Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1382545-Endless-Sunset
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1382545
After a one night stand with a succubus.
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Walking down the shore
Singing love sonnets to myself
I wish for any other love
I wish for anything else
As I walk, I wonder
I ponder
All our old anecdotes
Our first kiss
And all the love notes
All the times we missed
And even now
All the time long gone with the wind
I even quandary all our sins
Only then
Do tears travel down my face
From deep within my soul
"I wish for any other way," then,
"I promise any other toll I'll pay."
So again to rid my angst
I shall sing softly to myself
Off long beach shore
Left only to follow
The north star
I query where I are."
"Lost in the fog,"
said a voice from behind.
"Lets lay on the beach,
Have ourselves a good time."
Me with a mind of my own,
"I've been here before,"
So I should have known.
"Shall we lay and talk?"
Twas as I said
"Tis an either or,
either I'm perfect,
or I'm the perfect score."
And in her response I was astonished

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In consequence I was left to reminess
Of a time I was less than honest
As she whispers in my ear
Telling me exactly what I wish to hear
"Think not only live
For you could always die
Prior to day break."
"Could that be true?" I query
"For oh how I'd love to die during sunrise."
Quite the quandary she must agree
And in turn she has a question for me
With outlandish insight
She offers a compelling inquiry
"What may I ask, would
be your one last wish to cast?"
A pause then, "If you were to die
before the end of this very night?"
She continued with her quandry
"Love?" followed by a pause
"Money?" pause
"Power?" yet another pause
"Or lust?" followed by a long pause
Patiently she awaited an answer
In response I ascend, "Wishes
are for children and fools,
and men who only live to pretend."
Then I give this temptation
Sincere consideration
And this was my exact reply
"I am not a boy, though I may be
neigh a man, I live for myself.
However I'm wishing to hold your hand."
With in moments our hands had met
And were intertwined at the tips
Then with in one blink of an eye
We began to kiss and I was lost in her lips

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In the retrospect of time
Only seconds changed my mind
In an instant I began to speek
"Your eyes
With the blue of the ocean
Your smile
To true for devotion
From the hand I hold
To the name
To go unknown
What else would one desire?"
After a brief intermission
Her head arose off my shoulder
As she teased my heart
And whispered in my ear
Again telling exactly
As I wished to hear
"I am yours
I'll be whatever your heart adores
I can fix your greatest flaw
Or could cure your greatest fear
You could ask anything of me
Anything my dear."
I silence my heart
And speak with my mind
"The only thing I'd adore
Is just to know your name."
In her stare I can tell
She doesn't want the same
So unto her I ask
"Tis it all just a game?"
Quiet doth she remain
Until now I'm proceeded by fame
In this instant I hope she's felt my pain
Rehearsing rhetoric in my mind
Thinking of words for her to dine
"My greatest flaw
Oh how easily I do fall
For such a sweet girl."
I pause
Then begin to continue,
"My greatest fear
It is right now
As well it is right here."
No longer do I care
Mattering none to me
It is what it is
So I shale let it be
In turn I ascend
"Along the shore shale we stroll?"
And as I finish she shows her control
"Could I ask?" followed by a pause
Then the progression of, "I heard, you
Wishing, for any other way.
Promising, any other toll be paid?"

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"Yes my lady those were my words
But how?"
Then the interpersonal question of,
"How were they heard?"
This is where I became absurd
And this is where she began to cry
The silence which followed
Echoes still unto the sunrise
Her head never left my shoulder
Tears trickling onto my chest
How could I have been so irate
Why would I feel such unrest
To yell and to scream
Demoralize and almost maim
When it was neigh even a lie
I attempted to caress her cheek
I attempted sleek if not sheik
Tickles more feckless than time
So why touch from tosie
To nosie except to try
At this point I began to cry
After hours maybe even days
Of a stand still affront the un rising sun
I was out of fuel, exhausted, done
In an attempt to save my soul
I sought redemption
My reply was as I mention
"One true wish,
before my demise?"
This said I
And her reply, "Forgiveness?"
"Neigh, nay, to die,
before the break of day."
Thinking before speaking
Has been my down fall many prior
But twas as I deserved
"My last wish,
to die alone with you,
in our final kiss
staring into the slow rising sun,
giving you a time of which,
to reminess."
And that was it

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1382545-Endless-Sunset