long, long chat this morning where the stresses were witched over and began to melt away, (and just before I realized my newsletter deadline was about to go screaming off into the sunset) I came to a couple of conclusions. I can do absolutely nothing about contractor's schedules so I have to let that go. In doing so, I need to accept the fact that I will be meeting any/all authors in a restaurant for the immediate future and rack it up to at least it is a tax write-off. Then I called both contractors, explained my dilemma calmly and succinctly and got updates I can live with. Now I'm writing (my newsletter at least) and it feels wonderful. I am relaxed, the Alka-Seltzer is working and I am serious thinking about string a sheet around the dining room so that at least I don't have to look at the disaster!

Tuesday update-- Insulation is in, drywall will be installed next Monday and Hubby is feeling much better! (Thank goodness!)

So...how's your week going?

Editor's Picks

Picking writings from the ports of some of those who have reviewed works of mine!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2126437 by Not Available.

Man's Own Chaos  (E)
humanities devastating chaos
#2128319 by Coty D

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2125808 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2105488 by Not Available.

 S.R.M.S.  (E)
A transatlantic flight gone wrong.
#2073565 by dragonline (dragon online)

 Easily Gnarled  (E)
A description of life nearing its end
#1265946 by Pony Tale

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2126889 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

I'm curious. Where do you write? Office, couch, a hammock or swing? Tell me about it...

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