Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1289529-The-End-Dying--Big
by alex
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Fantasy · #1289529
Its about an orgasm

The END(Dying Big)

Your building your rising please swallow me whole
I don't care if he dies too I'll die alone
No more trembling stop tempting I want out
I want to die now with me in his mouth
I want to go down in your liquid arms
Pleas take me shake me and do me some harm

Fuck le petit morte I want to die big
With screaming and moaning I don't give a fig
No all I care about is that last big push
Over the threshold and whoosh
I'm floating and falling all at the same time
Oh please go faster now its hard to beg in rhyme

Just one last jolt
A vibration to set me free
Thats it yesssssssssss wait are u leaving me
Don't go that was great but I really want some more
That was way too short almost not worth dying for

I'll go down on my knees , if it will make you come again
But this time will you stay longer
Will you be my forever friend

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1289529-The-End-Dying--Big