Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1329905-Cubs-Get-Spanked-Full-Version
by Justyn
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1329905
Erotic story in the SkyBox
"Jus, we got 'em!" Holt yelled as he walked in the house. His eyes flashed excitement as he waved two tickets in the air. 

"Sweet!" Justyn called out as she ran down the hall. "Brian use his connections to score us some good ones?"

"Yup! You won't believe this.  Peyton's sis-in-law works for the Cubs.  Annie had four tickets in the SkyBox.  She and her husband and Brian and Peyton were gonna go.  Well, Annie's husband had to go out of town all of a sudden, so she's helping him get everything taken care of.  Its third game, so she's not as worried about missing it as she would if it were later in the Series.  Annie said as long as we pony up the price she paid, the tickets are ours."

"WHO-HOO!!" Justyn grabbed Holt around the neck in glee. "I'm assuming you had no problem with that, right?  And Brian and Peyton are still going?"

"SkyBox seats at Wrigley Field, to see the Cubs whoop on the Red Sox, Game Three of the World Series, baby!" Holt grinned as he fanned the tickets in Justyn's face. "Think you can be ready in half an hour? I wanna get there early."

"I am on it!" Justyn smacked a kiss on Holt before running to get ready.

When Justyn walked in the living room twenty minutes later, Holt grinned and licked his lips.  His girl was hot regardless, but in a pair of ass-hugging shorts and a snug Cubbies jersey with the top buttons flipped open, she looked positively delicious.  Her honey blond hair spilled out of her ball cap, and bounced along with her nice tits as she walked towards Holt.

"Hey, baby, ready to go?" Justyn shot Holt a look that was more than a bit inviting. Holt grabbed her up in his arms, and began nuzzling her neck in the spot she loved.

"Yeah, lets go," he growled in her ear. "Right here, right now."

"Thought you wanted to get there early. What got you so worked up?" Justyn teased.

"Hm, let's see.  Your tits are nearly hanging out of your shirt, and your jeans are painted on your ass, and your legs go all the way up to there.  You do the math!" Holt's tongue flicked Justyn's collar bone before traveling down to trace the edge of her jersey. 

"Besides," he added, "we got lots of time."

"Horny man," Justyn giggled. "You're gonna have to wait. We got a game to watch!" She wiggled out of his arms, slowly, and not without a rather obvious shimmy against Holt's engorged cock.

"Tease," Holt tossed after her. "Work a man up, then bounce away from him. Gonna have to pay for that later."

Justyn watched with a grin as Holt adjusted his jeans to be able to walk comfortably. Unable to resist, she leaned down and kissed the tip of his denim-encased cock before turning around to head out the door.  And yelped in delight when Holt's hand cracked across her ass.

"So there! Naughty girl, let that be a lesson to you," Holt called after her as she walked towards the car.

Muttering to herself, but JUST loud enough to reach Holt's ears, Justyn commented, "Yeah, like THAT"S incentive for me to stop." The grin she tossed back over her shoulder at her guy was matched by his own. Damn, it was gonna be a good game!

Thirty-five minutes later, after one of the hottest drives of Holt's life, they pulled into Wrigley Field. Looking a little pained, Holt climbed out of the car to find Brian and Peyton waiting for them. 

"Hey, guys!" Justyn jumped out of the car and gave them both a big hug.  "Peyton, thanks SO much for these awesome tickets!"

"No problem.  I figured it would be a great day for the four of us." Lowering her voice so only Justyn could hear, she added with a wink, "And boy, is it a good day.  I got Brian all worked up before the game."

"Ha, no kidding," Justyn grinned back at her friend. " I did the same thing to Holt all the way down here. Kept my fingers and my hands and my tongue on his cock, but kept backing off when he got close."

As the girls linked arms and giggled together, their men followed a little slower.

"Damn, that girl," Brian said with an ache in his voice. "She's been teasing me all afternoon. I feel like I"m gonna crack, I'm so hard!"

"Yours too, huh?" Hold returned with a grimace. "Justyn too. She was giving me head on the way down here. Every time I thought I was gonna blow, she'd stop. I can feel my blood pounding in my head.....both of them!"

