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Horror/Scary: November 28, 2018 Issue [#9243]

 This week: Giving Thanks
  Edited by: W.D.Wilcox
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

My Christmas Sig from Undocked & Peck

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Letter from the editor

Giving Thanks

Hi, my name is Yosie Yams and every year I am the favorite side dish on the Holiday Table. Kids like me because of my bright color and sweet taste. Seniors like me because I’ve already been chewed. And parents like me because I’m probably the easiest thing to fix on Thanksgiving.

With a little imagination, I could probably be a contender for dessert and give ol’ Pumpkin Pie a run for his money. But you’d have to cover me with marshmallows first.

I feel sad for some of the other side dishes though, Sticky Stuffing or Cranky Cranberry. You know, you can tell whether someone likes you by the look on their face when they eat you. Have you ever seen the look on someone’s face when they try to eat Cranberry sauce? Oh, man, it gives me the willies.

Well, food's on, and here comes the family.

Look at ‘em! This Family Tree just keeps getting bigger and bigger every year. I sure hope she cooked enough for everybody. Look, there’s Aunt Martha and Uncle Henry, Gram and Gramps, and look at all those kids.

Uh-oh, it looks like little Johnny has a bad cold, and he’s gonna sit down right next to me. Geez! Get some tissue buddy, would ya? You can’t sit down to eat with a wet snozola like that. That's disgusting, man. Somebody get Little Johnny a tissue!

Come on now, dig in to my steamy caramel-colored goodness. I bet that’ll help cure your cold. You know, your mom worked real hard this year preparing everything so that it came out just right.

Yeah, that’s it. Take a big old heaping tablespoon of me . . . .


Oh man! That was gross! Look what you did to me! I got snot all over me. Somebody help! Help! Get it off! Get it off!

Oh! Finally! She’s taking me away to get me all cleaned up. Aw, listen to everybody moaning because I’m leaving the table. Don’t you worry none folks, I’ll be right back. I know, I know, but these things happen when you got kids, right?

I’m just gonna change my top, and, uh, hey, wait a minute. Hey! What . . . whatcha doing? You’re scraping me into the garbage can? Come on now! I’m still edible! No! No! No! Oh, what a cruel world this is. I'll get you for this, Johnny! Just you wait until next year . . . .


A new sig from 'undocked'

Editor's Picks

Kill the Bird, Stuff 'im, and Eat 'im Whole

Indulgence  (E)
"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
#2174637 by L.A. Grawitch

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#2169817 by Not Available.

This is the Best Trap, Yet!  (18+)
An amusing tale of terror.
#1335818 by Ԝ€ß☆ԜiʈCH

IT WAITS  (18+)
It waits for unknown reasons
#1178339 by SHERRI GIBSON

The Black Cape And Top Hat  (13+)
A man's memory of a terrible event in his youth still haunts him
#1886133 by Angus

Berserk  (13+)
A clown can only take so much...
#1382016 by Jeff

McDermott's Gift  (18+)
A man uses his supernatural gift to save a town.
#1059247 by W.D.Wilcox

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Word from Writing.Com

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Product Type: Kindle Store
Amazon's Price: $ 9.99

Ask & Answer


gingerlyme says:
Thanks a million for featuring my short story The Right Thing To Do in your newsletter!

Kotaro says:
Thanks for showing us how to do it. You're the best!

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#2147990 by Not Available.

Paranormal Romance Contest  (13+)
Now, Open Exclusively to HSP members - a 2016 & 2020 Quill Award-Winning contest
#2089860 by Jim Hall

The Writer's Cramp  (13+)
Write the best story or poem in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPs!
#333655 by Sophy

A Terrifying Contest Of Horror And Three Time Quill Award Winner!
#2020439 by Lilli 🧿 ☕

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