Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1196530-Four-walls
Rated: E · Other · Experience · #1196530
Four walls - and one steel door - caged windows - and one ice cold floor
         These seven things symbolize the war,
                   That I have been fighting so that truth can be restored…

The first wall represents another man’s pride

The second  flaunts that  freedom he decides

The third is the coating of his armies lies

The fourth is the proposal that his laws I should abide

The steel door represents his power over me
                   The constant reminder that his army holds the key

The caged windows portrays where I’ll someday be
         The ice cold floor reminds that I’m not yet free

One piece of paper, and endless amount of ink - thousands of words to express what I think
         These tools reconnect the chain of deceptions links
         Keeping my head above water when I’m about to sink

My pen and paper battle each and every wall,
         Leaving the four barriers without the courage to stand tall.

My thousands of words march the stone solid floor - with their infinite artillery of knowledge,
         They knock down that steel door.

It’s then, when that cage stands dazed and defeated….
         That the ice cold floor suddenly becomes heated.

With their door on the floor they now have no weapon of deprivation
         Leaving open a whole new meaning to the word “segregation”.

It segregates those who are ignorant from those who are educated
         And because of such arrogance we will always be separated.

Because when we are face to face -

It’s like a conversation without the words
Or a brain without the nerves
A rose without the stem
When I release my thoughts….
It shines my power over them!
© Copyright 2007 Guy Peck (guypeck at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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