Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1212159-Running-Away-Prt-II
by Rayne
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1212159
Hunter finally realizes who the girl is, but can he do his job?
Alyx awoke to the sounds of huffing and puffing. He lazily rolled over to discover the usual warm flesh gone. Opening one eye Alyx looked towards the sounds to see Kristel stuffing the last bit of their belongings into a duffel bag. Alyx sat up yawning and stretching.

Kristel jumped onto the bed and kissed him deeply. "I must confess this has been a glorious past three days. I never knew I could feel like I do."

Alyx smiled widely. "I'm glad I could make you feel that way. I must admit your body makes me feel the same way. I enjoy your company and I want to take our relationship to another level."

Kristel laughed and hugged him. "Come on let's go or we'll never get on. You know how these things go. Plus I want to make sure noone steal our room." Kristel stood up and Alyx slapped her arse.

Alyx hurriedly got dressed and grabbed the three duffel bags from Kristel and followed her downstairs to the main dining area. Kristel sat down at a round table and as usual sat in the shadows. Alyx placed the bags at their feet and joined her.

"What would you both have?" The old lady asked.

"Two bowls of sweetened grains, soft bread, and sweet juice." Alyx looked at Kristel silently asking if that was good. Kristel nodded and waited.

"You know," Alyx started. "I should have made love to you this morning."

"Oh." Kristel asked sounding slightly distracted.


Kristel turned her head sharply to Alyx. "Did you just say love?" Alyx nodded.

Kristel's eyes were wide as though in shock then she slowly smiled as if she was very pleased. That smile widen when she felt his warm large hand slowly caressing her thigh.

"Someone will see?"

"Not if you make it noticable."

Kristel stiffened and tried to look as though Alyx hadn't just discovered she wasn't wearing any garments under her outer clothing.

"Here you both go?" The lady placed the two bowls in front of each of them. She smiled at Kristel who was suddenly looking very hot. "Dearie are you okay?" Kristel could only nod. "Well here's the bread and your drinks. Are you both leaving?" The woman asked spying the three bags.

Kristel moaned feeling Alyx spread her pussy lips and slip one finger inside of her.

"I'm sorry," the woman said looking at Kristel.

"She said yes. She's just not feeling too well. I think she's excited and nervous about going on the ship." Alyx explained slipping another finger into her wet pussy and letting his thumb graze Kristel's clit. "Isn't that right, love."

Kristel nodded her head and slowly put her arms on the table and drop her head on them, praying the lady didn't smell her pussy or hear the slurp of her pussy as Alyx increased his thrusts. "Oh by the gods yes!" Kristel pushed her hips forward a bit.

"See, she's just scared. She doesn't even realize she's yelling." Alyx gave her clit a small pinch in warning, but Kristel liked it and gave a throaty moan. "Can you get her a bucket just in case. That didn't sound good." Alyx's own cock belied his words pressing hard against his pants at her womanly moans.

"Yes, right away." The woman hurried off.

"Alyx...please, more, deeper." Kristel begged. Not caring who saw her she needed the release.

Alyx growled and pushed a third finger into her sopping pussy and pumped them into her while his thumb swished over her clit at such a fast speed Kristel had to bite her lips or yell out.

"Yes, fuck that pussy!" Kristel throatily growled trying to control herself when all she wanted to do was spread her legs wider and push his hands deeper into her. "Yes, fuck, I'm going to cum!"

Alyx slammed his fingers into her and flicked her clit when he felt her muscles clamp onto his fingers and her body jerked. Small whimpering and slight choking sounds emitted from Kristel as she barely held onto her sanity and not throw her head back and scream her release. When her spasms subsided Alyx removed his fingers and licked each one clean.

"MMMM fresh pussy."

Kristel rolled her eyes in embarassment and started tearing at her food as though she was starving. The old lady came back with the bucket and stared at Kristel surprised.

"She's feeling much better now."

"Yes, much better. Thank you." Kristel smiled at the woman and silently laugh as the woman turned away bewildered.

Alyx and Kristel finished their food and left 10 gold purz's on the table to pay for the food and the room they had used. They walked to the boarding zone and sighed. The line was already long and they weren't due to board for another hour.


Alyx laughed. "Where did you learn such language? Ladies don't curse."

Kristel arched one finely shaped brow. "Lady? Where?" She looked around searching for the lady. Alyx let his head fall back and laugh. Truly laugh deep and throatily. It was so contagious that Kristel joined him as they got in line and waited.

2 hours later they were still in line and could finally see the dock. "They're patting down everyone and searching all belongings." Alyx remarked.

After 10 more feet Kristel nudged Alyx. "They aren't patting down the woman just the men. Don't they think women could carry weapons?" Alyx shrugged remembering that Kristel carried a heavy blade on her inside thigh at all times.

They were almost to the front when a woman walked up to Alyx. "Alyx, sir, you have an urgent letter and a Sir Lucien is looking for you."

"Sir who?" Alyx shrugged her off before she could repeat herself. He forgot his brother used that alias with people he doesn't know. "Oh yes, Lucien. Of course." Alyx started to walk away.

