Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1209573-night-crawler
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #1209573
This is the half of a short story for a comp please let me know what you think
Dusk blankets over the city sky as Desiree awakes and readies herself to paint the town red. She slips into her favorite little black dress that clings to her every curve, slides on her red jimmy choo’s and runs a comb through her long dark hair. She slicks on gloss to pursed lips as she steps out of her warehouse apartment to begin her night, from dusk till dawn. Desiree exits her apartment building heels clicking on the pavement as the balmy evening air caresses her alabaster skin as she glides through the streets in search of a man who can satisfy her lust.


I walk alone through the streets listening to my heels echo on the pavement while I smell the air to locate and satisfy my craving. I can smell him, his scent is strong I just need to find him now. I follow my nose, heels clicking all the while to a crowded bar, I enter the room to regard business men drowning away a hard day at work with beer and cheap scotch. I feel their eyes bore into me as I pass in search of the man I am after. He sits in the back alone, as I am, sipping a martini. He reeks of class, and I can taste the money this one will be a challenge, but definitely worth the effort for his is the scent I followed through the black streets. I do not look directly at him instead I glide past and take a seat near him, but not too close. I cross my legs, exposing just enough of my thigh for him to see as I pull out a cigarette from my purse. I search momentarily for a lighter but before I can locate mine a flame appears in front of my eyes.

“Need a light,” he queried in a deep calming voice.
“Thank you and you are?” I replied coyly, as I leant closer to his face from where I sat.
“Deon Cooper, I’ve never seen you around what was your name?”
“Desiree. I tend to float around the city; I never stay too long in one place.”
“I see, how very mysterious of you.”
“I prefer slightly aloof, and easily bored of the same things.”
“Well aloof is good too, it was lovely to meet you Desiree and I hope our paths will cross again sometime but I must leave now I’m meeting some people.”
“Oh, do enjoy yourself,” I said slightly peeved at his brush off
“I already know you don’t like to linger in the same place for too long but I’m here most nights maybe I will see you here soon, goodbye, and again it was a pleasure.”

Definitely a challenging man to get a hold of but I shan’t give up yes my initial impact is lost but he wants me to return so I think I will, his scent has me hooked and that deep voice filled with gravel drives me crazy. He has such impeccable style and a body that is more than desirable. Although I am left feeling as though I have met him before, Of course he showed no signs of having met me on another occasion but he had a familiarity that lingers and somehow slightly irks me.


Deon Cooper being a bust left Desiree at a loose end leaving her to settle for something less desirable but still able to sustain her craving until she claimed her ultimate man. She felt it strange that one man that she has meet only for a moment of time could have a hold of her in such a way as to have her put him upon a pedestal as if he would be her prize. The one she has searched for all these years. In any case her craving was getting stronger as the evening bore on. She would have to settle for a teenager with youth on his side, someone she could easily manipulate to keep her going till dawn, but where to find him.


The cold night air grabbed at my skin as I left the now emptying bar onto the footpath. My craving was strangling my body and nearly dripping onto my tongue I could almost taste it. I meandered about the streets until I stumbled upon a group of young boys maybe about nineteen or twenty drinking in a park.
© Copyright 2007 sammy baby (sammybaby at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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