"Those two vixens think they're so slick.  I think we should give them a taste of their own medicine, huh? You know that box is pretty private on a sunny day like today, right?" Brian winked at Holt.

"Nice," Holt agreed with a high five to his friend. "We'll get them all heated up, and make 'em wait till we get home." The two guys high-fived again, and grinned at their girls, determined to heat up that SkyBox.

The SkyBox was full, but not nearly as crowded as the four friends had expected. Mostly, people would come down and grab a bite, then head back up to the deck to watch the game in the sunshine.  After all, what better way to watch a World Series game then in unexpected summer weather, just milling about with friends.  Warm sun, good baseball, and hot girls.

"Holt!" Justyn gasped out in a whisper. "Quit! You're driving me crazy!"

Holt just grinned. Knowing Justyn's buttons meant that Holt knew exactly what effect he was having on her. Sitting in the hot sun next to his even hotter sweatheart, Holt was leaning forward with his forearms resting on his knees. His fingers slowly traced JUST under the hem of Justyn's shorts.  Well, maybe a little higher every now and then. He leaned in to kiss her neck, nibble her earlobe and whisper to her.

"Yeah, baby, I know. Call it...payback! You were doing...what, exactly all the way down here? Jus, you wear shorts like this...." his fingers trailed farther up her leg and danced across her wet panties as she shifted to accomodate him. "...and a top like this..." his tongue skimmed her collarbone while his fingers flicked under her jersey. "....and then you give me head in the car but leave me hanging?" Holt chuckled. "Honey, I just want to make you feel as great as I do!"

Justyn moaned as Holt's breath heated up her ear and his tongue flicked across that OH SO SENSITIVE spot by her ears. CRACK!! The roar of the crowd startled Justyn back to reality, and made her remember that she was sitting in Wrigley's SkyBox with 49 other people, getting wetter by the second.  God, Holt was so hot!! And the things he did with his tongue! Even twirling it around her neck gave promise of things to come later!

Holt and Brian leaped to their feet as the Cub's third baseman sent the ball deep into left field, dropping near the wall and sending him to second base. The guys cheered, and high-fived over their girls' heads.  Justyn glanced at Peyton, trying to un-cross her eyes and focus on the game after Holt had gotten her all worked up. She gasped when she realized that her friend looked a little like she felt..

"Peyton, you alright? Getting too warm?" Justyn asked. It WAS a hot day....heat exhaustion would just suck!

"Warm, yeah. More like freaking steamy!" Peyton said with a dry laugh. She leaned into Justyn and whispered, "Dammit, Brian's been stroking my pussy the whole game! I have no idea 'Who's on First'....or anywhere else for that matter!"

"Me neither," Justyn grimaced. "Holt's been licking and flicking and teasing me all afternoon. He says its payback." Justyn giggled. "Ok, yeah, I guess I did get him all worked up on the way to the game. But he's making it mighty hard to know....or care.....what's going on on the field!"

Holt dropped back into his seat.  "Man, did you see that, Jus? That was a nice swat, out there to left field."

Justyn fired a mock-glare at her man, and said with false sweetness, "No sweetie.  I didn't see anything, mostly because you were busy stroking me....sorta like this!" And she reached over and ran her manicured nails up the denim covering his cock. Justyn's smile widened as Holt groaned and grabbed her wrist. How those guys could concentrate on the game was beyond her!

"Speaking of swats......" Holt playfully said to his girl. "Baby, you keep that up, you might just feel a swat on that tight little ass of yours."

"Mmmm," Justyn pretended indifference, contrary to the fact that her pussy was now throbbing. "A swat, huh? Hmmm." She leaned in to kiss him, making sure that he enjoyed the full effect of her low-cut jersey. "You're gonna SPANK me? Before, or AFTER you take my jeans off?"

Holt was close to exploding, his eyes rolled back in his head at that blatant invitation. To make matters worse, Justyn's hand was cupping his now-hard cock through his jeans. Her hand travelled around his girth and she rubbed her amazing tits on him. Her explicit whispering was making his cock jump under her touch.  Justyn backed away and stood up, noticing that now it was Holt's turn to re-focus on the game.

