Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1204928-Thais-Episode-1
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1204928
This story is loaded with full-fantasy action battle. Spells, chants are casted away
The story begins when a baby was born to a princess named Lasha. The baby

boy was named Breil by his father, Jad, the greatest swordsman in their empire.

Their empire is the biggest and super power of the 5 empires. In the present, the

rankings of the empires according to economy, power, technology, cleanliness,

and natural resources are as follows: Winta, it is the empire ruled by the father of

Breil, the wintas are the most aggressive fighters of all empires, they haven't won

any competition for consecutively 50 years but they are the richest of all, they can

afford to buy anything. A pen in Winta is worth a school in the other empires. They

have the strongest and most powerful fighters, that is why they are the

superpower. Freia, is the most advanced in technology. Every minute, they can

create a new invention of anything. They are probably the most intelligent people.

Eisha, is the most strategic place for war, they have won a lot of battles that is

why they are the most famous country for making weapons and building strategic

bases. Eishans are also the most hospitable empire, they are very rich of morals.

They serve their visitors with all their most expensive things just to entertain them.

Islan is the 2nd biggest empire next to Winta. Islan is the cleanest place. You will

really know that the place is clean because the water is as clear as crystal. You

wouldn't even see any dirt on the ground. Poor people in Islan are even sleeping on

the road because it is really clean and dainty. If ever they accidentally throw some

food on the ground or spill water they can still eat or drink it, that is how clean in

Islan is. Islan is also the safest place, they only have one report of death, and the

death was really lame. The person just died because of casting a spell onto him,

not to the animal which he wanted to cure. Every wrong casted spell's made, death

is the return. Thudra is the empire that has the most natural resources. Their place

is mostly composed of trees. They have the most number of animal species. They

are also the most inhabited country by the animals. They wanted to have trees

because they want to use it for self-defense and for healing wounded fighters,

since their trees have medicinal uses. Thudra is also the empire which cooks the

best food. They also use their cooking spells and techniques to fight in case of

war. On the day of the birth of Breil, his father was sick that is why he wasn't able

to watch the cracking of the egg of Breil. The egg hatched, sparkles and rays of

light risen above the clouds. Everyone was shocked, excited, happy and sad at the

same time because the rays and the sparkle means only one thing, a new

Leviathan (dictator/leader) is born and the current Leviathan will die. They all

rushed to the room of Jad since they know he will die, but they were late they didn't

see the body of Jad anymore. Breil have 2 other siblings their names are Plusha

and Dundo. They were happy that that they have a new little brother to take care of

and follow soon but they are sorry to what happened to their father. After 3 years of

training and studying to become a Leviathan. Breil was ready to take over his

father's throne. He held the sword from her mother which signifies that he is

blessed to be the new ruler of their empire. Breil have four favorite apprentice

which he is training with everday. They are Biboy, Monica, Ilora and Paolo. Paolo

was assigned to be a brawler, he was trained to have the skill to carry heavy things

and was given the element badge Fire. Ilora was assigned to be a Priestess, she

was trained to control the power in healing and was given the element badge Ice.

Monica was assigned to be Huntress. She practiced bowing and was equipped with

a rare and special weapon named Bruntha (the long lost bow of her father who was

the leader of the Hunters/Huntress. She was given the element badge Earth. Biboy

was assigned to be a Magician. He was the smartest and disciplined of them all.

He had the element badge Wind. The four decided to spar to each other everyday,

that is why they are one of the most powerful warriors in Breil. To be continued...

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