Mystery: May 16, 2018 Issue [#8899]
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 This week: Clues to Reviewing Mystery
  Edited by: eyestar~*
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Greetings mysterious ones! I am back as a guest editor for the mysterious! What a puzzlement!*Wink*
As a reader and reviewer there are things I look for in a good mystery story! So let's discuss how to review Mystery!

Writers speak:

"There are two kinds of people who sit around and think about killing people, mystery writers and serial killers. I am the kind that pays better. Richard Castle

"Mystery thrillers are difficult to write, number one...getting all the details right brings out the detective in everyone." Judith Ivy

"If the book is a mystery to its author as she's writing, inevitably it will be a mystery for the reader as he or she reads it. " Nicole Krauss

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

When I read mystery, and you may agree, I look to be entertained, surprised and like to be challenged to figure out what happened or who done it! My mother was a master at sleuthing when she not so much! LOL I like to be hooked into the character and drawn by suspense. So when reading, with an eye to reviewing...I query:

*Questionp* Is the writing enjoyable to read? Coherent?

*Questionp* Is the plot interesting? Does the action keep rising and hold my attention?

*Questionp* It the story suspenseful with enough clues to keep me reading? (or can I figure it out too soon)

*Questionp* Are the characters vibrant and developed? Is there more than one suspect, a red herring perhaps that keeps me off base?

*Questionp* Is the motive reasonable to the character who does the deed?

*Questionp* Are Means and Opportunity clearly established with valid evidence?

*Questionp* Does the setting add to suspense, or backdrop effectively? Am I drawn into the scene?

*Questionp* Are descriptions vivid and valid? (Clear strong verbs and nouns, less adverbs, adjectives, add to the story)

*Questionp* Are there places where I skip ahead as they seem like filler?
or do I want to jump ahead and read the end as It is so exciting? I love those kind!

*Questionp* Is the narrator and voice consistent and easy to delineate to avoid confusion?

*Questionp* Was I confused by anything? Or thrown out of the story by inaccurate facts about something?
(does it feel like the author did his research where necessary?)

Overall, was I entertained and satisfied with the journey when the end comes?

I do not think it is easy to write mystery and crime with all of its twists and turns and having discerning readers waiting to enter the mystery. So reviewing with an eye to the basics of mystery may assist the author refine flaws or miscues or be reassured that the mystery they created was successful *Thumbsup*

Thanks for reading and HAPPY REVIEWING! *Starstruck*.

Editor's Picks


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#2157259 by Not Available.

What Delusions May Bring   (18+)
Annette meets her blind date whose favorite song is Winter Wonderland.
#2149825 by Nixie

Mary Rose  (ASR)
The fictional demise of a beautiful young lady in a frozen lake.
#2156325 by T.L.Finch

The Case of the Missing Emojis  (18+)
Dick Casey is hired by a woman claiming to be from the future, to find a thief.
#2156254 by Genipher

 Blast Caste  (E)
When serial blasts destroy their father's company, two boys set out to catch the culprit.
#2156315 by PookieFoof

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#2154181 by Not Available.

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#1319136 by Not Available.

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Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Thanks for your kind feedback! *Delight*

dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG
Much thanks for the intense and expansive introduction to mysteries of the outback. I now know more than I did a few minutes ago. The mysteries of mysteries can be brought to life anywhere if the elements are carefully chosen and the character(s) are blended well within the scene. This challenge is something I may tackle in the near future. Much thanks for stirring my imagination and throwing in some spice.

Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. Glad you found something to inspire your muse. *Fairy*

Outstanding NL I'll have to check out those books.

Thanks for your kind response. *Smile*

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