Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1018124-WARNING-SIGNS-OF-TEEN-SUICIDE
by skymac
Rated: 13+ · Article · Educational · #1018124
These are just some of the warning signs of someone thinking of suicide with a poem
Suicide threats direct or indirect
Obsession with death
Poems, essays, and drawings that refer to death
Dramatic change in personality or appearance
Overwhelming sense of guilt, bizarre behavior, feelings of shame or low self esteem
Change in eating habits or sleeping patterns
Severe drop in school performance
Giving away belongings
Avoids their friends
You notice cuts or markings on their arms known as self mutilation
If you see teen suicide warning signs please seek help for your teen immediately. you can call the suicide hotline at 1-800-suicide they will connect you with someone in your area or call your child's high school counselor or go to your family doctor and have them refer you to a crisis center or a therapist

Here is a poem titled What Did I Miss

Today my world came crashing down
I feel my life ended when they placed you in the ground

Lord my baby is no longer alive
How in this world will I ever survive?

My baby is where my whole world was built
Now I am so full of pain, and so full of guilt

My tears they fall just like the rain
My heart is broken, and full of pain

Lord, how can I make it through today or tomorrow?
My baby is no longer here, my life is full of sorrow

What did I miss? Not to know you were feeling such desperation?
How could I have missed you feeling such devestation?

Lord, I walk into my baby's room
Everything still in place, my life is full of doom

What did I miss, what did I do wrong?
I missed something important, because now you're gone

What did I miss? I must not have read between the lines
Not to know you had suicide on your mind

I only have myself to blame, no matter what others may say
I failed you as a parent as of today

I find it is my fault, I have no one else to blame
Without you here, my life will never be the same

I miss you my baby, I wish I had noticed the signs that something was wrong
Oh how I wish I would have talked to you more, and made our relationship strong

So no I will be left with the question why?
What could have been so bad, to make you want to die?

So as I sit and question, what did I miss?
I will wipe away my tears, and blow you a kiss

I will always have to wonder, what I missed, and forever ask the question why
Had I known the problem, together we could have fixed it, together we could have tried

I will always wonder, did I ignore a problem that you may have mentioned?
Was it something that needed my full attention?

Forever, a lifetime to spend to try and find what I did wrong
Where that I failed you, to make it to where you could not go on

So to anyone who may have this kinds of thoughts
Your parents help with this problem needs to be sought

If you can't talk to your parent, please talk to a friend, a counsler, or a teacher
Call a hotline or please talk to your preacher

With us please stay
Life is precious, please don't throw it away

© Copyright 2005 skymac (mtdm2005 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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