Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1214933-Jealousy
by Emily
Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #1214933
Do you think the Sun gets jealous during these winter months?
Long ago ceased the autumnal sun
No longer do the rays beckon.
The inviting one has transformed, you see
For it no longer welcomes me
Does not call gently for me to come
Out into its glorious kingdom;
Instead something bitter is there
Still noticeable through the biting air
Yet concealed behind the cloudy gray
Unwilling to try and warm the day.
Angry that the seasons changed
The resentful sun is now estranged
And no amount of coaxing will
Convince the sun to negate the chill.
And so for months, it will sulk alone
Occasionally peeking, making its presence known
Teasing, tormenting, testing us
Silently announcing that it's jealous.
Until one day, when the snowflakes disappear
Icicles melt and the birds, we hear
Sun shyly creeps out, unable to hide
Anymore; finally, with a small bit of pride
It returns to its rightful place in the sky
And everyone notices and heaves a great sigh.
There is celebration; for it is now Spring,
Who knows what this magical season will bring!
© Copyright 2007 Emily (rainydayglory at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1214933-Jealousy