Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1308708-Sex
by Tye
Rated: 13+ · Essay · Opinion · #1308708
a precious stone tossed into immoral dirt
Now here’s a subject so often capitalized on, yet given no worth.  I can see my “believer” buddies as they click on the subject line saying, “Oh my goodness, she said the ‘S’ word”, while my non-Christian friends are doing a double take and cussing, “oh &^*%, I have got to see this- what could little miss “didn’t kiss anybody before marriage” have to say,” as they stumble over their mouse.

Allot.  As a matter of fact I started writing this as a result of something I do probably too often . . . Before you let your dirty little mind go too far, I did that after.  I was thinking.

I live on a military base, composed primarily of single marines between the ages of 18 to 25.  There are family housing installments for those of us who are married, but a hop-skip and a jump away stands a very large barracks community.  Taking a walk to the base mini mart is like being a hot chocolate donut in a police station.  Can anyone say target?  Yes, I’m married, but does that mean anything to your average, horny marine?  Not in the slightest.

Once, while standing in a bloody first aid room I had a discussion with a fellow patroller on this very topic.  Since 95% of Ski Patrol was and still is guys, sex was something I got an education about while working there, whether I wanted it or not.  I was venting my frustration about the way the world views sex so cheaply, like a 99 cent store item.  My buddy commented that he wouldn’t even pay that much for it.

Let’s just suppose for the sake of argument that having sex with who ever you want is, in any manner of speaking, ok.  Doesn’t really matter, male or female, as long as it feels good and it’s what you want.  That would make right and wrong a relative term. This would mean that there is no God; therefore no judgment and forgiveness of sin, and therefore sin is non-existent.
Ok so, Gods out of the picture, “in lust we trust” is on our pennies and every body’s hot, bothered and happy.  Without any basis of moral value or boundary, it would put us in the sphere of the animal kingdom, like monkeys or rabbits; whichever you prefer.  If our lifestyle were the equivalent to theirs (minus the swinging from branches and “poo” flinging, unless that floats your boat), then it would justify many other things.

Eating our young maybe?  We already kill our kids so I can’t add that. Or maybe even our partner(s).  From spiders to hyenas; many different species have been known to devour offspring and/or their mates, sometimes even while mating.

Disease could become a factor.  Oh wait, it already is.  With all this lawlessness, it’s only a matter of time before there’s cheating among partners; and a step beyond that, someone’s going to get pissed.  But its’ not wrong because, what is wrong, right?  So really, cheating would be sharing.

Cool.  But then of course, like animals, being territorial about what they claim or think is theirs would create a certain kind of hostility.  Well, we’re living in the realm of “do what you feel” so, somebody’s head might go boom.  Hate crimes don’t have a penalty, hence no worry of capture, imprisonment and death.  Meanwhile the youngsters that we haven’t knocked off will be learning all of these wonderful values and apply them to their playgrounds and back yards. 

So on and so forth, as humanity continues to live off the rim of the zipper and throw of the punch, the reason to live and value of life would become nothing more than a fight to survive.

Where would it stop?  Answer: it wouldn’t.  It would only get worse and worse.  Gradually, with the world in its current and rapidly declining state, we aren’t far from this scenario.   

There are many who think nothing of being careless with there bodies, even though it’s just sometimes; that casual fling.  Not bad, just human right?  Every body’s doing it, what’s the harm?  I’ve heard this line so many times-

“I’m not a slut, I don’t sleep with everybody.”

I’m curious, just how many times does it take?  One prom night, a co-worker here, a bar pick up there?  Or, God forbid- that one time with the girl you met at church.  And by the way, when I say “slut”, it applies to both genders equally.  Why is being promiscuous ok with all of these incurable diseases around: especially since they are a direct result of these acts.

Where do we draw the line?

Just what is right and wrong?

How do we determine it?

Who made the rules, humans?

Where did they hale from, the big bang? 

Has slim come up with some gooey commandments?

Did my knuckle dragging pappy have morals?

Did law evolve from a primordial soup?


I don’t think so. I think most people are so scared to believe in a creator because it gives limits.  It makes such a general act and opinion “not” ok.  That acting careless and/or thoughtless in and by our actions is destructive, whether you’re male or female and in the end all you’re living for is yourself and what makes you feel good. 

I think God created sex to be precious, sacred and a totally fun blessing shared by two people; that being man and wife who have promised to share this gift with only each other, indefinitely.  I think he intended virginity to be viewed as a diamond saved, given only once.

Is there still infidelity, disease and heartbreak?

It happens.  It’s still wrong, but it happens.  We are after all humans.  That’s why we needed forgiveness from a God who could save us from our own sin and stupidity.  Sin is still going to happen and can trip up anyone, even if you believe like I do.  I am by no means holy.  But I will live my life for the only one who is, read his word and follow his guidelines. 

What you do is purely your choice, and I won’t judge you for it.  I am a human as well; therefore I have no authority over you.  But I know what my God tells me is right and wrong, and so do I simply state.

So, if you haven’t wed her, don’t bed her. Is it a singular view?  Maybe; I can afford to be singular because I’m right.

Jer 17: [9] The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? 10] I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

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