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by Kayla
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Thriller/Suspense · #1248136
still working on it
Everything was dealthly silent. The curtain's in the couple's room swayed back and forth from the wind that was forcing its way in. Melanie's eyes were glued to the ceiling, simply because she couldn't sleep.
"Can't sleep?" Her husband propped himself up in the bed and turned the lamp on. Everything in the room lit up. The chair by the door cast a shadow on the bed and the wooden desk showed books and papers scattered everywhere.
"No," she whispered. "I can't."
Eddie brushed back the blonde piece of hair that had fallen in her face. "Are you okay?" He asked.
Melanie looked at him and sat up. "I'm...fine." She said. "I just have an eerie feeling that something is going to happen." She paused. "Premonition."
Eddie smiled weakly. "Here, I'll shut the window." Eddie shuffled out of bed and closed the window, making the curtains fall near the window. He walked back to his wife. "Better?"
Melanie shuddered. "I still have that feeling."
"You want me to lock the door?" Eddie grinned, trying to make Melanie feel a little bit better.
"Eddie, please..." She spoke softly. "I'm scared."
He didn't know what to do. Never in their years of marriage had Melanie have such a thought that something terrible would happen.
"I'm sorry." He said. Melanie leaned against him, and Eddie closed his arms around her.
They soon fell asleep with their arms wrapped around each other.

Melanie was disturbed in her sleep, and she woke up suddenly. She turned to see Eddie nowhere. Melanie queitly got out of bed and exited the bedroom, going into the hall. Everything was silent yet again, except for the ticking of the clock. She made her way down the stairs and just as she did she heard what sounded like someone walking on glass.
"Eddie?" She called out, but there was no answer. It was then, that she realized, that someone else was inside the house with her...and it wasn't Eddie.

The sound became somewhat closer and Melanie backed up slowly away from the sound of breaking glass. She backed up far enough to where someone grabbed her suddenly, putting their hand over her mouth.
"Shhh....it's me."
Melanie spun around and put her lips to her husband's, her body trembling against his.

"Eddie, what's happening?" She whispered.
Eddie held his wife for a moment and led her to a darkened corner where the two of them sat down.
"I don't know." They sat in silence as they continued to hear the glass.
© Copyright 2007 Kayla (kwriting.com at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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