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Rated: XGC · Other · Adult · #1128684
Caribbean style lovin
The Seductress

Michael, who stood at five foot six, broad shoulders, nice smile, and a Caribbean accent most women adored. He stayed absorbed in his work most of the time and really didn’t have a social life except for Ravina who he hung out with from work occasionally.

She hung out with Michael when he started working at the Department of Insurance. She had short shapely legs, creamy luscious thighs, wide hips, not to mention very busty. Her bright brown eyes and soft smile made it easy to talk to her about anything that came to mind. She always wore her hair pulled back for one reason or another.

Michael would constantly think to himself, ‘No doubt she has the perfect hips for winding.’

There was this club, on Friday nights that had an Ire Night - nothing but pure Dancehall music until your heart was content. The atmosphere was off the hook in many ways. The type of place that Michael would have loved to visit if he knew about. The floor was wooden and place was crowd constantly. With no room to dance after a while when the grove was in full effect. Periodically the owner of the club would come out and dance as well with the patrons.

At lunch time, Ravina and Michael were sitting in the small court yard looking over the small Japanese type garden that had been planted to make you feel tranquil.

"You have got to go and check out this club called The Ocean Lounge, especially on Fridays." Ravina raved about while taking a bit into her ham sandwhich.

"Why?" Michael asked, knowing full well he wasn’t really in mood to hear the hip hop music they would be playing that the club she’d recommend. His heart longed for the old familiar beats that moved within him…those reggae beats…dancehall, calypso, and even the ska sounds.

"The music is hot and so are the people. If you went there in one mood, you would surely come out with a different perspective. The music is off the hook, people are friendly, and food is not too shabby if you ask me."

"You say that about every club Ravina. What makes this club so special?” He said in all seriousness.

"I'm telling you, you have to go and check it out." She insisted adamantly. “The music is not like what I was used to hearing. It was so intoxicating.”

"I won't make any promises; I'll see what poppin' this weekend. What's on your schedule?"

"I'm supposed to hook up with a few of my girls and head to L.A. for the weekend."

Michael looked down at his watch, "Lunch is almost over, I'm gonna head back to my office. Have good weekend."

"Don't worry, you know I will." Ravina said with a cheesy grin.

"I know you will."

Watching Michael walk away was the highlight of her days at times. Overall, she loved the way Michael looked in his suit and tie. If they weren’t such good friends, she would mind romping with him.

“Man I wish I had a quarter, I could just bounce it off of that tight…”

“Rav, you need to stop.” Michael objected before she could finish, “Have a good weekend.”

“You don’t have to worry about me.”

“I know. I worry about the person you hang with and the one at home.”

“Don’t worry honey, I keep them all satisfied.”

“I bet you do,” Michael said after he waved bye to Ravina to head back to his office. Interested in the facts that she had given him, he decided that he would check the place out for himself.

Once he got home, he showered and shaved, picked out a nice fit, and fixed dinner. He was in the middle of frying some plantain to have with his stew beans and rice when the phone rang.


“Hey boy, what’s going on?"

Michael could hear the light sounds of the punta music in the background. “Nothing much, Teddy. I’m sitting here with my bean and rice with some plantain. What’s happening?"

“Nothin I just wanted to check on you."

Michael could hear somebody in the background yelling about a pipe not being fixed and he needed to get off the phone and fix it right now. At that point Michael knew his compadre had to go.

“Don’t bother me. You don’t see me on the phone? You are making me upset. Leave it alone."

The lady hollering in the background threatened to box his friend upside the head if he didn't get off the phone. Michael could imagine a heavy set lady in the background shaking her balled up fist at his friend Teddy, then smiled – Sounds of home, trouble on the home front. He thought to himself. She sounded vexed. Before Teddy could manage to get a word out edge wise out, Michael assured him that it was okay and that they would talk again, “Go ahead and check on that. I’ll catch you later."

Michael hung up the phone and finished consuming his dinner. He could get the music out of his head. He thought about it long and hard about what Ravina had told him about the club how intoxicating it was…something about it intrigued his senses. He made up in his mind to go. He opted to take a power nap before the nights' festivities began. The alarm went off a quarter to nine. He began to get ready.

He was dressed in a nice casual navy blue dockers with a beige button down collar shirt. As he approached the bar, the faint smell of Fry Jack, conch soup, bun, and coconut tarts invaded his senses. It took him off guard. The smell of the food was divine. Back by the entrance were three booths and each side. All of them illuminated by the drop lighting that accentuated the fabric that said “You Betta Belize It”. He smiled. Feeling like home all ready, he thought to himself.

A few tables placed around the stage where he musicians were setting up. There were also circular booths back by the restrooms and the back door. The music began as people began to fill the club. Before taking a seat, he ordered a club soda since he had to drive home. Around midnight the club was at its full capacity as people moved in and out. He made a mad dash to go to the restroom when he took notice the change in the atmosphere.

Upon returning to the booth, his eyes strayed to a long pair of dark legs that made him lick his lips. Traveling upward, he noticed her hips swaying to a beat that seemed magical and in slow motion. He felt a twinge below and the rest of his body tingled as he continued to check out what she was wearing. She wore a long sleek light blue skirt that hugged all of her voluptuous curves, with a white wrap around halter blouse that tied tightly around her stomach to accentuate her full bearing breasts; and a matching mesh shirt, left unbutton.

