Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1322751-How-it-Ends
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #1322751
The transition between death and hell
The wound was terrible.
The medical staff had stopped working so hard and furiously
They were fighting a lost cause.
The monitor flat lined,
And a steady buzz was the last thing I heard.

Contrary to what you might think,
it can get darker than pitch black
and colder than any arctic wind.
I was lost.
In a world of nothing.
Where my thoughts reverberate and echo at a thousand decibels.
Piercing me with knives of frost.
Where is my breath?
My heartbeat?
An eternity.
I can barely make out what had happened.

I was on my to a deal.
A place in a dark alley,
in the middle of the big city.
I had the goods,
they brought the money.
A few suitcases were opened and an argument broke out.
And I'll tell you what,
those black limousines must have been bulletproof.
Thirty seconds later I was laying on a bricked sidewalk,
bleeding from icy wounds.
A woman screamed and...

It went bad.
Very bad.
And now here I am.
Floating through endless nothing.
I cannot even feel my own hands,
Let alone see them.
I simply don't exist anymore.
I'm a lone conciseness floating through a vacuum.
Hours seem to pass as I float and think.
Something breaks the silence.
A sound like television static.
I try to look in the direction of the sound,
But it's a useless gesture.
It is all around me,
And I can't move of my own will.
So what can I do?
I keep thinking.

I come to in a brightly lit room.
But I cant see.
I know it must be a hospital.
I can smell sterility and recycled air.
A mask is placed over my face,
And I am out again.
But not before I caught a glance of the corner
Don't let him near me!
But no one can hear me.
I am too weak

Still I float.
A slow ride along a cosmic road.
But I now feel subtle currents.
I may be moving downwards.
I think.
And thinking is all I can do.
I ponder the last minutes.
The choices I've made.
No regrets.
My descent hastens.
It is a tangible force.
Like an invisible waterfall.
I am still unconscious,
But I can perceive what is happening now.

I can see my body.
Plugged into various tubes.
Somehow my condition has stabilized.
I can hear the doctors murmuring.
"It's a miracle." Some say.
"Serves him right." Say others.
And for a while the room is silent.
They leave to admit others into the emergency room.
After a few minutes I can hear footsteps.
Large boots clattering on the tiles.
After a moment an orderly walks in and checks my vitals.
But something is unusual about this one.
He is too big.
His shoulders far too broad.
And then I panic.
My heart rate screams on the monitor.
He doesn't work here!
Keep him away!
I struggle as best I can,
But I cannot control myself.
I am not within my body.
The man peeks a quick glance out the double doors.
Then he swiftly glides back to my side.
A sinister smile crosses his face.
He pulls out a small hypodermic needle,
filled with a black fluid,
and empties it into my IV bag.
And then he waits
looking over me with a triumphant sneer.
His eyes.
Like those of a shark
No pity
My monitor buzzes

The vision fades and I am floating once again.
A feeling of weightlessness overtakes me.
I am falling now.
The gravity pulls my thoughts in every direction.
And in the distance I see something,
far off,
but getting closer.
Red lights.
Now I can hear breathing!
Like that of a beaten dog.
And then I hear the laughter.
Laughter composed of millennia of lunacy.
A mad cackle of blood and lust.
And the eyes are before me.
His eyes!
A pressure grabs my legs.
"Welcome to eternity,"
the most loathsome voice I've ever heard hisses,
"We promise to keep you warm."
The last thing I can recall is the smell of rotten meat and hot breath.
And then the pain begins.

© Copyright 2007 TheRainMustFall (therainmustfal at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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