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Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1287012
aaron's paper for class
When angels and demons collide
By Aaron k

In this world, there are 3 races, angels, demons, and humans o my. Once these
Three races where at war, or rather angels and demons with humans caught in the crossfire. But now these three people have found peace by cutting themselves completely apart from one another. But not this peace has been broken by disappearances in a human school that just so happens too not too far from a demon school underground and now angels must go there and find out why the humans are disappearing, could it be the demons themselves, or is it something else entirely? Perhaps we well find out in this story.

It started out like any other day, the angels up in their floating cities above the clouds, the demons crawling and creeping underground, and the humans who have totally forgotten the existence of the war, the other two races and the tragedy that fell before them. But one night, on a full moon late at a school some kids where sneaking around and suddenly the next morning, their corpse lay there dead on the entrance and the police blocked the school for investigation and a panic rose among the humans and this concerned the angels wondering if it had been the demons under them, so three angels where ordered too go deep down under ground too the demon inhabitants too investigate.
Haseo, Piros, and Silabus where their names, they had survived throughout the war and where elected by the council too investigate the demons lair.

In the city all three angels had gathered up their stuff in suitcases hung over their shoulder, Haseo had blonde curly hair, wearing a white shirt and blue jeans with pure white wings, Silabus had black hair and wore a black shirt and pants with glowing white wings, Piros had half black and half blonde hair with a white buttoned shirt along with jeans.

They all stood in front of a slowly spinning mirror that reflected the image of the underground demon school and their families had come too see them off as they walked into the mirror, phasing into it and appearing under ground in front of the demon school and Haseo sighed,
“lets get this over with, if we stay here too long its going too be troublesome” he groaned, Haseo was somewhat lazy and easily bored at times.

“Well I know your not going too like it here, so your gonna have too adapt for a while, until we find out what’s going on with the human school above” Piros said looking at him.
“Its alright, I mean it’s not like where about too be killed right now and here” Silabus said, he was basically mister jinx; whatever he said after ‘at least’ normally did happen. Great we’re going too die thought Haseo as he then sighed.
“Well anyway, they sad there’s an open house that we can stay in, according too the council” Piros said pulling a piece of paper with the address on it; blood rode 1938, it read.
“Ok then? Where is it? And more importantly, where are we?” Haseo asked sounding annoyed.
“Relax, the sign says we’re at blood rode right now and the closet address is 1923, so it shouldn’t be far” Piros said pointing too a house.
“Alright then” Haseo said looking around. He then pointed out the house that read, ‘1938’ “found it” he said walking over too it.
“Do we have a key?” Silabus asked.
“Yea, the keys in my pocket” Piros said reaching into his pocket, he then moved his hand around and looked down with eyes wide “o crap….” He whispered since he couldn’t find the key. “I guess I’ll take care of it” Silabus said walking over too the door. “NO!” Haseo and Silabus said shouting.
“Alright, alright already, then you do it Haseo” Silabus said pointing too the door.
“Ok I will” Haseo said walking up too the door. He then twisted he knob and a red glow surrounded it, making the door open.
“You never get tired of that do you?” Silabus said coldly.
“Nope!” Haseo said smiling.
Silabus looked annoyed at Haseo as the all walked into the house and they each split up into three different rooms and tossed their suitcases onto the beds and sighed.
"Lets get this over with" haseo said walking out the door and waited outside for the others.
Soon after haseo came out Silabus came out as well and haseo turned too him "hey, so when did these disappearances normal happen?" haseo asked curiously.
"The dead of night" Silabus said checking the reports on a palm pilot.
"Great and we have about 3 hours till night" Piros said walking up from behind Silabus. He then shouted and jumped being surprised and threw his palm pilot up into the air and Piros caught it handing it too Silabus.
"Geese! DON’T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" Silabus shouted.
"Calm down your making a scene" Piros said closing his eyes.
"Don’t sneak up on me like that next time!" Silabus said looking annoyed.
Haseo stood up and looked back at them "I'll leave you lovebirds alone for a while too go explore a bit k?" he said smiling mischievously as he walked away.
"You little………" Piros said, glaring at haseo.
"Is he always like this?" Silabus asked.
"Yes, unfortunately " Piros said as he sighed.
Haseo then unfolded his wings and bended his knees spreading his wings outward then taking off into the air looking down at everyone in the city.
Haseo then flew right into a stalagmite and fell down too the ground and hard with a crater surrounding his body and the demons simply avoiding him, staring at him as they walked by.
"Oww that hurt" He said sitting up.
Silabus and Piros then ran up too him "are you alright?" Piros asked helping him up.
"Well, well, well, mister and misses angel what a pleasure too see you again" haseo grinned.
Piros then dropped haseo back onto the ground and dusted his hands off "I see your fine" he said coldly tempted too punch him on the head, but Silabus beat him too the punch and knocked him on the head and hard. "Your being annoying………" Piros said coldly.
"Well let's get this over with shall we?" haseo said as some demons flew by and climbed up into a hole in the ground. "Hmm…….." Piros said looking up at the flying by demons.
"I think we have our first suspects of the disappearances" haseo said grinning as he suddenly took of into the air after them flying through the hole followed by the others.
The hole was a connection too the sewers and it wreaked of…well do I really have too describe, you probably know. "Come on, they're probably going too the school above" haseo said nodding his head towards the demons.
They both nodded and walked quietly along the sewers until the demons had climbed up a ladder lifting the manhole cover off and they crept along the shadows making it hard too find them. "Crap, shadow demons……they can turn a black as the shadows themselves making them very good hunters and spies……" Haseo said looking around.

Suddenly a blood covered scream of what seemed too be girls from the school yard.
The angels the rushed into the school yard and saw the dead body of a guy covered in blood with a tri-horned black dragon standing there and placed its right claw on the dead body and growled at the angels who rushed in.

The girls looked at the angels and they all where frozen with fear "w-who are you?" one asked scarred out of mind as her life flashed before her eyes with disturbing images of the dragon killing her.

Haseo turned around at the trembling girls "run, we'll take care of this thing" haseo said looking over his shoulder at the dragon, the girls nodded and ran off and the dragon roared at the three angels and flew up into the sky.
The dragon the swept down at the angels and they all moved out of the way and the dragon roared flying into the sky once more sweeping at them once more.

Haseo took out a blue tinted blade with a angel wing hilt and flew at the dragon, crackling with blue bits of lightning coming from the sword. The crackling got louder as haseo approached the dragon at high speeds and the dragon blew black flames at him and haseo flew under them and flew up colliding with the dragon with a large explosion occurred from the collision and the smoke covered the entire school yard and could be seen throughout the city, shaking the ground itself all that could be seen Was large lightning bolts coming from inside the smoke and loud crackling noises could also be heard.
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