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Spiritual: March 08, 2006 Issue [#921]

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 This week:
  Edited by: Kit
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Welcome to this edition of the Spiritual Newsletter.

The world has a way of bringing me down sometimes. And sometimes I ask myself the question "What's the point?". But I always bounce back, and in this Newsletter I will tell you why.


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Letter from the editor

Does anyone else sometimes feel a sadness for the world? A sadness so strong that you just want to hide for a bit, feel a weight on your shoulders? I experience this from time to time. Whether it be the way people treat animals, the state of the environment or, the last time it occurred, the media hype about the bird flu and the weird websites popping up everywhere about what may or may not happen in 2012.

I found myself asking “What is the point?”. What is the point in trying to get published, sorting my life, finding love, when everything might end next year or in a few years? And I hid away for a day, feeling scared and sad, feeling the weight.

Of course, I prayed. And I snapped out of my state of mind rather quickly, because there are some very clear answers to my question. There is a reason to keep going. There are many reasons, as a matter of fact. Whilst there are certain things I can't do anything about – such as stop the bird flu threat or solve the issue of the environment single-handedly, there are plenty of ways in which I can make a difference.

The worst thing a person can do is to hide away from problems, or because of fear. It's almost a denial of the gift we have been given – the gift of life. Everyone matters, which is a concept I struggle with from time to time, but it is a fact. Everything we do makes a difference. A smile to someone we pass in the street, a kind word, treating those around us with friendliness and respect. Providing an ear and a shoulder to cry on to those in need. Doing well in our jobs, our studies, taking joy in our hobbies...

We humans have been given so much. We have the ability to create art, for one. Whether it is the written word, or photography, or a painting, we are able to touch the hearts and souls of others through expressing ourselves. This is a gift not to be underestimated. Have you ever read a book or a poem that touched you so deeply that it changed the way you thought, cheered you up, gave you hope? I know I have. So what is the point in trying to get published? Perhaps my words will reach someone and make a difference to them.

Sorting my life is something I need to do for myself, to gain my independence, to feel confident that I can make it, stand on my own two feet. If not for anyone else, it is something I need to do for me. And love... it is not so much a matter of finding that special someone, but to try be open to the possibility that someone out there might be that perfect companion. Love is something so special and precious, it would be a shame to turn my back on its possibility, just because of the potentially destructive effects of a unique planetary alignment six years from now.

When I meet my Maker and I am asked what I did with the life I was given, I don't want to have to answer that I hid in fear, wasted all the opportunities placed in my path. I'd like to be able to answer that I tried my best to be a good person and that I tried to make the most of it.

So whatever life brings, I won't give up.


Editor's Picks

Some pieces that might inspire:

God, What Am I to Achieve in Life?  (E)
I asked God what I was suppose to achieve in my life, this is the answer He gave to me.
#813923 by intuey

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This item number is not valid.
#806102 by Not Available.

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#640675 by Not Available.

Listen To The Love  (E)
A celebration of God's beauty in Creation.
#812224 by Brenpoet moving house

Don't Be Afraid  (E)
God's Love...inspired by a real experience.
#883972 by Kit

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

I welcome any and all thoughts on my Editorials, questions and suggestions. So please don't hesitate to send your feedback *Smile*.

zwisis - A wonderful newsletter, kittiara. I truly feel all religions and faiths are under attack right now, and people need to hold on to their faiths, and try not to judge those with different beliefs.

Thanks so much for your feedback *Smile*. Yes, I certainly agree with you.


essence of thought - God is one for all. You are right, a person must not be judjed for his religion, it is "Whom you are" what really matters. And also one must ask to know because doubt leads to truth. Thanks for this "for all" newsletter.

Thank you for responding. Thank you so much for your encouraging words.


jewelscents - You are right Kitty it all comes down to Love.
Luke 10:25-28 reads.
25On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

26"What is written in the Law?" he replied. "How do you read it?"

27He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"

28"You have answered correctly," Jesus replied. "Do this and you will live."

I also want to be certain to add that its through believing that Christ came to die for us as sinners. John 3:16 reads:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I look forward to getting to know you and many others here at writing.com *Bigsmile*.

Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! I hope this gives others hope, too.


jw52130 - your faith is personal and your own business, there istoo much fuss and ado over it on these so clled chruistian forums. love granny jnny wren

Thank you. Yes, it saddens me sometimes how people so easily judge other people because of their faith. It is really a matter of personal choice.


Incurable Romantic - Kitti, your open sharing about your faith took courage, and I commend you for that. I found it very interesting to read, and it makes some wonderful points. One of the most important is being accepting of those with other faiths besides our own. That is part of the love that you already know God wants all of us to share. Thank you for sharing, and for spreading His word about love. An excellent editorial.

