Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1258657-Jenny--chapter-2-new
by Mandy
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1258657


                                      Chapter 2

Screams and shouting echoed through the old building. Pete stumbled into his jeans curious about the sudden outburst. He glanced at Jenny snuggled into the blue quilted sleeping bag, slowly stirring. He opened the door slightly, a group of people dressed in grey sack cloth cloaks had disturbed their sleep fighting to expel them from the church, most of the biker group fled only a few remained. Jim wiped the blood from his mouth dazed as he slumped out of the building falling to the ground leaving Cassandra alone.

She tried to escape the constant beatings, two of the group held her, dragging her to the foot of the alter forcing her to the ground. Silence filled the room as a tall medium built man took his place behind the altar, his head covered with a heavy sackcloth hood. He glanced at the group their heads now bowed in respect chanting the man’s name, 'Sirius'. He walked towards Cassandra, she tried to pull away from them again.

"You made a big mistake fighting against us." he grabbed her face as he spoke. "You made a major mistake remaining." he shoved her away. "Prepare her for your Lord Satan." he stated returning to the alter. Cassandra screamed  as they tore her clothes roughly from her body. She lay huddled on the concrete floor, crying her body badly bruised and bleeding, trembling as Sirius approached grabbing her long hair, pulling her head back sharply.

"You have soiled this place." he paused. "Someone must right that wrong." he shouted frightening her. Cassandra tried to move away from his foul rancid breath as he glanced at her naked body, roughly stroking her breasts. She pulled away from his touch, falling has one of them hit her holding her for their master her legs spread. "It’s pointless you can't fight us." Sirius stroked her face wiping away her tears. She turned away from him has he stroked his hand down her body resting just above her waist.

"Just give yourself willingly, there will be no more pain." Sirius nudged her as he spoke. Jenny pushed the door closed frightened by the sudden intrusion, trembling has Pete held it preventing it closing.

"We can't help her, you know we can't." She cried. "There is too many of them." pleading with him to close the door, covering her ears trying to smoother Cassandra's screams. Pete watched silently as they tortured her wanting to rush to her side but prevented by the mass. Cassandra struggled to free herself from Sirius abuse. He kissed her grabbing her neck, she pulled away biting him. Sirius glanced at his arm and then Cassandra smirking slapping her hard, he pulled her towards him wiping the blood from his mouth.

"What is your name." he sneered grabbing her face hard. She remained silent refusing to speak, he stroked her face grabbing her neck causing her to scream, he parted her legs stroking the inside of her thigh pausing, tears ran down her face but he paid no attention to her cries causing pain was his only intention scratching her badly. He returned to the alter. "I'm not an unreasonable person." he leant across the alter has he spoke. "I want to end this pain." She fell to the floor has they released her refusing to acknowledge him. Sirius sighed nodding silently to the two that had held her.

"If you insist." he turned away has he spoke. They began to kick her until she lay motionless unconscious from the constant beatings. Sirrius walked towards her throwing water in her face, she tried to turn away coughing, trying to stand but falling to the ground.

"Cassie, stay down don't get up." Pete whispered, tears filled his eyes. Sirrius approached her again crouching beside her his hand resting on her shoulder. He took a small silver vile from inside his gown emptying the golden liquid into her mouth.

"I want to end your pain you don't have to suffer like this." He paused returning to the alter. "We have used this building for almost a year, it is our lord Satan’s house, and you." He sighed leaning on the alter once again. "We must purify it." Cassandra knelt silently on the floor colours blended before her eyes causing her to blink repeatedly, Sirrius returned to her side wiping her face, he held her gently leading her to the alter. Pete searched the room hoping to find something to remove the boards from the windows wanting to get Jenny to safety.

"She's alive, he's given her some kind of drug." he struggled trying to open the window. "I've got to get you out of here." Cassandra stood before the alter hallucinating, Sirrius took her hand laying her on the cold surface, She offered little resistance as he stroked her body gently.

"Do you want to tell me your name now?" He stroked her hair away from her face.

"Cassandra." She whispered her eyes closed, dreaming of the time she had spent with Pete. Sirius gripped her legs pulling her towards him removing the cord securing his cloak. She screamed frightening Jenny, she gripped Pete trembling crying uncontrollably. He held her gently trying to silence her tears not wanting to be discovered.

"I can't get you out Jen, I've tried." he stroked her hair gently. "We can't let them find us, so we have to be quiet." He trembled clearly worried for their safety.

