Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1243525-No-Idea
by aletts
Rated: 13+ · In & Out · Activity · #1243525
People with a sense of humor and a random nature only please
         Hello and Welcome! Come in, grab a friendship fish, take a load off, and relax... *Smile*. Tell some stories, be random, eat some cake...whatever. Make yourself at home.

[07-01-09 @ 3:15pm] Nude with fish? Ick, not me! Those little buggers DO bite ya know!
  : catty

[07-01-09 @ 3:48pm] No, I am NOT naked in there! Not that you could ever tell...my feathers cover everything. *preens smugly*
  : ⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites

[07-01-09 @ 4:16pm] *snorts delicately* Guys! Just can't get enough nudity, can they?
  : catty

[07-02-09 @ 7:48am] It's not like we want people to take their skin off. Nudity ends when the clothes are gone. That's enough nudity.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-06-09 @ 2:14pm] Are you sure you're Steve? I think you're some kind of Pod Steve, 'cause he can't get enough nudity-EVER!!!
  : catty

[07-06-09 @ 8:31pm] Well, do you REALLY want to find out, Catty?
  : ⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites

[07-07-09 @ 6:50am] I'm not a Pod Steve, I'm a Good Steve.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-08-09 @ 3:10pm] He's a Pod Steve, and the only real way to find out if it's reversible is if he can say his alphabet backwards in Russian, then we have to find an albino goat and go from there!
  : catty

[07-08-09 @ 3:44pm] This plan is a little far-fetched. Are you sure Steve knows the alphabet?
  : pentatonic

[07-09-09 @ 7:37am] I know the beta version but I understand it's in full release now? What did they do about the "u/double u" bug?
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-09-09 @ 1:48pm] !!!
  : catty

[07-10-09 @ 10:27am] OK, that answers that question in a totally non-alphabetical way. So what happened? We are using punctuation now? I knew that alphabet gimmick would never work like it was supposed to.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-10-09 @ 1:18pm] No, silly, it's like a gamers' code, enter !!! and the problem reverts back to an earlier program patch and then forwards to the corrected version and no one's the wiser! Gosh, thought you'd get that a little sooner and all.
  : catty

[07-10-09 @ 1:19pm] Of course, you do know you have to be in the "run" mode otherwise you'll just crash your computer and then it's a total loss. But you probably knew that, right?
  : catty

[07-10-09 @ 4:12pm] Buh???
  : pentatonic

[07-10-09 @ 7:22pm] What about the waddle mode? There should be a waddle mode.
  : ⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites

[07-11-09 @ 8:24am] I'm going into the spank mode if things don't improve in here.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-14-09 @ 12:10pm] Ooo, we'll have to change your name to "Spanky"
  : catty

[07-15-09 @ 8:31am] I don't see why. We aren't changing you and Pengy's names to Waddly and Runny, are we?
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-15-09 @ 11:47am] Sayyyy, I don't waddle nearly that bad!
  : catty

[07-16-09 @ 8:37am] Your name is Runny. *Smile*
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-17-09 @ 1:56pm] Well, I aint that runny either. I'm more like a shot of electricity, you know, sometimes I brighten it up a little, sometimes I just shut it all down.
  : catty

[07-17-09 @ 3:36pm] At times you might start a fire that shouldn't be put out with water due to the risk of making things worse--rather, you should be doused with a bucket of sand or such-like...
  : pentatonic

[07-18-09 @ 5:26am] She's wired. She blew a fuse. She's a socket in search of a plug. She's a bright light, a dim bulb. She's a dynamo, a powerhouse, a sparkplug, a live wire. She's shocking!
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-20-09 @ 2:13pm] *preens* Why, thank you! *Blows another fuse* Oh, pardon me!
  : catty

[07-21-09 @ 8:41am] How many men does it take to change Catty's lightbulbs?
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-21-09 @ 12:10pm] *Bigsmile*
  : catty

[07-22-09 @ 9:20am] *squeaky noise of lightbulbs being unscrewed*
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-22-09 @ 12:45pm] *gropes around in the dark* Hey, who's touching my tail? Wait a minute, what are you doing to my toes?
  : catty

[07-22-09 @ 11:41pm] ZZZZZZZZAP. (Did anyone say that? *looks* No, I don't think so. Am I broadcasting again?..... Uh oh...)
  : pentatonic

