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Rated: E · Poetry · Personal · #1261691
The various hats I have worn—a chronicle of my pursuits.

Many hats I have put on.
Maybe some I don’t reckon.
When I joined medical school,
I found it to be quite cool.

During the internship days
I was drawn by psychic ways.
Psychiatry was, for me,
I thought the true destiny.

So out of my own will free
I took up psychiatry
As junior resident
Till the gory incident….

When Indo-Pak war broke out
And I had to turn about;
From studies I did abstain,
Joined army as a captain.

I served Army for years three,
Then once again I was free.
I became an internist,
Worked as a neurologist.

Department of nutrition
Was my new working station.
I joined it as lecturer,
Retired as a Professor.

Meanwhile, got my MPH;
For some time taught public health.
Then in nineteen ninety one,
Shifted to Education.

Training assignments I got;
Senior doctors I taught.
When from service I retired,
To study law I aspired.

Got my LL.B. degree
Joined the Bar at New Delhi.
Then I got my LL.M.
In my field reached at the helm.

Lawyer medico-legal,
Is my vocation regal!
By poetry bug bitten,
Many poems I’ve written.

This story in details rife,
Lists what hats I wore in life.

* Written in aabb 7-7-7-7 format

* Initially created as independent item. no. 718594, later deleted and substituted by entry 335407 in "MY POETRY BOOK. Reposted as present item on 13 May 2007.

M C Gupta
12 July 2003
© Copyright 2007 Dr M C Gupta (mcgupta44 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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