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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1065249
an actual dream i had
Zombie Dogs

It was an ordinary evening. I was watching Harvey Krumpet, a claymation cartoon, in my old orange lazy boy. All the lights were off and only the colors on the screen illuminated the small room.
I suddenly heard a clicking sound tapping against the hard wood floors. The noise coming closer and closer. Curious as to where it was coming from I got up and stepped into the hallway. Turning the corner I saw a huge black rottwieller. It’s small black eyes were set on me. A growl emerged from deep within it’s belly, causing me to step back. It’s mouth opened wide and it showed me it’s razor sharp fangs. Before I could even comprehend how the animal could have found a way into my home, it attacked. Leaping into the air it lunged toward my body, but my instincts kicked in and I reached for It’s throat and in a quick jerk I had twisted it’s neck. Carrying the dead lifeless body to the door, I threw him out.
I automatically moved to the hallway phone and dialed animal control. I explained the situation and requested someone come and remove the dead animal from the premises. So stunned at the incident I went back to the living room. Once again settling on the recliner. My mind blank, I just stared at Harvey Krumpet on my TV.
Only minuets passed when I heard another noise. I quickly got up and went in search of the origin. I went down the hallway following the noise. It sounded like something crawling through my vents. The sound suddenly stopped. I turned the corner, towards the back of the house. Squeezing through a small vent was the same dog. This time I didn’t wait for it to attack. I grabbed it by the neck and hurled it out of the window. Glass shattered as his body flew through it and a loud thump was heard as it’s body hit the pavement. I didn’t look to see where it landed. I was already rushing to the phone, to dial 911.
Suddenly I crashed into a warm body in the hallway. My sister shrieked and asked what was going on. The doorbell rang. I didn’t have a moment to fill her in on our predicament. The animal control person, was at the door. I quickly ran to the door and yanked it open. I didn’t say a word, just grabbed his shirt with both hands and pulled him in. He grunted and proceeded to ask what I was doing. I ignored him and focused my attention to the dog in the doorway.
In what appeared to me like slow motion, it attacked, leaping once again into the air and I instantly jumped up. Grabbed his head in both my hands and snapped it’s neck. We both crashed to the floor and I lifted it’s body and threw it out the door. The dogs lifeless body landed on the grass.
I watched for a moment waiting to see what would happen. Voices behind me were frantic and questioning. I ignored both of them and concentrated on the rottwieller. It moved. It’s body spasmed, it’s eyes opened, slowly it got up and stared right at me. Silently Four more rottwiellers moved in behind it. There eyes all focused on the hunt.
My mind panicked but my body slammed the door. Locking it behind me. I furiously began pushing an old bookcase up against it. My sister ran to the front door, obviously understanding our deadly situation. But before reaching it, it burst open and one of the creatures lunged at her. I was already in action upon hearing the crash. I dashed my sewing kit and pulled out two long knitting needles without stopping. My sister turns and runs towards me. I meet the beast head on and stab it with the needles. Right into its skull. Oddly there was no blood. I picked it up with one hand, like a basketball being palmed and whipped the body at the other dogs. They were all knocked down.
I rush to close the door. Not bothering to barricade it, I run to the kitchen and grab a butcher knife. We needed to get out of the house, now. I proceed to the only escape route left. I opened the kitchen window and slashed at the mesh screen. I explain to my now quiet and scared companions to get into the truck and wait for me. Just as they climbed out I heard a crashing sound from the front door.
I ran to front and confronted the five dogs that were salivating on my carpet. I waited for them to make their move. Surprisingly only one attacked me. I quickly slit it’s throat with the knife. Throwing the carcass once again at the others. I had assumed at this point that they were obviously playing a game with me.
Taking the only chance I had I ran to the window. Jumping out onto the gravel I quickly ran towards the safety of the truck. Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of them running to intercept me, with a quick jerk of my arm I slit its throat. Down it goes and Up I go, into the truck and slamming the door. My sister hits the gas, and I finally take a breath. I look into the rear view mirror to see if they would follow.
The dogs had stopped, starring as the truck sped off. To my astonishment their bodies began to change. My mouth hung open as they metamorphosed into five womanly bodies. Their Latino features bearing a striking resemblance to the dead women I had killed during a drug raid last night.
A mysterious figure seated in the back of my truck says to me. “You can not out run them. They will follow you... forever.”
© Copyright 2006 Silver77 (silver77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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