[07-23-09 @ 5:13am] Forgot to wear your tin foil hat today, didn't you? *Smirk*
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-24-09 @ 12:44pm] Damn! That hurt! Look, my toe ring almost melted onto my toe!
  : catty

[07-25-09 @ 7:02am] Why are you wearing a toe ring? Did your feet marry each other? Isn't that incest?
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-25-09 @ 2:12pm] Nooo, the toes get jealous of the fingers, they have rings so why not the toes? Besides, sparkles are yummy!
  : catty

[07-26-09 @ 10:26am] If my toes got jealous of my fingers adornments then I would remind them that my fingers don't have to walk through dog poop all day.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-26-09 @ 5:10pm] Yeah. Toes should know their place.
  : pentatonic

[07-27-09 @ 9:40am] The big toe is a bully.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-27-09 @ 1:14pm] My toes don't go anywhere near dog poop and therefore know they are entitled to rings...the ankles get anklets, too!
  : catty

[07-28-09 @ 7:48am] What? No knee and calf jewelry?
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-28-09 @ 11:54am] *sigh* You guys went to the Circus Freaks of WDC again, didn't you? *Shakes head* It's going to take days to get them settled down now!
  : catty

[07-29-09 @ 9:35am] No problem. We bought some intravenous sedative equipment at a yard sale in California. As long as you're willing to monitor our bodily functions we'll be cool.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-29-09 @ 12:38pm] Monitor? You mean, like Michael's Dr did? 'Cause I don't want anyone bursting into my home in the middle of the night and start looking for...*Loud banging in background* 'Scuse me a minute...
  : catty

[07-29-09 @ 8:55pm] *Blush* Sorry 'bout that.
  : ⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites

[07-30-09 @ 9:48am] Why do penguins bang so loud?
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[07-30-09 @ 2:19pm] 'cause is't sooo much more fun? Heh heh!
  : catty

[07-31-09 @ 12:15pm] What, no witty comeback?
  : catty

[08-01-09 @ 9:46am] Don't worry. After that banging she'll definitely come back for more. *Smirk*
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[08-19-09 @ 5:43pm] Never! Never! I'll never come back! Oh...wait...dang it!
  : ⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites

[08-19-09 @ 7:34pm] *laughs* Hey, Penguin! Welcome back!
  : catty

[09-14-09 @ 1:26pm] What, no party?
  : catty

[09-15-09 @ 9:55am] Not without you here!
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[09-19-09 @ 4:10pm] I'm a here and there type person. But let's party. or at least celebrate with chips and dip.
  : catty

[09-20-09 @ 10:18am] Let's dip Chip in the cesspool. That's always good for a laugh.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[09-26-09 @ 2:10pm] Um not?
  : catty

[09-27-09 @ 10:41am] Um uh huh!
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[10-06-09 @ 7:17pm] Uh, NO. Capital "N" capital "O". NO. Noooooo.
  : catty

[10-07-09 @ 9:54am] You're a party pooper.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[11-14-09 @ 12:55pm] With a capital P?
  : catty

[11-15-09 @ 9:18am] Oh no you don't. I'm not going to fall for another one of your teasing come-ons just to see you vanish again for another month.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[11-15-09 @ 9:38pm] Don't worry. This tachyon-burst generator will prevent her from being able to escape. *confidently pats the tachyon-burst generator with his hand*
  : pentatonic

[11-16-09 @ 8:58am] I'm glad you have confidence in your insane imaginary hightech inventions. I've been doubtful ever since your moon rocket got caught out in the rain and sagged noticeably. I don't think cardboard is a reliable material for space engineering.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[11-16-09 @ 2:46pm] The most powerful technology is often the most fragile...
  : pentatonic

[11-17-09 @ 8:23am] That sounds like something people say to justify the injuries in the crowd after their invention explodes.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[11-21-09 @ 2:40pm] Besides, I only disappear for a week at a time, really! Humph! *Disappears*
  : catty

[11-22-09 @ 9:58am] A week in WDC time is like 3 months in human time.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[11-23-09 @ 12:33pm] Wow, that must mean I've been gone for years! Holy bajesus! Penta, stop injuring people in the crowd with your insane imaginary inventions... You should finish the job and kill them off.
  : Dark Angel