"Do you want more Cassandra." Sirrius tied the cord around his waist has he spoke turning her onto her stomach allowing the group to use her. She cried bitterly has they each took their turn causing her to bleed heavily. Sirrius turned her over stroking her face lightly. Pete opened the door slightly silently hoping they had left wanting to help Cassandra.

"The pain will stop in a few minutes Cassandra." Sirrius opened a small box has he spoke. "This place will be pure again." He removed a sharp knife the  blade reflected the light, he held her head mumbling a chant silence filled the room has he ran the blade across her throat. "Leave her body, it will warn others." Sirrius stated replacing the knife. They filed out of the church showing no compassion. Cassandra's body lay still only the sound of her blood dripping on the floor as it drained from her body could be heard. Pete hurried to her side followed closely by Jenny. She screamed noticing the blood shaking badly.

"Jenny stay there, you don't want to see this." He held Cassandra's wrist knowing she was dead, gently kissing her on the lips tears ran freely down his face. "I'll get them, I promise." he whispered choking back the tears holding her gently for the last time. He returned to Jenny’s side, she stood trembling unable to move tears ran down her face.

"It’s okay Jen." He held her close. "I want you to come back in here." He wiped her face leading her back into the room quickly closing the door, he turned her face gently knowing she was in shock. "You’re going to hate me for doing this." he whispered holding her gently. She stared at the door trembling his voice lost in her traumatised thoughts. He slipped his jacket on walking towards her. "Goodbye Jenny." He walked towards the door pausing, she fell to her knees crying, her head lowered. he pulled his jacket off throwing it onto the sleeping bag sitting beside her, tears rolled down his face has he held her.

"I'm sorry Jen, you were in shock." She clung to him shaking badly unable to talk. "Just calm down, I'm not leaving. I think we are safe now." He comforted her has he spoke, she slowly composed herself not wanting to release him frightened in case Cassandra's attackers still remained.

"Pete, is Cassandra." She paused, he nodded silently. Jenny quickly searched for her mobile phone phoning the police. Pete snatched the phone from her.

"You can't tell the police, they will blame us for her murder. I'll deal with this my way." She took her phone from his hand.

"We have no choice someone will tell them we were here." She held his hand wiping his tears away, quickly phoning the police explaining what had happened eventually slipping the phone into her bag. "The police will be here soon." She attempted to hold him but he pulled away. The police arrived within a few minutes, a doctor crouched beside Jim examine the gash on his head. Jenny sighed standing beside Jim silently watching as Cassandra's body was driven away. They each made a statement watching the police secure the church pending investigation.

"He will be ok Jen, did he tell you about Cassie." She nodded silently. "They nearly got engaged." Jim sighed offering her a cigarette. "You can't expect him to forget her, because he won't." he glanced at the entrance to the church hoping Pete would join them.

"He didn't want me to tell the police, and now." She paused thinking for a few seconds. "Would you take me home Jim. I don't think I should be here." She threw the cigarette on the floor.

"I can't Jen, how can you leave him like this." He held her gently. "Don't you think he will want to talk to someone, he might not show the hurt, he normally hides it." She shook her head silently walking towards the arch.

"If you don't want to take me. I'll walk." She stated.

"I'll take you home." Pete shouted zipping his jacket, she froze refusing to turn to the sound of his bike. The time she had spent in his arms filled her thoughts, now his feelings dismissed by Cassandra's death. Silent tears rolled down her face as he stopped the bike refusing to look at him. "If you want to go home, get on. I want to check the others are ok." He paused annoyed, she started to walk ignoring him. "Jenny, I'm going for a ride, I need to think." She watched as he rode into the distance, trying to dismiss the thoughts of him holding her, his kiss every step she took reminded her of him.

She pulled her shoes off throwing them in the direction he had taken, crying as the uneven road surface sliced into her feet. She sat on the grass verge thinking, tired and in pain, the sound of Cassandra’s screams filled her mind frightening her.

"I think these belong to you." She glanced up, Pete sat beside her holding her shoes. "You can ignore me, I'm not bothered. I probably deserve it." He lit a cigarette handing it to her. "You should be in bed." He attempted to turn her to face him but she pulled away.

"I thought you were going for a ride." She snapped attempting to walk away stumbling, the pain in her feet unbearable. He picked her up carrying her to the bike, she struggled wanting him to release her.

"If I put you down you will fall. I'll take you home."

