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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/kenzie
by Kenzie
Rated: ASR · Book · Writing · #1160028
Fibro fog, pain, writing sandwiched in between. Quotes. Sermon notes. Encouragement.
A Texas Sunrise

Sunrise on Surfside Beach, Texas

A friend, William Taylor, took this picture. He visits Surfside Beach with his dogs almost every morning, watching the sun rise while the dogs prance about at the water's edge.

This is only about ten miles from where I lived in Lake Jackson, Texas. Sadly, I only visited this beach about four times in the six years I lived nearby.

Each day is a challenge. A challenge to get by without thinking about the fibromyalgia pains. A challenge to stay awake when chronic fatigure wants to take over. And a challenge to navigate through fibro fog.

I haven't been writing as much as in the past. For years, I wrote at least 500 words a day. Now, I'm lucky if I write 500 words in month. Sigh.

For more information about what my day (or life) is all about with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, chronic pains, IBS, depression and everything else thrown in, check this out:

It's a New Day  (E)
My pain and welcome to it.
#1028189 by Kenzie

Sunrise on Surfside Beach, Texas
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July 5, 2024 at 12:22am
July 5, 2024 at 12:22am

For those of you following my breast cancer adventure, I met with my hematologist oncologist yesterday. Our first appointment was quite informative.

For the next month, I will be taking a medication that is supposed to curtail the over activity of estrogen that likely helped trigger my cancer.

If I have tolerated the medication well, I will continue taking it, and have mammograms at 3 and 6 months. It is expected that in that timeframe, the tumor in my left breast will decrease in size. The most optimal result will be that it entirely disappears. But if that doesn't happen, it is expected that it will be reduced to a size that will be either watched or perhaps removed by surgery.

Surgery is not what any of my doctors want based upon my age, my many maladies, the medications that I take and the fact that when I do have anesthesia, it is always difficult to wake me up afterwards.

Let's pray that the medication works so well that the tumor disappears, shall we?

June 13, 2024 at 11:34pm
June 13, 2024 at 11:34pm
I saw the surgeon oncologist today. Or rather, we spoke. I was having trouble getting to the appointment because of my many other physical problems, so we scheduled a video conference. Neither my phone nor laptop could complete the necessary form that would allow me to enter the video call, so we spoke just on the phone.

My appointment was with a surgeon because based upon the size of the tumor - about 2 inches in diameter - the medical professionals, including my primary care doctor, thought for sure that the first course would be surgery.

The surgeon and her team were concerned with my age, the fact that I take quite a few medications, that I had a heart attack, that I'm on oxygen and that I don't heal quickly. So they spent time looking at my past mammograms as well as some chest xrays and other tests done over the past few years.

They determined that my tumor was a very slow growing tumor. And just as we began talking, they got the one piece of information that they had been waiting for. I am HER-2 negative.

The surgeon and her team concluded that surgery should not be the first treatment. They concluded that the kind of cancer that I have was caused by my own body and the levels of hormones I do and don't have. Therefore, she is suggesting that I see another cancer doc closer to my house who can prescribe the hormones (and anti-hormones - not the scientific term, but you get the picture) that I need. They predict that the tumor will shrink with this treatment. Meanwhile, they will watch its size plus monitor whether or not there is activity in my lymph nodes. Right now they are fine.

So all of that was great news. I want to sincerely thank everyone who has been praying for me. And I would ask that you continue.
June 9, 2024 at 7:10pm
June 9, 2024 at 7:10pm

Some of us were talking about the weeks leading up to Obamacare passing. I first became disillusioned with politicians as a teenager in Pittsburgh. But that's a discussion for another day.

Since then, there have been many times that politicians have proven to me that they cannot be trusted.

I remember when they were supposedly arguing about Obamacare.

I and many others asked where does the Constitution say that the federal government should control our health care.

Some ignored our questions.

Some tried to say that it was so that we could pursue life, liberty and happiness.

Some claimed that the federal government is supposed to take care of our general welfare.

Some boldly said that they didn't know. Or care, obviously.

The ones who really bothered me were the ones who said that their job was to create laws and the job of the Supreme Court was to determine if the laws that they passed were Constitutional. Some of the ones who said that were supposed Constitutional scholars themselves or supposed conservatives who ran on wanting limited government. It was then that I realized that none of them would ever want limited government nor would they want to stop creating laws to control us.
June 2, 2024 at 12:44am
June 2, 2024 at 12:44am

"We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that what's deep inside us is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit." - E.E. Cummings
May 23, 2024 at 3:51pm
May 23, 2024 at 3:51pm

There is good news and bad news.