Thank you so very much for your kind words *Smile*.


werden - I too was told I was evil since I enjoyed fantasy. I was even called the Antichrist in high school :). I enjoy Harry Potter which will probably cause me to be branded a devil in my church. The same people love the Chronicles of Narnia... I ask what is the difference between the two?

I have no idea. I do not see any evil in the Harry Potter books. It deals with magic, which I know some faiths have trouble with, but above all the Harry Potter books are about courage, friendship and loyalty, to name some important values. Never a bad thing to read about *Smile*.


Lingua Pura - Kitti

It is great to find this newsletter on writing.com (I've just recently joined)and to read what you have written above.

You think so much like me it is almost as if I had written it myself.

Thank you for brightening up my day.


Hi Stephen, welcome to Writing.Com! I hope you will enjoy it here. Thanks so much for your feedback! I am glad you liked my Newsletter.


hdelphyne - Hello Kittiara. Questions of faith and spirituality are not always easy to answer. Bravo for stepping up and speaking out for what you believe and leaving the door open/respecting other beliefs. Where diversity and difference can be respected, we have a chance to meet each other in the name of Love and peace. Blessings, Thea

I agree, Thea. Thank you so much for your wonderful words.


FreeFall - I know what you mean. I was, and am, a daydreamy girl who loves fantasy novels and asking odd questions. Sorry, no Rock music. Was the church you grew up in strict? Just curious. I call myself a christian, lucky enough now to be in a understanding church. Hope you can find one, if you want to, or at least some understanding friends to help in your walk. I only know it can be very lonely to do right without someone to help.

I did not really grow up in a church, though my grandmother and aunt and uncle attended the Salvation Army, and I would go there on occasion. Perhaps, one day, I will find a church that suits me and that brings me that peace that I know such a community can bring. It can be a lonely path, as it is. Especially as those around me do not really have a faith. Thanks for your feedback!


Prosperous Snow celebrating - I enjoyed reading this weeks newsletter. This is the first newsletter I read when I log into writing.com. I like hearing about what other people believe and I like asking questions. I believe that God wants us to search for truth independently, that's why we were given the ability to ask question. I also believe that God sent every religion for the purpose of assisting humanity to know the Divine Essence. I am a Baha'i myself.

I hope you are not offended and forgive me my ignorance, but I have never heard of the Baha'i faith. As I am interested in different faiths, I will certainly find out about it. If there is a piece about your faith in your port, I would be interested in reading it.

I very much agree with your views, and thank you for your feedback.


Alimohkon - I have one question. How do you teach your children? What faith do you try to impart to them? Do you just say "believe in God", and that's all? There must be some basis. Although religions sometimes tend to confuse us, if you examine their dogmas and faiths to follow, they all point to something, and that is for the greater glory of God. Which is why I'm confused to hear one say that he or she is a Christian without belonging to a Christian group. Jesus inspired us, although he didn't command, to belong to a group, a brotherhood where we share, give testimonies, and preach the word of God. Please excuse me but I am sorry to say that I was saddened as I read your editorial.
You can not say that you are Christian, you believe in Jesus, but you do not know him. And there are many things that Jesus commanded us to follow, and one of these is "to go to the whole world, preach the good news, and baptize them in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

Sadly, I do not have any children. But if I ever have them, I will tell them about God and Jesus, share my views, and leave it to them to make their individual choices as to their faith. I do believe it is a choice each person must make for themselves. Of course I will teach them my values, for example to be respectful and kind to all and to not judge others by the colour of their skin, their faith, their status and so on.

Perhaps, one day, I will attend a church. I know I have a lot to learn and I know the value of a community. At this point in time I just have not found one I feel comfortable in joining. So my relationship with God and Jesus is a personal one.


nancy-s - Kitti
You say you believe in Jesus. What does that mean to you? Jesus said He's the Son of God. He said He is the way the the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by Him. He said "You must be born again". He told His followers that He would lay down His life, take it up again, go back to Heaven and send the Holy Spirit as our guide. If you believe in Jesus, then you are called to believe that He's the truth. We are to worship with other Christians because the Bible says so and because when we don't, we grow cold. Most important, we aren't saved because of personal worthiness. We are saved and sanctified because we repent of sin and, by faith, put God in control of our lives. I pray that you will seek Him, and know Him in a close personal relationship that will answer every question you have. Ask yourself this, Why would a loving God leave His creation out here to flounder about unable to find and know the truth? The answer is that He didn't.

I believe in Jesus, the Son of God, and His teachings. I also believe in the amazing sacrifice He made for us all.

I guess I am still finding my path, the right path for me. Religion is so diverse. Even amongst Christians, there are so many different churches and faiths. It is confusing. Which one is the right one? Is there a right or wrong when it comes to the different options?

I believe God is love. I also believe God knows me, my thoughts, my struggles and doubts and I know He will guide me to where He wants me.


I hope you have a lovely week!

The Spiritual Newsletter Team:

kittiara, Puditat , windac, Love is a Mommy (no foolin) .

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