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Rated: E · Non-fiction · Political · #1165623
i am in the process of changing this article. thanks to all for your input
There is obviously a lack of logic, intelligence and morals here, so allow me to put things in laymans terms. A woman who is a civillian and a fourteen year veteran with a police department. A seargant in charge of the domestic violance unit.Well versed with 209A's, 208"s (restraining orders).One would think such a person would know the difference between personal and professional ethics, knowing not to cross this fragile line.
When a person is too emotionally involved, they become irrational, (unable to make clear educated decisions).Good judgement is diminished, and the outcome is tragic. This is the line that gets crossed. The person chooses to consciously remain a disinterested party, or consciously chooses to get involved and destroy the family.
Unfortunately, the latter was chosen .The family was broken up and the minor children separated. One staying with the victim, the mother. The other staying with the abuser , the father.
what had evolved prior to the separation......of the children.

- The victim was harrassed, threatened, intimidated in public
- An innocent bystander was startled, by having her personal space invaded
without warning.
- "connections" had been used time and time again.
- A direct violation of the victim's 209A against her abuser was made,
with no arrest.
- Disgraceul, unprofessional behavior was observed in public court
room settings and halls, which the off duty officer displayed.
- A minor child was allowed to get caught up in the middle by the
abuser's family.
- Slander was spoken to the minor child about his mother's actions
for obtaining the 209A.
- Slander continuse to still be spoke to the minor children about their
mother. ( an eleven plus year habit).

The final outcome is a disgrace to our legal and moral laws, throughout our cities,
states and country.
And one family has yet again had another peice of their heart ripppped out!
Becouse one person consciously chose her position in law enforcement
to destroy this family.
In summary, we will all go through life having our civil and constitutional rights violated in one way or another. But unfortunately this was an underlying threat
that the victim was forced to live with, if she took action against her abuser.
The pain and suffering that the victim and children were subject to, clearly should
have been avoided.
Have our public servants become so void of emoition and feelings, that they feel superior enough over innocent civillians, to abuse their title, disregard their oath and destroy families and lives as they see fit???? If the answer is yes then I am ashamed to call myself an american!!!

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