Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1169490-Sunset-Beach
Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #1169490
Walking along a remote desert island beach at Sunset (Poetry).
I've never attempted poetry before so any constructive comments for improvements are more than welcome (as ever in fact :)).

Sunset Beach

Soft squelchy sand oozes round my toes,
Sinking marks left upon an ever winding trail.
Water lapping, rises round my ankles,
Foamy fresh it slips the sticky grit away.

Distant roaring causes my heart to sway,
Seeking freedom on waters distant.
Rolling crests rushing in from afar;
Surfing inward before disembarking upon the shore.

Sky is glowing golden shades of red,
Yet still pure blue lingers overhead.
A fading memory of a perfect day,
Crowned by the sinking jewel that slowly sets.

Shadowed palm trees sway in the persuasive breeze,
That cools the skin as it skims from the sea.
The quiet rustle of a thousand leaves;
A chorus to the rhythmic resonance of a mighty sea.

Now I sit upon a water polished rock,
Staring out at lands beyond;
Wondering about the world beyond the endless waters,
A world from paradise unseen.

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