Desireé was the owner. She didn’t mind coming out on the dance floor once the club was in full swing to make sure everyone was having a good time. She couldn't resist the rhythm that called her name. Each time she took it by the hands and allow it to traced down her body and she fell in line with the music. Slowly she parted her lips as her tongue peeked between them. She moistened her lips by moving her tongue back and forth.

She felt the stares of the Caribbean man piercing her soul. Desireé would give him a show that he would never forget. She opened her eyes and singled to him to come closer. He looked around to confirm it was him she wanted. He mustered up enough guts to stumble towards her. He stood in front in her. The beat changed once more. She turned around, pulled his hands around her waist, and made sure there was no space between the two of them. She swayed her hips close enough to feel the growing bulge. He couldn’t help the overwhelming sexual urge come alive within his pants. He moved with her every move. She was enjoying as much as he was.

Keeping with the beat of the music Desireé turned to face him. Michael found his leg nestled between her soft thighs. He glanced down only to notice that her skirt was hiked-up to the middle of her shapely legs.

His hands began to take motion. He grabbed her firmly by the ass and pulled her closer; he could feel her nipples straining through the material as their bodies intertwined with the music. Her breathing became heavier as he could feel the heat pulsating from between her legs. The music stop and they parted.

He stared deep into her eyes. She had never felt such energy from any of her other victims as she had from him. Her body was drumming from the adrenaline rush he had just given her.

Michael could hear still hear the music playing in his head. No one noticed them and he was grateful for that especially since his excitement for her body couldn’t be hidden.

A few minutes pass and neither one of them said anything. The song was over. He thanked her for the wonderful dance and moved toward the restroom. She stepped in his path. She tilted her head and looked at him. He watched as she licked her lips. She had body tingled, something that had never happen to her before. Desireé had never experienced this type of affect.

The next song was about to start she pulled him into a dark secluded corner of the club. She whispered in his ear, “The dance of a true lover.”

He chuckled aloud, “That is the first time I’ve heard that line.”

“Who said it was line?” As she stared back at his erection and slowly moved her eyes back to his eyes.

“You are a beautiful woman to say the least. Please pardon my excitement. This has never happened to me before.”

Although he was telling the truth he tried to think of something else in order to lose the hard on. The constant thought of their body pressed together continued to emerge.

Desireé was serious, “It’s the way a man dances with you reveals just how good he is in bed,” she guided her over his manhood.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean t-to…” Michael found himself stumbling over his words.

She place her index finger over his soft full lips before hand to express just how serious she was by showing him the effect he had on her body as well.

The aroma from her sex was driving him crazy. The animalistic instinct began to surface. He wanted her to fullest. Her hands were warm and inviting against his hardness as she stroked it through the material. His excitement surged through his veins, pushing her against the wall, and holstering her up.

They shared a long, hot, passionate, tonguing kiss before he managed to get his equipment into her hot moist velvet walls. He watched the expression on her face as her breasts bounced up and down magnificently. He buried his face into her neck as he felt her muscle constrict around his manhood.

She whimpered and cursed into between each stroke, “Yes, hit that spot right there.” Desireé demanded.

A low growl submerged from his throat as he tried to climb deeper inside of her. The closer she came to climaxing the more intense the feeling became. Desireé found herself being possessed as she scratched at his back while her orgasm sucked him thoroughly. He knees became weak as he was on the verge of exploding himself but did not have the leverage he needed to complete his task; he could no longer keep her up.

Desireé’s thrill came from his explosion and that is exactly what she was going to get. After she adjusted her clothing, she dropped to her knees without hesitation. His eyes bulged from his head, as he was surprised at what she was about to do. She grasped his balls and took him into her mouth. She licked the thick remnants of her juices before swallowing him whole, savoring the sweet velvet taste of his manliness.

He moved his hips back and forth, in and out. He wanted to hold back. He felt her tongue stroke a soft spot near the tip of the head, with the combination of her playing with hanging friends and softly stroking the perineum it was a lost cause.

He gently pulled her head closer. She didn’t resist. Enthusiastically she sucked him vigorously. He looked into her eyes. He was in another world. She smiled at him as she milked his manliness for every ounce of his love juice. She wiped her mouth, stood up, and tucked his man friend in neatly. She nodded her head, casually walked away from him while he attempted to recover from his thrill.

The following morning was a blur. The last thing he remembered was the sound of music and dancing with that beautiful woman. He began to hum the tune that was playing as they danced and he continued to get ready. Jumping in the shower, he felt the sudden burning sensation, turned to use the half-foggy mirror to check his back. He had scratches up and down his back.

“Oh snap! What was her name?” Michael said aloud, remembering the effects she had on his body. Just thinking about what they had did in the club surprised him. He was more reserved than that. “Something about her, I have to see her again.”

Michael turned off the water and wrapped his towel around his waist. As he opened the bathroom door, when the phone rang, he picked up the received.


“By the way name is Desireé.”

It was her.

“How did you…when did…?”

Her voice was so seductive. She called his name several times, “Michael, Michael, Michael.”

“How did you know my name?” he queried.

“It is my business to know all who come to my club; after all bwai, I am the Seductress.”

Written by TS Presley
© November 22, 2000
2381 words
© Copyright 2006 tspresley (tspresley at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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