Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1164253-Alone
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #1164253
Chapter 1, and I need all the feedback I can get. Thanks!
She opened her eyes, knowing it would be her last morning. She planned to make the best of it. The clock on her nightstand read 5:32. The sun was not up. She stared at the ceiling, eerily lit by the green glow of her alarm clock, contemplating drifting off again, but deciding against it. She had pleasures left to enjoy and sleep would bring with it the nightmares, even if she could quiet her thoughts.

She arose from bed. Not knowing what time she would wake that morning, she did not set her coffeemaker to ready her morning brew. She went downstairs to do it manually. After depressing the percolate button, she returned to her bedroom and went into her master bath. Sticky with the previous night's terrors, she wanted to wash the pain away. Her morning shower always removed the proof that the nightmares were real. This morning would be no exception.

She plucked a brush from her vanity and smoothed away the signs of a restless sleep. Her long blonde hair cooperated perfectly and looked good enough when she had finished for a night on the town. She smiled at the irony. She crossed the room to her shower, turned the spigot and adjusted the temperature. The marble felt cooler than usual as she climbed in. She flipped the lever to divert the water from the faucet to the showerhead and let the steamy water rush over her. She just stood there for a moment, concentrating on every drop that fell on her. The top of her head, her face, her chest, her back, all immersed in the liquid of life. Again, the irony.

Standing there, she thought again of the things she would miss, saying good-bye to them one by one. Her house was first. She was ecstatic when she bought it. With the capitol from her first big business deal, she was able to close on a mansion on the Florida Keys. It pleased her most of all because she did not have to rely on Daddy's money to buy it for her. It was old money. Dirty money. She would not surround herself with it. Her car came a close second to her home. It was a saucy red convertible Viper, and how she loved driving it. She spent nearly four hours the previous night comforted by its leather interior, thrilled by its speed. Her sister will be pleased with it after the shock wears off. Just as the thought entered her mind, so did the sight of her twin's face when she discovers Moira's death. Instantly, she began to cry. Lily will not take this well.

Of all the things that she will leave behind, the thing most precious to her is, oddly enough, the thing she will long for the least. For the same reason that she knows she will be going, she also knows that she will still have contact with her sister. She is bound to Lily in every way. They will be together always, no matter the miles, worlds or planes of existence between them. The idea comforted her, the tears stopped and she reached for her shampoo.

Feeling fresh and somehow reborn, she stepped from the shower and dressed in her satin robe. The weight of the gun made it hang unevenly and it was heavier than usual, but not enough to bother her. She went back downstairs for her coffee. Spiking it with Bailey's, Kaluah and several heaping teaspoons of sugar, she sipped her favorite blend. Her morning bagel was replaced with a wake-up pack of Marlboro Red 100's which she purchased yesterday specifically for this occasion. Upon the urging of her boyfriend, now her fiancé, she dropped this, her favorite vice five years ago in search of a healthier and less ostracized lifestyle. She had never been much of a breakfast person and felt it acceptable to omit the meal for today. She walked out to her ocean-view deck with the oversized cup of java in hand. Sitting on her lounger, she packed and opened the box of Marlboro's and after brushing the stray bits of tobacco from the top, removed a cigarette, lit it and inhaled deeply. Five years had softened her lungs. She coughed a bit, but not as much as she had expected. She pulled the gun from the pocket of her robe and gently placed it onto the patio table. The smoke grew easier to take in with every drag as she re-acquainted her lungs with their former friend. She sipped her coffee and watched the sunrise. It was beautiful.

Satisfied with the sunrise, she went back into her house and up the stairs to her study. From her desk, she pulled a notebook off the hutch and her favorite pen from its holder. With it, she wrote a letter to her sister.

Good morning, Lily. I'm sorry I invited you in on this, most disagreeable of mornings, but as you will learn through your research, I have no other choice. Your life is about to become quite difficult and I sincerely apologize for making it so. I have lived with so many terrible secrets, which I have managed to keep even from you for so long that they eat me alive each night. As you are about to inherit them, against my will I must add, I feel I must prepare you with a few details that will get you started.

