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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1274947
A love not seen
They met through a good friend of both of them on spring night. It was the best thing that had ever happened to both of them. They started to talk, and found out they had so much in common, it was like they had known each other all their lives. Things that they went through as children, it was mind boggling, it was the exact same thing for both of them, Things they did when they got older, it was the same. They went through the same things, but in different parts of the world.

She had remembered a story that she had wrote a few years back, she found it, and let him read it. It brought tears to his eyes.....he looked up at her and told her she had wrote about him, that was him in those pages. He looked deep into her eyes, and told her that she was his soul mate. What a wonder turn of events for her.

The days went by, they talked more. The more they talked, the more she felt, she was falling in love with this man, this man that she had just met not too long ago. No, it could not be, no, she could not be falling in love with him, she would not allow her mind to even go there, she had no right, for her divorce was not final yet, and what would everyone say? It just is not the right thing to do. Please get out of my mind, she pleaded.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into Months, everyone knew how she felt about him, everyone knew that he loved her too. "I can see it in his eyes, and in his actions, can't you?" they would ask her, No she could not see it. But it was there. It was there, and they both ignored it. Neither one would act on how they felt. They were just "Good friends"

Then that dreadful day came...He came to her and told her that he was getting married...to someone else. What could she do at that point? It was too late. She said what came to her mind first "If you have any reservations about this marriage, please do not get married" That was the one phrase that would stick in his mind forever.

He did get married, and she was there to give them her blessing, even though it hurt so much to see another woman take her soul mate. What was she going to do now? She was all alone, her best friend was gone, married, she was lost. She knew that there would be no more long talks, no more talking on the phone late at night about silly things, the dogs, the cats, the stars. She knew that her time with him was over.

Then the call came in, it was his wife. "I need you to come over, as soon as possible please"? sure, she was there, what was going on? She had not a clue. When she got there, his wife told her that he was not doing to well, he was upset, and he had told her that he had only one soul mate, and there was no way even with her being his wife was she going to come between that. "Will you please talk to him?"

That is when she heard him out, he was miserable, him and his wife were not getting along at all, he was tired of doing everything, and her not doing anything. Then the words came back to her, he told her "I wish I would have listened to you" He was talking about what she told him the day he mentioned he was getting married.

From that point on, she was there for the both of them, trying her best to help out when she could. He was her soul mate, it was the least she could do.

The Months went by, and people could not understand just how this could be, how could these 2 people be so close, but yet not get "involved" people actually thought that they were having an affair, which was the furthest from the truth as they could get. But no one understood that. Yes, they loved each other, but that is as far as it went, yes, he made a mistake, and he knew it, but that is as far as it went. No one understood the closeness between them.

She never stopped loving her, and he realized that it was her he wanted to marry, but it just was not the right time. It was too late for both of them. Maybe later on down the road? Well maybe, no one knows the future.

A couple years went by, and she was still doing the very best she could to help out, and keep her feelings under control, it was very hard, but she knew that she had to. She could not break up this marriage no matter how bad it was, no matter how miserable he was, she hated seeing him this miserable, it broke her heart, but by this time, there were children involved. He could not leave her, for what would happen to the children? So they still kept their love for each other under raps. They knew it was there, but that is all they could do.

It was a cool fall night, and it was raining, and she was visiting them and helping them around the house, it started to storm, she knew she had to go. She grabbed her coat and hugged them all, and said her good byes, and started on her way home. What happened next is just a blurr. He heard a crash, and heard glass breaking, he looked outside, and it was just down the street, it was her car. He forgot his coat, and just ran out into the storm to see if she was ok, there was a drunk driver that hit her head on at a high speed, he didn't have his lights on, he seen her laying on the pavement. Blood gushing from her head. He yelled for someone to call 911, he put pressure on her bleeding head, he took her in his arms, and held her trying to keep her warm, she whispered to him, "I love you please do not leave me" He bent down and kissed her ever so softly on the lips and told her he was there for her, she looked at him again and in her last breath she told him, "Tell the girls I love them and I will never forget you " And she died right there in his arms.

What was he going to do now? The only woman he ever loved was gone, and he had lost his chance. All he could do was sit and cry. For he knew he would not get another chance, and he knew that was their first, and their last kiss.
© Copyright 2007 Terry Harper (thowell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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