"Hey, Peyton, I gotta go to the bathroom. Wanna be all girlie, and come with me?" Justyn asked her friend, while keeping her eyes on Holt.

"Sure!" Peyton returned. "Getting pretty warm up here anyway. We'll bring sodas back up for you guys." Her innocent look at Brian told Justyn that both guys were probably in the same state.

As the girls started to walk down the stairs, another loud CRACK was heard. This one however, did NOT come from the field.  And was followed by a very erotic yelp from Justyn. Holt's grin was a mile wide when Justyn whipped back around.

"Told ya, baby. THAT one was a "before".  You can imagine the "after" for later." Several people in the SkyBox looked confused at Holt's statement. Justyn, though, was even more turned on. The men's eyes devoured their girls as they sashayed down the stairs, knowing full well what sort of exit they were making.

"Oh my God, I'm so turned on!" Justyn confided to her friend on the way down the stairs. "Its so 'bad-girl' when Holt spanks me.....but its so hot!"

"Jus, its pretty hot watching Holt smack your ass.I enjoyed it....pretty sure Brian did too." Peyton winked at her friend. "Let's get back up there and get them hotter and harder. And I have just the idea!"

The guys knew something was up when the girls walked back up the stairs, both looking like the cat who swallowed the canary. Not knowing what was up, they both settled in to enjoy the ride, figuring it would be something enjoyable. And probably pretty steamy, too.

Justyn reached Holt first and handed him his soda. Bending over as far as possible, giving him a great view of her tits in the process, Justyn touched her lips...and her tongue...to his. As Holt's eyes closed and his lips touched Justyn's, he heard a smaller crack and felt her jerk.

"Hey, you're in my way, I can't sit down!" Peyton remarked. Without moving, Justyn turned back over her shoulder and wiggled her ass at Peyton.  With a huge grin on both girls' faces, Peyton smacked her ass again.

Holt and Brian simply watched their girls. They were good friends, and both pretty outgoing.  But Holt didn't remember seeing Peyton's hand on his girlfriend's ass before. And if he wasn't mistaken, she lingered a bit. Turned it into more of a caress. Hm. Food for thought.

All of a sudden, Holt's favorite team sort of faded in importance. Sort of.  It WAS the World Series, after all. And the Cubbies were doing a good job of running over the Red Sox. And DAMN, those girls were hot! Justyn's dark blond hair mingling with Peyton's fiery red mane as they leaned in to talk to each other. Peyton's tits were just a bit smaller than Justyn's but a nice handful none-the-less. Both girls were full and perky and bouncy. Peyton was a bit taller, but both had tanned legs that stretched to their asses. A man could easily imagine them wrapped around his back. Or spread apart with his face buried. Or entwined together. With each other.

"Shit!" Holt thought to himself. His jeans were getting more snug the farther that train of thought carried him.  All of a sudden, he had a vivid picture of Justyn, bent over Peyton,  with her tongue on her clit. While he pounded her pussy with his cock. As Peyton gave Brian head. Who was playing ball? Oh yeah. Cubbies. World Series. Right. Hot girls. Hot naked girls. Hot naked girls together. Who was up to bat? What was the score? Score, hell! Who cared about the game!

Holt leaned over to Justyn and whispered in her ear, flicking his tongue out every few seconds. Justyn began to whimper.

"Baby, that was pretty hot, seeing Peyton's hand on your ass. Did you like it?" Holt asked. Justyn looked him in the eyes and nodded. Holt continued kissing and whispering to her as his fingers brushed her wet pussy.

"You are so wet! Looks like you've been a little worked up all afternoon. Tell me something, Jus. Who's up to bat right now?" Justyn was incapable of answering, since Holt's fingers had cruised under her panties, and he was now stroking her swollen clit. 

Not like Justyn CARED at this point who was at bat.  All she could think of was Holt's 'bat'. She so badly wanted his cock in her pussy. Another idea was sparking in her head as well. Justyn imagined Holt's cock in her pussy, while Peyton licked her clit. With Brian pouding into Peyton. God, she thought. How would she even go about putting THAT fantasy into reality!

