Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1395804-I-Think-Ill-Join-The-Circus
by SWPoet
Rated: E · Poetry · Children's · #1395804
A child's first day at school and it was a really tough day.
I Think I’ll Join The Circus

I came home from school today
A frown had formed upon my face
I do not like my school at all
I think I’ll join the circus this Fall

I’ll be a clown with great big feet
Swing in the sky on the highest trapeze
Jump motorcycles through rings of fire
Or teach new tricks to the lions and tigers.

Or maybe I could join a rock and roll band
Travel in a bus across this great land
I could play the keyboard or electric guitar
And make people happy wherever they are

Cause at school all I do is make people sad
My teacher can’t figure out why I get so mad
When the other kids make fun of me
Cause I’m strong as an ox and busy as a bee

Just ‘cause I’m different doesn’t make me weird
I thought school wouldn’t be as bad as I’d feared
But on my first day, I spilled glue on Claire
And then she leaned over and it got stuck in her hair

I tripped over the cord and pulled down the TV
Then I got lost on the way to P.E. 
When I asked directions from a kid named Paul 
I got a frowny face for talking in the hall

Then I was late getting back to my class
So I ran down the hall faster than fast
And got another frowny face for running inside
And then I got a third one for not being on time

All of this drama, I’m sorry to say
Happened to me that very first day
If you want to hear about my second day of horrors
You’ll have to wait till I get home tomorrow.

The End
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