Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1002798-Annabelle-Chirps
Rated: E · Interview · Animal · #1002798
Getting to know my pet sun conure.
My Sun Conure

What is your name?
Annabelle Bateman

What is your DOB?

What kind of bird are you?
Sun conure

Favorite thing to say?

What type of nut do you prefer to eat?
um…I’ll give you one guess…starts with P and ends with T.

How old where you when you came to live w your flock?
Three weeks old.

Do you sleep with covers? In a happy hut?
Both. I love my happy hut and they cover my cage at night. Or, when I get too loud.

Name your all-time fav activity.
I love bobbing my head and dancing.

Who is your favorite person in your flock?

What scares you the most?

How do you spend most of your free time?
Playing with the toys in my cage.

Are you the messiest bird in the flock?
Absolutely not!

If you had your choice, when would you bite another family member?
Every chance I get. I love biting skin.

What music do you like? Any DVD in particular?
Any music.

If you could visit any room in the house, where would you go?
I love the kitchen….especially on Dad’s shoulder.

A memorable night?
I flew into a pot of boiling sweet potatoes. I burnt my feet. Dad saved me. From then on, they clip my winds.

A special visitor?
No one. I only like my family.

Can you whistle?
What’s so special about whistleing?

What sounds do you like to mimic?
other conures.
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