Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1112447-Christmas-Star
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1112447
The magic of Santa Claus
Jake’s Daddy got a brand new job in another town and they were scheduled to

move before he started the second grade. Now this was very upsetting to Jake because he

would have to leave all of his friends and they were moving away from all his family.

How was he supposed to teach his baby cousins to tie their shoes or to read, or for that

matter how to play video games? But probably his worse fear was how on Earth was

Santa Claus going to find him? Jakes Mom kept telling him that he had nothing to worry

about because Santa would just know where he was, but that did nothing to ease Jake’s

fear of being forgotten at Christmas.

Now Jake was a very resourceful young man and he decided that he would just

have to write Santa Claus a letter after they had found a new house to give Santa his new

address, however, Jake didn’t know Santa’s address. He was smart enough to know that

just addressing it to the North Pole wouldn’t do any good. He didn’t have the actual

number of Santa’s house. So getting on the internet right before they left for their new

town and new school and new house Jake looked up Santa’s home address. It took Jake

what seemed like hours of searching the internet and still he could not find Santa’s


“Hmmmm.” Jake said to himself, “What is another name for Santa Claus?” Jake

wondered and thinking for a long time Jake snapped his fingers and exclaimed, “I got it!

Chris Cringle!” Now armed with this new idea Jake started to search again. He found

many addresses but none of them were in the North Pole, stumped again Jake decided to

give up because it was getting very late, and soon his Mom and Dad would be after him

to brush his teeth and get to bed. “Tomorrow I will finish my search. Maybe my Mom

can give me some clues as to how to find Santa’s address.” And with that Jake turned off

the computer and went to bed. Unknown to Jake his Mom and Dad had seen what he was

doing and thought how best to rectify the situation. You see when Jake’s Mom was little

her family had moved and she could remember feeling the same way.

“I know,” she said to Jake’s Dad, “I will tell him what my Mom told me.” Now

Jake’s Dad had never heard this little tale before but knowing that Jake’s Mom was pretty

good at explaining things decided that it would all work out.

The next day Jake decided that he should ask his Mom how to find Santa’s

address. Going from room to room looking for his Mom, Jake at last came into the

kitchen where his Mom was just pulling chocolate cookies out of the oven.

“Smells good Mom.” Jake said taking a big sniff. “Mom can I ask you a


“Sure Jake, it sounds pretty serious, have a seat and we can talk over some fresh

baked cookies and a glass of milk.” His Mom replied guiding him to the kitchen table.

“What would you like to talk about?”

“Well I’m a little concerned that Santa Claus won’t be able to find us after we

move so do you think that you could help me find his address on the internet?”

“If you think that is the way to go about it then I would be more than happy to

help you, but, if you ask me I happen to know for a fact that Santa will be able to find

you regardless if you send him a letter or not.”

“How do you know that Mom?” Jake replied most curiously.

“Well it just so happens that I had to move one year right before Christmas when I

was about your age and Santa found me. You see the star on our tree has our name on it.”
“What does our Christmas star have to do with anything?”

“Santa knows how to find us because of that star.”

“Mom you say that Santa can find us because of the star but that doesn’t really

explain anything.” He replied matter of factly.

“Okay let me get us some more cookies and I will explain it all so that there will

be no doubt in your mind that Santa will find us after we move. Like I said we had to

move when I was little and my Mom explained how it works, just like her Mom

explained to her, and so forth and so on as far back as anybody in our family knows.

Everybody has a Christmas star or a Christmas angle that they put on the top of their

trees. It is a special kind of Christmas magic that is Santa’s alone. Kind of like how he

knows if you’ve been naughty or nice.” Jake’s Mom paused to let this sink in and Jake

nodded his understanding. “Every year we put that Christmas star on our tree and it sends

a very special magic message to Santa to let him know where we are. It shoots the

message straight up into the sky and that is our very own star directly above us. It is

because of this message that Santa is able to find our family.”

“I think I understand Mom, but I would be very disappointed if it doesn’t work.”

“I know honey but you will just have to trust in Santa Claus this year and I

believe that you won’t be disappointed.”

“Okay well now I won’t worry about it any more.”

“I’m glad that this little talk we had helped eases your mind now you need to go

finish packing your things in the boxes because we leave next week.”

Nodding his head but still not completely at ease, Jake went to his room and

started packing up his toys.

After to moving to his new town and going to his new school and making new

best friends Jake seemed to be adjusting to his new life quite well but he still worried

about Christmas. As the holiday drew closer Jake became more and more nervous. One

day his Mom noticed his behavior and sat him down and asked him, “What’s going on?

Is this about Santa finding us?”

“I remember what you said and I know that it is something that has been going on

in our family for a long time, but I think that I should have written Santa a letter telling

him that we moved.”

“I wish you would have said something before this because I am afraid that it is

too late to write him and let him know. Santa Claus will be here tonight and tomorrow

you will know the truth.”

“I know but I can’t help being nervous.”

“It’s okay Jake but you will have to believe in Santa. Have hope that all will turn

out good in the end.”

“I’ll try Mom. I know that Santa found you and Grandma so I will believe that he

will find me too.”

“Good, now its time for bed. Santa doesn’t come until you go to sleep.”

“Goodnight Mom.”

“Goodnight Jake I love you.”

Surprisingly Jake didn’t have very much trouble going to sleep. He dreamt of a

puppy being left for him by Santa Claus but before he could see what else he got he woke

with a start. Staring at the ceiling in his room Jake heard something on the roof. It

sounded like someone was up there. Crawling very quietly out of bed he looked out his

window and to his amazement and utter joy he saw Santa Claus flying away in his sleigh.

As Santa started to climb in the night sky Jake followed him with his eyes and to

his surprise Jake saw beams of light shooting out the tops of people’s homes. In fact he

could see a light coming out of his best friend Tom’s house and knew in his heart that

Santa would never forget a child on this magical night.

© Copyright 2006 Serenity (gen13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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