Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1212269-Upset-and-the-Calm
Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1212269
Challenges of a woman and the love she has for God and the man she shares her life with.
I see the look upon their faces
Seeing the look in their eyes, my heart races
I feel the suspense in the air
Breathing is a task no one dares

As I watch these lifeless figures
Down my spine I feel tremors

I turn and look, because their eyes are upon me
No longer is it pure terror I see
But something else
In my heart I felt

A revolution was in place
Something in their eyes made me think it was safe

Safe to look into their souls
Something in those eyes made me feel like this was my role
Was this what I was meant to be?
Was this my destiny?

What did all of this mean?
This is something I've never seen

Even amongst all of my dreams
This is nothing like what they all seem
Was this my job?
As I hear from the crowd a small sob

I know in my heart what this is
But am I willing to take that risk?

To want this--want to fight
Want to fight against the rage of night
To save all of their souls
To make them all whole

Is it worth it I ask myself?
My cards have been dealt

I know I can not walk away without regret
My heart and soul are already set
If I can make just one face change
If I can make one heart race again

Then I know it will all be worth it
And in that moment a fire was lit

A fire in my heart
That caused this new start
Caused this new revolution
That gave me the solution

Be patient, I heard in my ear
And relinquished was all of my fear

A legion of angels were at my hand
And also the heart of this man
He stands by my side
And as I stare into those eyes

I hear the sound of music in the distance
I recognize the beat as I listen

The start of my life
As I feel his arms hold me tight
I could ask for nothing more
And I know I have only more in store

© Copyright 2007 Danielle Fish (dfish1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1212269-Upset-and-the-Calm