"Alyx, we leave shortly. Don't be late."

Alyx nodded. "Tell the guard your name is Kristel Vanluewen, so that I can tell him my wife is on board and not have to go through the usual bull."

Kristel nodded. Alyx walked away first to see about the letter. He walked to the public mailing center once more and sighed. There was a line and not a short one. Alyx cursed his luck. He waited patiently and when he finally got to the window he was so antsy he didn't even open the letter when the woman finally gave it to him.

Alyx ran to his brother's 'inn' and walked inside. He looked around, but the ugly woman pointed to the door he had walked through once before indicating his brother was waiting for him in his office. Alyx walked quickly through the door and into his brother's study without looking at all the curious things that had grabbed his attention once before.

"Yes, brother what is it?"

"Alyx I have the information here. Give me a moment."

"I have to leave shortly, hurry it up."

Alyx's brother looked at him for a moment before going to a safe and putting in the combination.

"Look, I'm sorry." Alyx apologized as he opened the King's letter scanning the words. "I just don't want to miss this ship. I really..." Alyx stopped as the words started to make sense.

....very pretty...young....many alias....we think she makes them up enclosed is a picture...

Alyx gasped. The picture looked so much like Kristel. It was someone's drawing of the girl and Alyx could argue that it wasn't her, but then again he could also argue that it was her.


Alyx picked up the small bulk of paper his brother dropped onto his desk. There was the usual nonsene information, and some interesting stuff. Like how Laina has been trained in the art of lovemaking since the age of 10, how she was trained in the art of killing since the age of 8. How she could please a man then kill a man with a single glance. Interesting information. Alyx shook his head and started to hand the information back to his brother calling it all hype when a painting caught his eyes. This time Alyx couldn't say it wasn't Kristel. It looked exactly like her. Alyx reached for the painting and saw digital pictures taken of her. Alyx closed his eyes as his heart pounded in his chest. He was a fool and she used him.

The dock worker looked her over and smile. Kristel/Laina took a step forward.


"Jesyka Esoehh."

"Anyone accompanying you?"


"Alright, welcome aboard."

Jesyka smiled and grabbed the three duffle bags making sure she didn't forget which one held all the money herself and Alyx had stashed and walked on board looking back once to make sure she was finally safe.
"Bitzo." Alyx yelled.


"The girl?"

"What girl? Not the girl you wanted to introduce me to." Alyx said nothing. "It is isn't it? The girl you're looking for is the girl you love. Classic. Just like a movie or romance book."

Alyx threw the papers in frustration.

"Well where is she?"

Alyx jumped up startled. "She's...." Alyx ran out of the office hoping against hope that the ship haven't left.

Laina sat in her bed on the ship and listened to the engines power on. She felt the pressure as the ship sped up then took off into the air. Smiling Laina laughed to herself and rolled over to get a quick nap. She had to admit she did have a good time, but he was a hunter of humans and she was being hunted. Laina could feel the guilt and a foreign feeling she refused to acknowlege enter her soul, but she did what she had done for many years and pushed it away. She needed to survive and feeling feelings wasn't going to make her survivor.

Laina clapped shutting off the lights and drifted off into a deep slumber where she couldn't feel.

Laina felt eyes on her. She sat up in the dark and glanced around seeing nothing, but darkness as her eyes were not used to the dark yet.


Laina jumped at the voice not recognizing it at first. She reached under her pillow for her blade, but it was gone.

"Or should I call you Kristel."

Laina eased off the bed on soundless feet. She could tell where he was from the sound of his voice. Maybe he would think she was still in the bed and she could escape out the door.

"Or is it Laina."

Laina stopped. He had figured it out. She wondered when he would. She took another step making sure she didn't make a noise.

Alyx watched her. He had a hell of a time getting on. The docking guard adament that there wasn't a Kristel on board. Luckily he kept some purz's on him and was able to bribe himself on board. It took 5 hours to find her and find her he did. He had watched her sleep while he silently tormented himself. He did love her and he was ready to make her his, but she never would be she belonged to the king and he had a job to do. Alyx silently stepped into her path and clapped his hand blinding her and himself.

Laina jumped when the lights turned on and lashed out at Alyx who seemed to be able to read her and block her attak. He literally picked her up and threw her onto the bed. Laina was about to jump up when she felt cold metal against her wrists. Looking she saw Alyx had handcuffed her to the bed. Laina was so shocked she didn't even realized he cuffed her other hand until it was too late. Laina blinked and just when she was ready to scream he put a ball gag around her mouth and slipped it into her mouth.

"Bitzo." Alyx calmly told her. "I loved you. I really did. You proably thought I was a fool." Laina shook her head. "Don't lie to me. I"m not the greatest bounty hunter for nothing. I found you even when I didn't know you were you."

Laina kicked and bucked trying to free herself. Alyx laughed and watched her with hateful eyes. "I didn't even have anough time to tell the king that I have you. I did have enough time to bribe the dock guard with the last bit of my money to get on board though. Thanks for waiting dear."

Laina bucked some more, but she was tired from trying so hard and her dress had ridden past her stomach exposing her beautiful legs and neatly trimmed pussy. Alyx eyed it with greed.