"I don't want to go home, put me down." She screamed, he sat her on the grass verge beside the bike.

"Your down, now stop moaning, I have to take you home, I can't leave you." He sat beside her. "It’s too dangerous, you know that."

"If you’re going for a ride, I'm coming with you." She stated turning to face him.

"I said, I'm going for a ride, it isn't safe for you." He thought about Cassandra laying on the alter. "I have to get this out of my head." He began to get annoyed resting his arm around her waist hoping she would understand.

"I know what you said, your blaming yourself for Cassandra’s death." She touched his face gently. "If you won't take me with you, and you won't leave me alone." She paused laying down trying to relieve the pain in her feet. "We both stay here, don't we." The thought of leaving her behind weighed heavy on his mind.

"Get on but hold tight, I don't want to lose you." He started the bike revving it loudly before riding along the country lane at high speed turning sharply into a junction. He lost control rolling off the bike lifting his head as the bike slid across the road. Jenny lay unconscious her head badly grazed. He hurried to her side quickly checking her eyes before picking her up. Her arms fell by her side has he struggled to carry her to a nearby barn laying her on a bed of straw covering her with a blanket. She opened her eyes rubbing her head noticing her bloodstained hand crying. He sat beside her holding her gently.

"I'm sorry Jen, I wouldn't hurt you." He stroked her hair has he spoke. "I'll find something to help, I won't be long, I promise." He kissed her before leaving.

Jenny held her head trying to relieve the sharp pain caused by the accident, glancing at the door frightened to be alone, birds sang the dawn chorus. She covered her head with the blanket, tears ran down her face as she tried to relieve the increasing pain. Pete returned sitting beside her pulling the blanket from her face gently cleaning the wound making her cry again.

"Take these if the headache doesn't go, I’ll take you to hospital." He handed her a plate, she ate the food slowly hoping the painkillers would ease the pain. She jumped as he held her foot cleaning away the dirt. "You have glass in your foot, it can wait until your headache goes."

"I don't want to go to hospital, I just can't stand them."

"Why?" He asked as she held him close relieved to be in his arms again.

"I just can't stand anything like that." She whispered running her hand inside his t-shirt. "Pete, do you feel better now." She paused thinking about the things Jim had said. "I know you won't forget her." She held him close. "I don't want you to forget her." She sat up relieved the pain had eased a little. "You’re not blaming yourself, are you?" He shook his head silently.

"No, if I had tried to help her, we probably wouldn't be here now, it was the shock." He picked her foot up again. "And your right, I will never forget her." He searched his pockets eventually opening his penknife. She pulled her foot away trembling. "I'm not going to hurt you that glass has to come out." He held her foot again but she pulled away from him. "I'll take you to hospital, you won't be able to walk on that foot." She shook her head, he held her close. "Why don't you try and go to sleep. I'll take it out later." She cuddled into him.

"You won't leave me." he shook his head stroking her hair, watching as she slowly closed her eyes. He carefully eased her away covering her with the blanket once more. She cried in her sleep as he removed the shard of glass from her foot replacing his knife. She sat up quickly.

"I thought you had left." she threw the blanket onto the straw as she spoke, he sat beside her.

"I told you, I wouldn't leave hold your hand out." He placed the glass on her hand. "I also told you that had to come out." She gazed at her foot. "I think you should go to hospital, just to make sure you're ok."

"I've told you, I'm not going I hate them." She began to get angry.

"I think I'll take this back to the farmhouse, and get the bike before I totally blow it." He smiled walking towards the door. She snuggled into the blanket once again confused, 'blow what' she thought to herself casting the thoughts from her mind. Pete checked the bike quickly returning to the barn.

"The bike is ok, do you want to go home?" He helped her to stand, she limped to the bike gripping him tight during the short journey to her house. The thought of saying goodbye, holding him for the last time troubled her. He held her gently gazing into her eyes for a few minutes thinking silently.

"Would you like a coffee?" She whispered interrupting his thoughts, trying to think of a reason to prevent him leaving. She struggled to open the door leading him to the kitchen.

"I need a shower." She paused turning to face him. "You won't leave without saying goodbye will you."

"I'll still be here, don't worry." He glanced at the morning paper, an investigation had began concerning Cassandra's murder. Jenny hurried to her room collecting clean clothes. She stepped into the shower relieved to wash her long hair. Pete opened the door startling her, his clothes formed a pile on the floor he stepped inside kissing her, holding her gently. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shoved you away last night," he whispered wiping the water from her face. She handed him a sponge smiling, turning so he could wash her back. They walked into her bedroom each with a towel wrapped around them. Jenny sat on the bed drying her hair thinking about him, he had changed her during the short time they had spent together, she was no longer the sweet innocent girl her parents knew.