The good news is that on my right side, I have a benign lump.

The bad news is that on my left side, I have invasive ductal carcinoma.

I have to choose my cancer doctor soon, because this cancer grows quickly.
May 23, 2024 at 4:27am
May 23, 2024 at 4:27am

"A word is not the same with one writer as with another. One tears it from his guts. The other pulls it out of his overcoat pocket." ~ Charles Peguy

May 22, 2024 at 9:06pm
May 22, 2024 at 9:06pm

I won't know the results of my breast biopsies until tomorrow or the next day.

Meanwhile, I was reading through my notebook.

Kenzie says: "If you dream of being a writer, you already are one! The words are merely being held prisoner in your mind. Release them!"

May 22, 2024 at 12:20am
May 22, 2024 at 12:20am
Still requesting prayers. Today, I had biopsies of both breasts.
May 4, 2024 at 10:08am
May 4, 2024 at 10:08am
I had my first fall as an elderly person. Hubby and son were not in the room with me, but even so, I was embarrassed. I jumped up immediately, which was a huge mistake. Jumping up quickly like I would have done successfully 20 years ago caused me to lose my balance again.

I ended up with a bruise on my right breast, 2 bruises on my left arm, an open wound on my right knee, a bruise on my jawline and neck. I have absolutely no idea how any of that makes sense. I look like I've been in a car accident or maybe even in a fight.

And all I did was fall in the living room where there is carpet and nice cushy furniture.

Awww.  Such a cute angel.

"My Favorite Neighbor
"Sharing Sunshine...It's What I Do!
"Admirable Women
"Whose Work Are You Stealing?
"The Potter's Cup and Saucer
April 29, 2024 at 3:31pm
April 29, 2024 at 3:31pm
Biopsies on both breasts will be on May 21. I hope that we will get my son to his doctor before then.
April 27, 2024 at 1:19am
April 27, 2024 at 1:19am

I keep getting messages for me to update my blog. Mostly, I don't see any reason to since it doesn't appear that anyone ever reads it. But on the off chance that someone might, I would like to request prayers for my family.

I could review the many maladies I have and face, but that takes time.

I'm Marilyn, known by my writing friends everywhere as Kenzie. I have fibromyalgia and all of the other maladies that tag along with it. Three years ago, I had a massive heart attack and ever since have been on oxygen. If I try to do any kind of exercise or even household chores, it leaves me breathless.

Last week, I had a mammogram. This week I had a diagnostic mammogram and an ultrasound.

Next week I will be getting biopsies of lumps in both breasts.

My hubby is a writer here too. We met here about 20 years ago. Incurable Romantic. He has had mild cerebral palsy since he was a baby. Now in his elderly years, his leg muscles are weak and if he falls down, he can't get back up. He has diabetes II and now something is going on with his kidneys.

Next is my son. For years, he was our rock, doing the physical things around the house that Jim and I can no longer do. Then he woke up one morning unable to feel his hands and feet. He has unexplainable neuropathy. One doc insisted that it was due to a lack of B vitamins because he was a vegetarian for 10 years. Before that could be settled, he woke one morning with blood coming out of his mouth and nose. That they decided was non-alcoholic liver problems. He's been learning to cope with all of that when suddenly he has a lump where his leg meets his groin. Seeing a doctor should be a priority, but my son has agoraphobia. He needs antianxiety medication just to leave the house. But his doctor doesn't like prescribing it.

So there we are. We need some prayer warriors. And when I went looking for some, I couldn't find any here. That surprised me.

I can certainly ask for prayers on Facebook and Twitter. But this has been my comforting place since September, 2001...one week before 9/11.

Pray for us, please.

February 28, 2024 at 3:22pm
February 28, 2024 at 3:22pm

In the 1700s, the average lifespan was 34 years. Benjamin Franklin lived for 83 years. Shouldn't we be copying what he did?

Daisy Sig from PassItOn

"My Favorite Neighbor
"Sharing Sunshine...It's What I Do!
"Admirable Women
"Whose Work Are You Stealing?
"The Potter's Cup and Saucer
February 25, 2024 at 2:45pm
February 25, 2024 at 2:45pm
Black history month is almost over. Have you ever studied Langston Hughes? If not, I suggest that you do.