"You're a trained slave girl, right. Well you have two choices. You stayed chained up and await the king or you be mine. A?"

Laina shook her head no.


Laina nodded enthusically.

Alyx took the gag off. "Scream if you want you know how the ship is."

"Alyx I do love you. I really do. When I found out that first night after we... I didn't know what to do. I was scared and when you left going to get an urgent letter I knew you would know and I didn't know if you would take me back to the king. I panicked and I"m sorry. Please."

"How can I trust you?"

"Make love to me. You know with your heart that I'm telling you the truth."

Alyx looked at her. He could tell a liar a mile away. That's what made him the greatest and she wasn't lying. She did love him. Alyx released her bondage. Laina attacked him. She kissed him deeply with all the love she could muster.

"You won't take me to the king?"

Alyx shook his head confused; not sure what to do. Laina took it as a no and pulled his clothes off him. Alyx and Laina made love wildly and passionately. Alyx spread Laina's legs and pushed his hard cock deep into her moist pussy. Laina cried out with the please as he fucked her hard releasing his frustrations and fear into her. He raised her legs and pushed them over his shoulders positioning himself so he could drive deeper into her his balls slapping her arse. Laina clawed at the bed sheets pushing her hips forward with every downward motion his huge cock thrusted into her.

Alyx stopped quickly knowing he was close to cumming and she wasn't satisfied yet. Alyx sat back trying to catch his breath and control when Laina slide her body down onto his hard pole. Alyx gripped her hips hard biting his bottom lip at the pleasure her body gave him. Laina slid all the way down and wiggled her bottom as she came up sending little vibrations against his body and cock.

"By gods!" Alyx croaked.

Laina released her weight and let her pussy slam down on his pole while holding her pussy mucles tight so that it felt like a tight glove stroking him. Alyx put his hand between them and fingered her clit making Laina cry out. Laina pushed herself up and slam her pussy back down throwing her bead side to side as though denying what great pleasure Alyx was giving her. She could feel every vein as her pussy slid over his monstrous cock.

"I'm sorry." Alyx said as he grabbed her, picked her up, and slammed her into the nearest wall. He wrapped her legs around his waist and thrusted into her with his hot fiery piston making Laina scream out. Even when Alyx felt Laina stiffen then her pussy squeeze and release his cock he didn't stop driving into her like a mad man. Even when her body jerked, spasmed, and went limp he didn't stop driving into her. He could feel her body tightening around him. Tighter and tighter her muscle squeezed him, making his balls bounce with every thrust into her warm pussy sending her juices splattering onto his balls and sliding down his legs. Laina leaned her head onto Alyx's shoulder and bit him hard as she body flew over the edge again sending him with her. Her pussy was so tight he couldn't take the pleasure anymore. It gripped him then milked him until his balls was empty from the many fiery jets of his seed his released deep into her body. Exhausted Alyx slid her against the wall ending up with himself sittong on the floor and with his limp dick still inside of her.
Finally Alyx got up and made his way to the bed. Laina laughed and kissed him.

"That was great."

"I'm glad you think so."

"I have to clean up." Laina motioned to his white seed that was seeping out of her pussy and travelling down her thighs. Alyx nodded as she walked to the bathroom and grabbed a towel cleaning herself up. Alyx heard the sink turn on, the toilet flush, and her moving around. He was thinking what a lucky guy he was when he noticed he didn't hear her anymore. Alyx got up and walked to the bathroom to discover it bare.

Alyx slowly smiled wondering how this was going to play out as he read the message on the glass mirror written with her lipstick.

'Great bounty hunter! A game. Catch me, have me. Miss me, free me.'

Alyx looked up to see a vent where she had escaped to. The ship was huge and finding her could take days, but Alyx enjoyed a good chase. It was one of the reasons he loved hunting humans. Alyx stood on top of the toilet and called out to her.

"I'll play your game. If I catch you. I'm taking you back to the king."

Alyx waited.

"Then I guess I better not let you catch me."

"It's a shame though. I will catch you, enjoy your body, then send you back to the king."

"You won't catch me." Her voice drifted. He smiled. She was smart. He couldn't tell which way her voice was coming from.

"I will or you could always come crawling back and I'll take you in, run away with you, but you'll be my slave."

"That's just as bad as the king."

"Your fault. You shouldn't have run."

Though Alyx loved it. If she did come back he would make her his sex slave, but he never could love her like that. He wanted her just like this. Feisty.

Alyx closed the vent and screwed the screws on tight. She wasn't coming back this way and she had no weapon or money. He wasn't lying when he said this ship could kill a person and the murderer never found. She was on her own. Just the way she wanted it to be. True to his word if he does catch her she will go to the king. Alyx was torn. He wanted to catch her, but he didn't want to catch her. He loved her too much to see her with that pompous ass and wanted her to be free, but only with him. Alyx smiled to himself. What have he gotten himself into now?

"Yes interesting. Very interesting."

Alyx turned off the bathroom lights and leaned against the wall planning his next moves.

© Copyright 2007 Rayne (la_reina at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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