Romance/Love: October 11, 2017 Issue [#8541]
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 This week: Paranormal Romance
  Edited by: StephBee
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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We continue to get deeper into Autumn! The leaves are in full change, Facebook is filled with pictures of the leaves turning, and Starbucks is selling Pumpkin Spice Lattes off the shelves faster than you can say "I miss summer."

Here in LA, they voted to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day. It started in Berkeley and is also celebrated in Seattle, Albuquerque, and Denver. It is meant to honor the indigenous Peoples of the land. 4 states don't celebrate Columbus Day: Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, and South Dakota. In 1971 Columbus Day was accepted as a federal holiday designated for the 2nd Monday of October. While I see the values of both views, I hope you find time to enjoy the holiday and time off with your family.

October is a busy month. It's breast cancer awareness month, national pizza month and Oktoberfest ends. I went to Oktoberfest once in Munich when I was stationed in Germany. Yes, there was a lot of beer! There was awesome foods, rides, and the place was packed! It was a fantastic experience for the time and place. It's been around since 1810 and over 6 million attend annually. (I told you it was packed!) I bet many a romance got a start in Oktoberfest.

Of course, Halloween ends the month off in a bang! So this letter, I thought I'd explore the appeal of paranormal romance.

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Letter from the editor

Paranormal romance is a very popular subgenre of romantic fiction. It finds its roots in gothic fiction. (Victoria Holt, anyone?))

Elements of gothic fiction include spooky castles or mansions, secrets, and events that, while appear supernatural, have very natural causes. (that's the gothic twist!) In a paranormal romance, however, events occur that are outside the range of natural explanations, thus allowing for the supernatural.

Common the paranormal genre are those entities of a "fantastic" or "otherworldly" nature – vampires, witches, shape shifters, and werewolves. Stories that feature characters with psychic abilities such as telekinesis or telepathy are also included in the paranormal.

Two "series" with enormous paranormal romantic elements are the "Twilight" series, and "True Blood." Some might argue the Harry Potter series has paranormal romantic elements, but I would say, that series is more a blend of paranormal/fantasy elements and while there is a touch of romance, it's not until later, and it's not what drives the story.

I would venture to speculate the modern day appeal of paranormal romance started with Dracula. It was a 1897 novel written by Bram Stroker. There have been a lot of "spins" on Stroker's tale. I remember the 1992 movie with Gary Oldman. However you spin it though, with the revival of Dracula, the paranormal romance genre accelerated. Nowadays, you can find many romances by various authors which explore this genre.

Question for you: What's your favorite paranormal author/series/movie?


We believe the fest started with the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig to his princess, Therese on 12 OCT 1810 in Munich. The citizens of the town were invited to attend the festivities in front of the city gates. These fields in front of the gates soon became known as Theresienwiese. There were parades, dances, horse races, carnival games and booths - both beer and food. Every year the event occurred and soon it became more than just a wedding celebration. It celebrated Bavarian culture and by the mid 1800's came to be known as Oktoberfest.

Eclipse (Twilight)   (Rated: 18+)
ASIN: 0316160202
ID #109973
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: StephBee
Review Rated: 13+
  Story Plot:
  Length of :
  Overall Quality:
Amazon's Price: $ 12.80

Editor's Picks

Illyrian Blues  (13+)
To keep from losing the woman he loves Wesley has a dying Winifred turned into a vampire.
#2134838 by Yesmrbill

Paranormal Romance Contest  (18+)
Now, Open Exclusively to HSP members - a 2016 & 2020 Quill Award-Winning contest
#2089860 by Jim Hall

Angelique  (13+)
A man meets a woman, but are they?. Written for the Paranormal Romance Contest
#2103578 by Christopher Roy Denton

Fallen Angel  (E)
Winner of Paranormal Romance Short Story Contest. NOV 2016: "Romance With a Fallen Angel"
#2103336 by Jewell

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2103802 by Not Available.

 The Count's Lair  (13+)
Anton has a secret that might tear his romance with Amelia apart.
#1570164 by StephBee

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Feedback from my Romance/Love NL DTD: 13 SEP 2017

Dandelion Man
I do know how to sew but I don't do it much. My wife loves to sew. She makes quilts and alters clothes for our nieces and nephews.

That's great! Sewing is truly a talent. I just hope it's not becoming a lost art!

Question #1 What's your favorite romance movie set in the fall? I wish I had a favorite romance movie, but I don't. Well, "Hope Floats" is one I like. But, I don't think it had a fall theme.

Question #2 Do you use a sewing machine? I do use a sewing machine, except mine is broken right now. I'm hoping to get a new one for my birthday or Christmas.

Question #3 What's your favorite thing to do in the fall? My favorite thing to do in the fall is to sit outside in nature with a nice hot cup of coffee or cocoa. Going for a hike in the woods is a lot of fun, too!


Thanks for including A Romance Contest!! Hoping we get a lot of autumn entries. To
answer your questions.... 1: eeek, I can't think of any movie set in the fall,
let alone a favourite . 2: yes, though it really only makes an appearance once a
year (if that! Best intentions....). 3: if just staring at the lovely colours on the trees is
'doing' then that's my favourite thing. Where I live we no longer get clear cut season
changes so the trees aren't as spectactular as they could be! (Meanwhile, I'm coming
into spring and to see the buds on the trees and the tiny wee leaves unfurling is
something I love as much as seeing the old leaves colouring up.)

Thanks so much to everyone who read and answered!

A pic of me taken 2 years ago.

StephBee is a 911 dispatcher for LAPD. Her latest book in the Budapest Moon series is "The Secret Door." Can Zoltan save his witch from an evil werewolf with Sophia's help?


"I was quite pleased to find an original take on the werewolf mythology and was
impressed by the author's choice of location and historical accuracy. The Secret Door is a fun read
and is highly recommended." - 5 Stars, Jack Magnus, Reader's Favorite Reviews

" There is plenty of action and strife in this story as well as softer and tenderer emotions
between the couples. Overall, I found the story entertaining." 3 Cups, HCHarju,
Coffee Time Romance

"Interesting and richly enjoyable. Keeps one turning the pages." 3.5 Hearts,
JUL/AUG 2013, InD'Tales Magazine.

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