[11-24-09 @ 9:53am] His training was aborted when you left. He coulda been a real good killer...
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[11-24-09 @ 3:10pm] *glares at Penta* Now what did I tell you about practicing while I was away? *pins him to the wall with an over-sized spork and prepares to slice his head off to encourage a right answer*
  : Dark Angel

[11-24-09 @ 11:12pm] Ha! I've endured more sporks in my lifetime than you can imagine. The tides have turned, Ms. Angel...
  : pentatonic

[11-25-09 @ 11:18am] *raises my eyebrows and makes one cut from Pentas eye to the corner of his mouth* Wait, you are a guy right?
  : Dark Angel

[11-25-09 @ 8:55pm] *sigh* Yes. *goes off to wrap his face with gauze*
  : pentatonic

[11-27-09 @ 9:33am] Um.. so the people without scars are the ones who haven't met Dark Angel yet, right?
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[12-01-09 @ 1:08pm] *shrugs* Nah, they're just the ones who haven't upset me.
  : Dark Angel

[12-02-09 @ 10:39am] Do you know the story of Sir Weatherbee's friendship fish?
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[12-02-09 @ 12:28pm] That story is quite a long and secret story... but if you guess correctly I will give you a special treat. :)
  : aletts

[12-03-09 @ 9:07am] Once upon a time there was a boy named Fred who lived beside a lake. There were lots of fish in the lake which the boy enjoyed catching and eating.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[12-03-09 @ 9:08am] One day Fred caught a strange blue fish with big orange pop-eyes like a frog. "Please don't eat me!" said the fish.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[12-03-09 @ 9:09am] "I've never seen a fish like you before," Fred said. "How did you to learn to talk?"
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[12-04-09 @ 9:24am] "It wasn't easy," the fish said. "I rented a lot of movies and turned off the subtitles. I trained my ear to recognize the nuances of human speech. Then I trained my lips to enunciate them."
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[12-04-09 @ 9:25am] "I'm impressed," Fred said. "That was a lot of hard work and you seem to have a great vocabulary. Why did you do it?"
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[12-04-09 @ 9:27am] "Thank you," the fish said. "I did it so I could talk to you and be your friend. I am your FRIENDSHIP FISH."
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[12-04-09 @ 9:27am] THE END. ....... Well, do I get a special treat?
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[12-04-09 @ 5:39pm] *pentatonic's slapping hand twitches, but he thinks better of it*
  : pentatonic

[12-05-09 @ 9:42am] I think the "special treat" offer was bogus. What's the chance that Sir Weatherbee would actually show up twice in the same month? *Rolleyes*
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[12-06-09 @ 8:51pm] once in a blue moon... *pats Steve on the back* It'll be ok...
  : Dark Angel

[12-07-09 @ 10:50am] Yeah... blue moons... maybe we could all spraypaint our butts?
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[12-07-09 @ 5:35pm] For your information I have returned and shall issue you your very own friendship fish for guessing. It wasn't exactly correct but it was close enough. Now, on to the painting!
  : aletts

[12-07-09 @ 10:04pm] -knock knock-
  : BGM @ the pen

[12-08-09 @ 12:30am] NO SOLICITORS!
  : pentatonic

[12-08-09 @ 9:12am] Who's there?
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[12-08-09 @ 3:57pm] not me
  : BGM @ the pen

[12-09-09 @ 9:49am] Not me who?
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[12-09-09 @ 12:16pm] ...Dork
  : Dark Angel

[12-20-09 @ 2:15pm] Did you know that a dork is a whales private part... or something like that
  : Dark Angel

[12-21-09 @ 11:24am] It's probably more important that the whale should know it than that I should know it.
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[12-23-09 @ 4:06am] So have you all ever seen the show>Two men and a little Dork?
  : ~SilverMoon~

[12-23-09 @ 8:06pm] pickles are really rotten cucumbers.
  : Elizabeth GraceWood

[12-24-09 @ 8:40am] tomatoes are apples that lost their crunch
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[03-22-11 @ 11:14pm] Less fear, more love! Less fear, more love! ... Is the protest over yet?
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

[03-23-11 @ 9:27pm] Who do I have to praise to get four?
  : Steev the Friction Wizurd

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