Here's a sample of his poetry.

Hold onto dreams
For if dreams die
Life is like a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

Langston Hughes
February 14, 2024 at 8:07pm
February 14, 2024 at 8:07pm
My mom used to sing a song about the word "can't". In our house, you were not allowed to say that you couldn't do something.

She sang, "I'll never, ever say I can't. I'll always say I'll try."

The other word that we couldn't say was "hate". We definitely were not allowed to hate people. We could hate their actions, but not them. We were allowed to dislike foods, but only after we had tried them. And even then, we had to try them again periodically, in case our tastes changed.

I tried to instill these same ideas in my son's growing years. And, yes, I did sing the song to him. *Smile*

****In 1902, an aspiring young writer received a rejection letter from the poetry editor of The Atlantic Monthly. Enclosed with a sheaf of poems the 28-yr-old poet had sent was this curt note: "Our magazine has no room for your vigorous verse." The young poet rejected the rejection however, and went on to see his work published. His name was Robert Frost.*****

We can't give up. We must always try.

Daisy Sig from PassItOn

"My Favorite Neighbor
"Sharing Sunshine...It's What I Do!
"Admirable Women
"Whose Work Are You Stealing?
"The Potter's Cup and Saucer

February 12, 2024 at 3:54pm
February 12, 2024 at 3:54pm

Today is Lincoln's birthday. Baby boomers used to celebrate it. We all had artwork of Lincoln's silhouette.
February 7, 2024 at 1:43pm
February 7, 2024 at 1:43pm

Fantastic. A few days ago, my junk mail thought that it was time to celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah. Today, junk mail is wishing me a Happy New Year.
February 6, 2024 at 9:14am
February 6, 2024 at 9:14am

Something weird is going on. All of my junk mail - here, at Yahoo mail and at Google mail - suddenly thinks that we're back in the Christmas and Hanukkah season. How bizarre.

November 30, 2023 at 12:14am
November 30, 2023 at 12:14am
Sometimes it appears that fiction authors were actually modern day prophets. Big brother has been watching for a while now. History is constantly being rewritten. Words are being redefined. Good is considered evil and evil good. Not too far in the future, you will be crammed into small apartments in the city. People will own nothing. Farmers will be run out of the farmlands. And you will eat bugs and Soylent Green.

Baby boomers aren't going to be around for much longer. You'll miss us when we are gone, and you will realize that we have been right about so much. We've tried to warn you. If only you had been listening.
November 25, 2023 at 4:18am
November 25, 2023 at 4:18am

I watched Dr Ben Carson on C-span. If you can find his speech online, either to read or watch on video, I suggest that you do. Dr Carson is a brilliant man.

He talked about the importance of making sure that you positively affect your sphere of influence. He's right, and I have heard multiple people talk about this in recent weeks.

At church, we cannot be just pew sitterrs, even if we have retired from work. I have never seen in the Bible that we are supposed to retire from being an active Christian. Perhaps we have to do different tasks for the Lord as we age. I'm always reminded about a woman I knew in Texas. She was 86 years old and couldn't even make it to church most Sundays. But she prayed for her family, her friends and neighbors, her church family, and politicians and business leaders throughout the country and the world. She prayed for 4 hours every day. Then she wrote letters and cards to everyone for whom she prayed. Her ministry was so important to our community that even people she didn't know sent stationary and stamps to her. She was, after all, on a limited income.

We are also not surpposed to be the equivalent of pew sitterrs in politics and real world issues either. Of course we should show up to vote. But we should also attend our local government meetings to hold those office holders accountable. We should find ways to get involved. Many of the problems surrounding us today are there because so many Christians prayed but didn't get involved. My grandma used to tell me to put feet to those prayers. When was the last time that you volunteered at a local school? At a homeless shelter? A soup kitchen? How about a women's shelter? Grandma also used to tell me that we are supposed to give of our time, talents and treasure.

Dr Carson reminded us of the words of Benjamin Franklin. When asked what kind of government they had given us, he answered, "a Republuc, if you can keep it." Carson also reminded us of the words of Nikita Khrushchev telling the West that our grandchildren and great grandchildren would live under Communism without them ever having to go to war.

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