Poetry: July 11, 2018 Issue [#9001]
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 This week: Making Lemon-Aid!
  Edited by: fyn
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

If life gives you lemons, don't settle for simply making lemonade - make a glorious scene at a lemonade stand. ~~Elizabeth Gilbert

The lesson is, because there will be many lemons in life, to learn to make the proverbial lemonade - and be open and honest. That's the best way of doing damage control and positioning yourself for success. ~~Vivek Wadhwa

We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons. ~~Alfred Newman

(I like the way the lemon polish smells, sometimes, I even use it to dust!)~~fyn

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Lemon day. No, not sun-washed lemony yellow goodness; but the sour, squinty-eyed, involuntary shuddery sort where nothing works right, when furniture leaps out and attacks me as I innocently cross the room, the dog gets out and ttakes off for parts unknown, the kitchen sink tosses its cookies (EVERYTHING in the garbage disposal) and that was all before 7 am this morning! Then things got worse!

Trust me: it was raining lemon hailstones today!

Breathing deeply, I tried to settle. Tried to side track. Go to WDC, I thought. That always makes me feel good.

And, it did. This place is so awesome!!! New reviews to read. Cool stuff in the newsfeed. Couple of new contests. I smiled and relaxed. Went back and reread poems (ones reviewed) that I'd written long ago and had thus completely forgotten. More smiles. Caught up on emails. Totally spaced writing my newsletter - which is why, at 10:58pm I am frantically writing!

Thing is, again, WDC was a 'life-savor' - the cherry or wintergreen variety today and I was smiling and no longer gritting my teeth!
Writing was so not happening, but I was no longer ready to bite anyone's head off, scream at the wayward pooch who (thankfully) came back or freak out at everything else that went awry.

Made me think back though on other WDC moments. Like when I first discovered it and the joy of it all quite literally breathed life back into a mangled, broken-boned soul who was (literally!) ready to give up because -- hey, what was the point of it all. WDC showed me the point, the folks and writers here clearly showed me a million points of light to savor. Couldn't wait o check my email and see what had arrived!! That, THAT kept me going.

Then there are the people behind the ports and handles. I have made some of the best friends I have ever had here! I've met many of you, talked to many more and emailed with more still. I've found muses, uber-friends, superior mentors, acceptance and love. What a wonderful world WDC truly is!

And it IS a world! Not just folks from simply EVERYWHERE but from every walk of life, every level of writing, and every spectrum of humanity. Then, the plethora of genre-countries where characters live and breathe, sing and dance, laugh and cry. Oh, and then there are the people written about. Them too, and yes, every bit as real.

Today, a basket full of lemons became an aid to turning tears into smiles and that is all due to YOU, the world of writing.com writers and readers! So I am appreciating you all tonight! This community is a bottomless well of humanity that constantly amazes and surprises me. Perhaps, it shouldn't because I do truly know the level of fantastically awesome folks abound in here, but today was just like a tidal wave that made me smile. No one even knew I was having a terribly awful day and still, I am smiling, got through it (as one does) and am only limping a little. Point being, even when it is shared that someone is having hard times, we rally and flood and spread happiness like a butterfly migration.

So grab a glass of - as we say - 'freshly squoze' lemonade, have a seat and set a spell. The front porch at WDC seems to have a gazillion rocking chairs, no mosquitoes and spectacular sunsets!

Editor's Picks

"Life's Lemons"   by tj ~ endeavors to persevere!

"LIFE IS LIKE A ROSE"   by Dr M C Gupta

"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

"Bearing Straight"   by Teargen

"Yellow"   by Lilli 🧿 ☕

"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

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It is time to submit items for the 2018 WDC Anthology!

All submission guidelines found:

2018 WDC Anthology Information  (E)
All you need to know to submit to the 2018 WdC Anthology- DEADLINE 7-31-18
#1935520 by fyn

and the Submission Form is

2018 WDC Anthology Item Submission Form  (E)
For WDC authors to submit items for consideration
#1876216 by fyn

*Books3* *Books3* *PenV* *Pencil* *SuitHeart* *Pencil* *PenV* *Books2* *Books2*

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
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