For Authors: November 14, 2018 Issue [#9224]
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 This week: Whisk Brain
  Edited by: fyn
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things. ~~Isaac Newton

The figure a poem makes. It begins in delight and ends in wisdom... in a clarification of life - not necessarily a great clarification, such as sects and cults are founded on, but in a momentary stay against confusion. ~~Robert Frost

I have learned one thing in my life: If I put too much pressure on myself, then everything goes wrong. ~~Granit Xhaka

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Letter from the editor

So. This is the One-handed Fyn trying to type. My right hand seems not to even have a clue where the left hand's letters even are. I'm left handed. This weekend my car and I did a whirly-do on icy roads and my shoulder slammed against the door hard enough to pop the inside part of the door loose. Didn't do anything positive to my shoulder and neck either. So I'm (ahem) single handedly trying to get work done.

Aside from ending up in the wrong lane facing the opposite of where I was going, I learned my daughter uses words I've rarely ever heard her use. But then again, I didn't hit the fence, the trees, the mailbox, the ditch or the two other cars in close proximity. (Whew!) We had just left for a girl's weekend out Christmas shopping in the coolest Christmas town ever - that being Frankenmuth, Michigan. With the marvels of modern medicine keeping the various aches and pains almost at bay, we had a marvelous time! With our busy lives, my daughter and I do not get much bonding time, so this weekend was extra special. We laughed and sand … and took advantage of Veteran's Day sales up there that are only for veterans. (We both have served.) I'm glad it was my left side that got crunched, because my hand was shaken hundreds of times as we were thanked for our service. I was fun seeing folks wearing their company/battalion/brigade hats. I even saw a hat from the 120th Aviation Company (AH) which was my old unit! I didn't know them, but it didn't matter - comrades in arms and all that. (big smile)

It was very busy. The hotels were all booked solid as it was also the beginning of 'hunting widows week.' Everybody was in super good moods. It was freezing cold, a little snowy and just about perfect. For two days, I almost forgot all about work. FYI, the 2018 Anthology is in layout. Next week five books will hit the printers. And I've got four books in the possibles list for new authors coming aboard. Trying to read a historical fiction, a crime/murder mystery, a psychic murder mystery and a spiritual book all at the same time. So my 'down' time was spent reading. I'm also trying to write a book and get ready for the Winter Construct Cup! On the home front, hubby is deep into bow season and super geeked about gun season which starts Thursday. Not a good time to be one handed with the hand being the wrong one. (Can't even lift a cup of coffee with it.) Ah, but we persevere!

Best thing is I've figured out how to put all this in perspective. It is all fodder. Somewhere along the line, it will all end up in a book or short story. It works like that. It is all in the details, the descriptions and will make a character more realistic. I'd never sun out before; now I know exactly what it's like. That helpless, paniced feeling, the blur as you see the trees, fences and headlights whizzing by. The numbing anticipation of a sickening crunch. The relief when everyone is okay and nothing got hit. The shakes when all is said and done. It's been years since i burst the bursa sack in that shoulder. I'm remembering what it felt like. I'm re-realizing how much I do with my left hand. And, I am reminded (painfully) when I forget and try to reach, move, grab with it. All things I will use at some point and have it be right when I write it!

Editor's Picks

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 Can't Work, I'm Busy  (18+)
A man reflects on his use of time.
#1087931 by Bryce

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#2171137 by Not Available.

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#2155133 by Not Available.

 Obliteration of the Beast   (E)
The Beast! The Whirling, Spasmodic Beast!
#2070764 by fyn

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Quick-Quill says: Fyn- I love this one too. you are giving me a reminder of perspective as I begin to write this new novel. PERSPECTIVE should be the word I post on my screen as I write.

Paul writes: Hi, That was one of the better essays on how to think I’ve had the opportunity to read. I think I would have fallen in love with Annie. I’m 76 with 6 kids, 17 grand kids and 3 great grands and I’ve been preaching that concept for years, “Pay attention to what they mean, not just the words. Every politician and preacher in the world knows double-speak and how to make you believe they said X = Y with their words, when in fact their meaning is A = B.Thank you for those words. Paul🐸

Jim Hall comments:Hi! I agree with your assessment regarding perceptions and what we see compared to another.
I was in a management class where we were asked to describe an apple that sat on a stool. I, like many others described the apple in great literal detail. Others the same apple with either a bite taken out or as just an apple core. Yet another group described the apple's potential: Apple pie cooling in a window, thought of home, love and caring, etc.
It's interesting to watch a politician or celebrity speak while observing their body language. It certainly doesn't often match their words. Very entertaining, actually. Jim

Ren the Klutz! adds: So true about perspectives and the tainted vision we all carry within. Now to clearly remember said facts while communicating.

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