Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1206138-DIARY-OF-A-RABBIT-OWNER
Rated: E · Column · Animal · #1206138
A diary of poppy


Today wasn’t too bad the only noticeable thing was that she is still not pooing in her 2 litter trays! Poppy preferring the brown rug I have in the middle of the living room floor. And as the rug is exactly the same colour as the poo, it can be very difficult to make sure you have picked them all up.
Every time you walk in the house you have to watch your step so as not step on either the cat, (that’s another story) rabbit or poo!
I have put the tray on her favourite place but then she goes so close to it that she must try to nudge it out of the way. And that’s not it, her multicoloured rabbit pee has turned my light coloured carpet into a fair version of josephs multi coloured dream coat (although I wish it was a dream).

I have this evening bleached the rug and cleaned it so we shall see what happens next....

Wednesday morning

War has been engaged! When got up this morning there was a little line of poo in roughly the favourite place! I shall have a think....


Why didn’t anyone tell me about the malting? I started to stroke poppy and within seconds there was a fog of rabbit fur surrounding us! I bought a cat brush thinking this would get rid of a lot of the fur. Well maybe it would if I used it 24 hours a day! Any ideas? Am thinking I need some sort of industrial sucking machine to sit poppy under for a couple of days until she is bald, then that would solve the problem. Its fine fluffy fur, I thought the cat’s fur was bad enough when he malted but its nothing like this! Lately I have been coughing up more fur balls than either of them. Is there anything I can do?

Please save me from my furry hell....


Ok since last writing, poppy has now changed her favourite place to poop. She now does it directly next to the litter tray. I tried moving the tray to different area but she likes it there! And I did try putting the tray on top of the area she loves so much.
You know it was quite funny watching her physically moving the tray back to its rightful place. It took a couple of goes though. She tipped it over once that wasn’t pretty! Poppy with poop all over. Yeuch. Lucky my kitchen has tiles. Poppy has been spayed and has been fully trained before, but we moved house. Now we have come back again, she is really throwing her weight around.
The area where she is pooing is by a door, so I am thinking it’s something to do with marking an entrance way into her burrow kind of thing. Although I think she has picked a burrow way too big (the living room). She does actually pee in the tray, will specifically go pee in the tray, then jump out as loudly as she can so everyone in the building knows where she is and we know rabbits can be loud when they want to be! Even without making a noise!!! And then she poos before carrying on, unbelievable, It makes for a delayed door opening routine when somebody knocks. My first steps are to you know where and I have a quick pick up of poo before heading to the door. I try not to shake hands or hug anyone but sometimes you don’t want to be rude, so you just have to! I’m sorry everyone.
Anyway the other big thing that happened recently in poppy’s life was we got another rabbit. Needless to say it didn’t work out. I used to think that poppy was the cutest, cuddliest, sweetest rabbit that you ever knew. We all do don’t we? Well not when the new rabbit was in the room, she turned into an even nastier version of Wallace and Gromit’s were rabbit! It’s a brilliant film! I first watched it the day after I got poppy. I didn’t sleep for a week and of course my so called friends thought it was really funny! Anyway after a while of separation and the usual introducing things you are told to do, She still hated the new arrival and it being a young fit nubile gorgeous rabbit that everybody oohed and aahed over, probably didn’t help. Well we figured it was just never going to work. So we got rid, I was so sad but poppy is my little “cootey wootey pie” so what could I do?
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