First, you need to have a discussion with Mark. Ask him about what secrets I might have been keeping and watch his reaction carefully. When the time is right, go back to him, as he will certainly not reveal everything to you during your first conversation. Mention that you know about the apartment in New York and he, being the coward that he is, will crumble as the tale falls from his stained lips. Our secret has no great bearing on your more serious concerns, but it is a truth you must hear. It is important that you take with you the gift I have left for you in my safe. Keep it hidden when you go. You will need the element of surprise.

Second, Justin is not what he seems to be. He's kept secrets of his own that you must uncover before it's too late. I've spent too much time with him to be saved. You cannot trust him, but he's not the one you need to look for.

This brings me to the third and most important detail. The one you should fear is already in your life. He found you through me and you have been his primary target the entire time. Your life depends on this, Lily. Pay attention. I met him at the airport two years ago, during my trip to Los Angeles. I had a layover in Dallas and was reading when he asked me for the time. I am not proud of my actions and for obvious reasons I sincerely regret them. I've unknowingly put you in great danger. I'm hoping now to ensure you are not crucified for my sins. He is a dangerous man. When you find him, you must kill him. He will never stop hunting you. I cannot tell you who he is or what he wants with you, but take this seriously. I've gotten a glimpse of what he's capable of. It haunts me at night. I cannot let him take you.

Your most valuable tool in this war will also be the most terrible gift I will give you. It will be the first secret of mine you learn. While it will answer several questions you have about our tandem moments together, you will hate me for it. I have an ability that Mother gave me after she died and I will pass it on to you later today. I regret this the most, but it may save your life.

The rest of the tools you will need are in my safe. When the excitement dies down, and you are sure you are alone, go searching in my closet and find a door that leads to the attic. Look for something out of place. You can do the rest. The combination to my safe is the date of our favorite day. In it, there will be several items, including two boxes. The black box contains the item you will need to deal with Mark. Do not open the red box. Never open the red box without prior approval. This is very important. You need to be ready before you can understand.

I need to ask a favor of you. I am going to say good-bye to you just before things get interesting. My reasoning is obvious. Please do not make it pointless by driving here to discover me. You'll call me when you wake up. I know you will. I want you to call the police afterward. Send them to check on me. The door will be unlocked. I don't want him to have trouble getting in. Wait for the police to call you back. Do not come here until they deal with me.

Also, do not decline the offers in my will. You need to be in this house and you'll want to drive my car, I promise you.

I'm sorry for all the encryption, but I know you love a good riddle. I have to be vague here because your innocence is the only thing you have going for you. If you know too much, he will see it in you and destroy you for it. I love you, Lily. More than my life or anything in it. Always be careful. Always be on guard. Always know that I do this for you.

I will be with you, forever.


She concluded the letter and read it over again. Twice. Three times. It was important and Lily needed to remember every word. She was sure her sister was still asleep, but she would see it as Moira did until she shut her out. The clock in her study chimed. It was seven o'clock. She was running out of time. She took the letter to her fireplace, lit a corner and dropped it in. No one could ever be allowed to read that letter. She just hoped that Lily had paid attention.

Now all of the preparations were in place. She had only to enjoy the rest of her morning. She fetched a fresh cup of coffee and returned to the deck. She watched ocean tease the beach. She always saw the tides as a game of tag. Tide in, tide out. Tag, you're it. She too was about to play this game, though she would play it with her unwilling and quite undeserving twin. God help them both.

Moira stared at the ocean until it filled her. She consulted her watch; eight thirty-eight. A cool breeze rushed off the ocean and onto her face. She gazed at the ocean once more. "It's a beautiful day, Lily." She spoke as if her sister sat in the lounger beside her. She might as well have been, and Moira knew it. "Don't you think so? I couldn't have chosen a better day for this. Unfortunately, I've run out of time. He'll be here in a few minutes. I'm sorry sweetie. I've gotta go. I love you. Please be careful. And please forgive me." Moira severed their connection. She lit another cigarette, finished the last of her coffee and waited.
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