Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/polls/item_id/1327799-A-small-world-Are-you-international
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by mars
Rated: E · User Poll · Other · #1327799
Please vote to tell how "international" your life is
Poll Question:

Name-sig-2 for "It's a small world" by Terry


How international are you?

The world seems to get smaller and smaller nowadays. With fast transportation and modern media, a country that was the other side of the world not so long ago, feels now like our neighbour. But does that make us more international? That's what I would like to find out.

So please vote, to tell about the role of other countries, the world, in your life.
Happily focused on the country of your birth? Or is your life perhaps coloured by people and countries from the other side of the world?


Rainbow sig for It's A Small World by Tammy


Poll Options:
      My life is largely limited to one country and that is fine with me
      My life is largely limited to one country, but I wish it were different
      My parents originate from different countries and that has influenced me
      We migrated when I was young, so I was brought up in two or more countries
      I moved abroad or am seriously considering it, because that's what I (always) wanted
      Circumstances (job; economic or political situation; arranged marriage; war; disaster; persecution etc) forced me to migrate
      My partner (marital or not) is from abroad
      My life is internationally colored, because of foreign friends or I travel a lot or I am otherwise busy with other countries
      Two or more situations above, apply to me or my situation is not mentioned; my life is internationally orientated for sure
Note: Once you have voted, you will be shown the current results for this poll. You may only vote one time in each poll and you will see up to the minute results anytime you may view it again.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/polls/item_id/1327799-A-small-world-Are-you-international