"Pete, is this goodbye." he sat beside her holding her gently around the waist.

"No, I think this is just the beginning." He laid her down gently taking the hair dryer from her hand, kissing her.

"I don't want to say goodbye, I don't want to stay here on my own." she whispered holding him close, frightened to be alone.

"You could stay with me tonight if you want." he whispered, making love to her, she knew her parents would be home early but the thought of staying in the house alone worried her, he glanced at her foot making her jump. "You need something on that foot." he sighed. They quickly dressed, she flinched pulling her trainer on cringing with pain from the swollen foot. "I should have something at home." They arrived at his flat Jenny glanced around surprised to find it neat and tidy.

"Sit down, I have to get changed." She sat on the soft white leather coach snuggling into the large cushions listening to the music, her eyes closed. Pete returned sitting beside her quickly removing her trainers, making her gasp. "I want you to keep your trainers off." he glanced at the foot quickly. "This might sting Jen, but it will help." He squirted the antiseptic onto the swollen foot as he spoke. She gripped her foot trying to relieve the burning sensation. He brushed his hair glancing at her in the mirror.

"I did say it might hurt, but it should stop soon." he sat beside her now dressed in clean jeans and a white t-shirt. "It would hurt a lot more, if it got infected." he hugged her. The doorbell interrupted them, Jim and Caroline waited patiently for him to open the door.

"I thought Pete would have given up and dropped you." Caroline sneered. "Why don't you run home, that’s what you normally do, isn't It." she pushed her as she spoke. Pete and Jim stood quietly discussing Cassandra in the kitchen.

"It was horrible I couldn't help her, she didn't deserve to die like that." He made a drink as he spoke. "I promised to get him, and I will." He paused thinking about Jenny. "I don't want to hurt Jen, i've put her though enough already." They walked into the lounge pausing at the door listening to the girls.

"Jenny he's too nice for you, if you decided to let him." Caroline paused noticing Jim and Pete.

"We have shared a little more than a kiss, your right he is nice." she hugged Pete turning to face her. "But only I would know that." Caroline walked towards her grabbing her arm pulling her to the door.

"I suppose you think he loves you, your parents will be so disappointed." she paused. "They will be home tomorrow." she lit a cigarette blowing the smoke in Jenny’s face. "I think you will be saying a lot of hail marys, when they find out their daughter is a slut." she smirked sitting down thinking how upset Jenny looked, the chance to make her feel worse, to break her was irresistible. She walked to her silently smiling. "They won't let you see him again, and you know it, run away now save yourself the heartache." Caroline laughed.

Jenny lifted her hand to hit her, Pete held her sitting her down. She knew Caroline was right her parents wouldn't allow her relationship to continue. Pete could see how upset she looked.

"I think we need to talk, so if you wouldn't mind." Jim finished his drink hurrying Caroline. She starred at Jenny sipping her coffee ignoring Pete’s request.

"I haven't finished my drink." Caroline stated, Jim sighed taking the mug from her grasp, drinking the contents.

"You have now, let’s go." Caroline walked towards the door turning to face Jenny.

"Just remember what I said." She snapped. Pete closed the door silently turning to face her. She sat trembling, tears ran down her face. He sat beside her comforting her.

"What has she said now, and don't say nothing because I know different." he wiped her face as he spoke.

"She said she will tell my parents about you, and tell them I'm a slut." She paused for a few minutes. "They won't let me see you again."

"They can't stop you you're 18. Jenny you are not a slut." she held him crying knowing Caroline would enjoy informing her parents just to take Pete from her.

"You don't understand, if I don't obey their rules they will tell me to leave." she wiped her face as she spoke. "I will be disgraced."

"If they throw you out, you can come back here." he whispered, she glanced at him clearly worried.

"Do you think I should tell them." she sighed fright filled her voice.

"Would she really tell them?" she nodded silently. "I will come with you if you want." he whispered making her worry.

"I don't know how they will react." she trembled thinking about him meeting them.

"I don't think it really matters, you told Caroline. I think it’s time you told your parents you have a life too." he walked into the kitchen studying the contents of the freezer, she stood beside him yawning.

