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Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1348687
Sometimes we bump into problems, but if we look hard enough....
The room was empty, it was almost frightening. The young boy sat up and looked around the small, dark, musty and empty room. The room’s emptiness overwhelmed him. It not only had no objects or pieces of furniture, but it was completely devoid of any features. It was just a perfect cube. No scuttling beetles, no dust, no floorboards or anything.  Just featureless, gray surface. It overwhelmed him. He seemed out of place. He got up and looked for a door. His search failed before it began. It was no use looking for something you knew wouldn’t be there.  It seemed that he was inside an empty cube. He got up to put his arms onto the wall to the left of him, hoping to push it. But as he put his hands onto the wall, it wavered. He recoiled in shock as the wall that seemed perfectly solid stopped wavering and went back to being flat and featureless. He looked at the wall for a few moments. He then ran at the wall, jumping into it. His body collided with the solid wall and he fell back on his back. Groaning in pain he looked at the wall with a mixture of annoyance and confusion. He then pushed it again with his hand. His palm was only greeted with the cold of metal. He sat back down on the ground and stared intently at the wall. What was preventing him from getting through this wall? It worked before.  He then lay down on the floor and remained there, bored. He sat there staring at the wall. He got up again and looked at the same wall, there had to be a way through it. He closed his eyes and did exactly what he did before, try to push it. He put his palms up to the wall and felt something. He opened his eyes to see the wall wavering in front of his hands. He pushed forwards, watching in fascination as his hands went through the wall. As he leaned his body forward a sense of wonder tingled through his body. He didn’t step forward; afraid he would break the wall’s effect. Eventually he realized that his arms couldn’t go any farther and that he needed to step forward. He cautiously stepped his foot forward, putting it into the wall. His arms were engulfed in the wall now. They felt unusual, like they didn’t exist. Eventually the feeling started to course through his leg as half his body went through the wall. He kept his head back, leaving that till last. He shifted his last leg and arm around and forced them through the wavering wall. All that remained was his head, sticking out pointlessly. He took one final breath of the musty air and lunged his head through the wall. He found a solution.

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