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For Authors: September 20, 2017 Issue [#8513]

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For Authors

 This week: Of Writer's Nooks and Occasional Laps
  Edited by: fyn
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.~~ Ernest Hemingway

And the idea of just wandering off to a cafe with a notebook and writing and seeing where that takes me for awhile is just bliss.~~ J. K. Rowling

Writing is like a 'lust,' or like 'scratching when you itch.' Writing comes as a result of a very strong impulse, and when it does come, I, for one, must get it out. ~~C. S. Lewis

Writing is not a matter of choice. Writers have to write. It is somehow in their temperament, in the blood, in tradition.~~ N. Scott Momaday

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Letter from the editor

My life is writing. As a publisher, all day long I am reading the writing of others --whether potential authors or work that is mid-process for authors I'm already working with. Or, I am editing. Or rereading after an edit. I brainstorm with my authors about marketing, write/read book blurbs and write press releases. I help when a plot is 'stuck' or find ways to inspire my writers when they hit a brick wall. It is all a part of the job and I love what I do.


I haven't written much for me in the past two years and my book is boiling over in my head. I splash through my office as chapters overflow to flood the floor. Sometimes I want to wash my brain like I wash my glasses because all I can see/hear/read is what will happen next.

We just finished our three-season room and a couple of weeks ago, I made the decision that I will have a desk out there and a computer. It is my new writing nook and I am so looking forward to having the time to settle in and write! In two weeks (ish) the majority of the pre-Christmas rush of getting books to the printer will be complete with only one more to finish up. Then my daughter gets married (YAY!) mid-October and then...

And then I can write. For two-three weeks I will do basically nothing but write!!! 'A Mirrored Masquerade' will spew forth and it makes me so happy just anticipating it!

I love our new room and my little nook makes me happy just thinking about it! The room has a Maui theme and monies from this book (as well as my others) is going to fund my trip back in a year. I am determined! And I've been wondering if others have a dedicated writing space or if they crash on the couch with their laptop or have a den or what? A friend of mine just redid her 'den.' New desk, beautiful new bookshelves her amazing hubby built, framed book covers up on the wall, her inspiration board and a place for her mug of hot chocolate. It's her happy place where her characters become real.

Personally, I need a specific place. Oh, I can jot down ideas anywhere, but for writing, I need my 'space.' My office is for work. Trying to write there is far too distracting because there is always, always more work to be done. It is a totally different 'feel', 'atmosphere' or 'vibe' from what I need when writing. My office is owls and dragons, blurbs and numbers, phone calls and texts: manic mayhem! But it works.

When writing, I need calm, classical music, waves and peace. No interruptions, jangled noise, or people. I can 'work' in both scenarios, but I need my 'space' when writing because I am not at my desk in my new room -- I am in the story whether meandering a gallery, plummeting to the ground in an on-fire hot air balloon or handling a gather of molten glass! I am seeing the backgrounds, hearing the conversations and feeling the emotions. My hubby says I tune 'out of this world' as my fingers race over the keyboard. He says I rarely see or hear him. He's also learned that it is best I don't as I will be pulled forcefully from the world I am in and slamming back into the now mid thought is dangerous for all concerned. (sheepish grin - I usually crash land in a not-so-pleasant mood!)

Does it matter where you write? Are you uber-adaptable when writing? Hard to believe I wrote my first three books with three children aged 6 and under! Looking back, I do not know how I managed it! Looking forward, I am so excited about writing for more than a scavenged hour or so at a time.

Editor's Picks

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#2132132 by Not Available.

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#2134628 by Not Available.

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#2134000 by Not Available.

 Be Good To Your Muse...  (18+)
A short story of a Muse with an attitude
#1852807 by Angus

Writing thoughts  (E)
Just some thoughts about writing. Something that came to mind today.
#2135036 by ~Celeb~

 I Forgot to Remember to Forget  (E)
Forgive me, for I have not the mind to know all, nor the mind to remember anything.
#2135157 by Stanley Heartford

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

🌞GeminiGem 🌻 writes: One of the biggest things animals provide in my writing is comedy. Critters are funny, and enjoy writing that kind of humor.

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