"Why don't you go to bed, have a rest. I'll wake you when dinner is ready."

"I'm not tired just bored." she glanced out of the window resting on the work surface. The sun beamed through the venetian blind. She startled herself slipping off the surface her eyes heavy lacking sleep. Pete picked her up carrying her to the bedroom laying her on the bed.

"Go to sleep and stop being so stubborn." he covered her with the quilt has he spoke sitting beside her. "I promise, I'll wake you for dinner.

"I haven't got the energy to argue." she closed her eyes feeling dizzy, opening them quickly. He pulled the quilt revealing a very swollen foot.

"You have to go to hospital that foot is getting worse." she gripped the quilt refusing. "Jen you need antibiotics."

"I need sleep, not antibiotics." she covered her foot with the quilt wincing with pain. "When did you become an expert. I know how I feel." she snapped knowing he was right. He sat beside her holding her gently.

"Do you want to know what they will do at the hospital." she shook her head. "I'll tell you anyway, it will get cleaned and you will probably have a tetanus injection, you will be given antibiotics and then, I'll bring  you back here." she closed her eyes cuddling into him, he laid her down covering her up, returning to the kitchen preparing dinner, he was interrupted by Jenny crying he stroked her hair gently, she opened her eyes.

"Do you feel better now, I think you were dreaming." he handed her a cigarette. "Dinner is nearly ready, and when we have finished, I'm taking you to hospital." she finished the cigarette getting out of bed gripping the black satin quilt preventing herself falling crying as the pain increased, he picked her up carrying her to the lounge.

"I'll get your dinner." he sat her on the coach has he spoke disappearing into the kitchen returning with two plates. "Let me have another look at that foot." he pressed the foot gently, "I think you still have some glass in it, or something." she screamed has he pressed the foot gently. "It looks like glass but it’s too deep, it will really hurt if I take it out."

"I'm not going to hospital, you can't force me." She started to eat the meal.

"Ok, I won't force you to go, but that glass has got to come out, It’s your choice." he finished his meal placing the plate on the coffee table lifting her foot, she pulled away.

"I'll go to the hospital, I think it might help if a doctor did It." he handed her the jacket she had brought with her.

"You can be so hurtful." he teased carrying her to the bike. "I think you’re having a blonde moment." she looked at him puzzled, gripping him tight as he started the bike, trembling has they arrived at the hospital, he carried her into the A & E department.

"I hate hospitals, people die." she gave her details to the receptionist sitting down Pete stood quietly talking to a medium built blonde haired woman, she glanced at Jenny has they talked finally walking into a room closing the door, he sat beside her.

"Is she another ex." Jenny asked sarcastically.

"Don't be silly, I was trying to find out how long we will have to wait." he glanced at the few people waiting to be seen.

"It will probably be hours." She sighed.

"Marie Saunders" the same person he had spoken to called her name holding a file." he picked her up carrying her into the room, screaming has they removed the piece of glass gripping Pete’s hand. He carried her back to the bike her foot heavily bandaged.

"I think you are hiding something Pete." She sighed has they returned home.

"Why do you think I’m hiding something." he asked puzzled.

"Nobody walks into the casualty department and gets a doctor that quick, it just doesn't happen."

"So, you think I'm hiding something because you didn't have to wait." he laughed, "It wasn't exactly crowded was it?" he switched the TV on has he spoke.

"You know that doctor, I can tell. Why don't you just admit it." she snapped clearly jealous making him laugh.

"If you continue with this conversation, you are going to feel very silly." he held her gently but she pulled away refusing to look at him. "Ok I know her." he turned her. "I work with her, are you happy now."

"That must be the best excuse I've ever heard." she limped into the bathroom closely followed by Pete, he stood by the door his arms folded thinking. He picked her up bouncing her on the bed making her laugh pinning her down gently.

"I think you are the most jealous, stubborn girl i've ever met." he teased. "And I've met loads of girls, hundreds." she struggled pushing him away, he held her close laughing.

"I am not jealous." she snapped

"The doctor I spoke to." he paused. "Do you honestly think I would go out with her, she's married." he turned her to face him his arms resting around her waist. "I'm only interested in one girl." he teased her slowly, she returned his kiss tugging at his t-shirt.

"Now you want me." he teased making love to her. She lay in his arms exhausted.

He stroked her hair silently thinking about their relationship and his relationship with Cassandra, but was he ready for another.

© Copyright 2007 Mandy (enigma1503 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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