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Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #1295274
Dark might not always be the enemy.
Adonia ravenscroft is the princess of the Avathars, but that quickly changes when her mother dissapears, and her father is to depressed to continue as king. To be queen of the Avathars (Shadows) turns out to be more of a hastle than Adonia may have thought. Along with running a country, Adonia is deturmined to find her mother, whom Adonia is sure is still alive, even through all of the protests, and assurences from her country, and High council that she's not.

I've had this civilization in my mind for almost two years now, but i couldn't come up with a plot for it. I had the country, the civilization, even who the main charactors would be, but i couldn't for the life of me come up with a story. i finnaly did, takeing an old story of mine, and revizing and changing it to fit the charactors. I still don't like the title, but that's what it is untill i can come up with a diffrent name for it.
#1. Chapter one: A War
ID #522958 entered on July 22, 2007 at 6:16pm

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