"So," a hot whisper cruised her ear. "Ever thought about tasting Peyton?" Justyn's eyes flew open as Holt plunged a finger inside her now-throbbing pussy. "Its a good thing everyone's focused on the game." Holt continued to stroke her hot flesh as she began to pant. "Baby, you look like you're gonna come. Are you? Are you gonna come on my hand? Right here in the SkyBox?" Justyn just nodded. She no longer cared if the entire world saw her come.  She just wanted that release. But Holt kept stroking, teasing, taking her to the edge then backing off.

"You know," he continued to whisper in her ear, "Peyton's got all that red hair. I bet she'd buck and writhe under your tongue. Your hands gripping her hips while her nails dug into your arms." Holt's fingers pumped Justyn's pussy faster, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. "Ooh, what about her tongue right....here?" Holt asked as he ran his thumb over her hard little nub.

Justyn rocked against Holt's hand, chewing her lower lip to keep from yelling. Somewhere, far beyond the roaring in her ears, Justyn could hear the sounds of the game and the fans swirling around her. But she was lost in a world of sensation, pulling and yearning to fall off that cliff.

"Come on, baby. Come for me. Think about Peyton eating your pussy while I watch. You're so wet! Oh, baby, my cock is rock hard right now, I wanna plunge it into your pussy. While you flick your tongue over Peyton's swollen clit."  Holt's fingers slowed a bit, as he watched for a reaction from his girl.

"Oh my God Holt, don't stop, please don't stop!" Justyn begged him, her eyes flying open and her hand pressed over his.

Holt knew she was close, he could see the glazed look in her eyes, and smell her unique scent. He leaned over her and kissed her deeply as he wrapped his other arm around her. Holt continued to stroke her as Justyn went rigid in his arms.

"Oh my God oh my God oh my God," Justyn panted into Holt's mouth, as quietly as possible.

"Come in the SkyBox, baby." Holt fingered and stroked her as her body went wild.  Justyn's eyes closed as her body rocked into orgasm. And still Holt stroked her.  Wave after wave of extacy crashed over her, and she panted into Holt's mouth.

Bit by bit, as Holt stilled his fingers, Justyn went limp in his arms. Justyn blearily opened her eyes, and watched Holt lick his fingers of her juices. And realized she had just been fingered in the SkyBox. In front of tons of people.  God, everyone must be watching, Justyn thought.

Justyn wasn't sure if she spoke that thought aloud, or if Holt just read her mind, but she was surprised when he whispered in her ear.

"No, baby, no one noticed. Might have been fireworks for you, but everyone else is watching the game.  Since the Cubbies just got a two-run homer and now lead by three." Holt's wicked grin crossed his face.

As Justyn floated back down to earth, she realized that the roar of the crowd was now deafening (How did she not notice that before!) and that everyone was on their feet (Well, and thanks for the privacy screen!).  Everyone, but Peyton and Brian. Who were staring hotly at her, and had watched the entire show. AND had heard Holt's whisperings.

With the crowd still on their feet and distracted by the game, Peyton leaned over to her friend.  Looking deep into her eyes, Peyton murmured low.

"Jus, that was unbelievably hot. You are so sexy. I am so wet watching you." Peyton's lips lightly brushed Justyn's. Unable to resist and still worked up, Justyn flicked her tongue out to graze Peyton. Peyton's eyes flew open in surprise (but NOT shock, Justyn realized) but gazed sultrily into her face as she nipped Justyn's lower lip with her teeth before slowly pulling back. Keeping her eyes locked on Justyn's, the girls seemed to speak volumes.

Holt and Brian simply looked at each other after watching the display of their girls. Both were pretty sure that the kiss was totally unplaned, and NOT for the benefit of the guys. Which was totally fine with them.  Hell, if their girls wanted to make out in front of them, the only thing that crossed the guys' minds was "HELL YEAH!"

Holt leaned over the girls and high-fived his best friend. Damn, it was going to be a GOOD game!
© Copyright 2007 Justyn (kjsleah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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